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212man 11th May 2010 01:47

I see elsewhere that the pilot of 5N-BGN - who tried to pull the head off with AEO blow away power and then forgot to mention it in the tech log - is now with Caverton. Head of Training I guess? It's going to be a 'class act' :uhoh:

unstable load 11th May 2010 09:41

Indeed! Aren't you glad you left when you did? :eek:

212man 11th May 2010 11:08

No, I rue the day......:E

SASless 11th May 2010 13:32

Silly Sod! If he would have put it into the Tech Log he would have been granted two weeks home leave to de-stress!:=

Ah but consider the many possibilities extant in Nigeria 212Man! Just think where you could have wound up!

You and NEO could be setting up a magical kingdom all of your own....perhaps you might consider doing a Consultancy thing for Shell. Might as well be a Wolf as a Sheep you know!

Who knows....you might be able to move up in life and get a house on Coronation Street and a Reserved seat at the Container Bar complete with dedicated Hostess. No NVG's needed for Night Flying.....just some Beer Goggles!

212man 11th May 2010 15:03

Did I just imagine that SASless just wrote a very short answer, someone else wrote something, and then when I return I see SASless wrote a long answer and the other poster had disappeared?

I wasn't aware a seat was required - I thought it was a drive through?

SASless 11th May 2010 20:21

That is what you get for driving a Porsche....goes too fast for the conditions then existing....see what you miss!:E

Musket33 12th May 2010 03:09

Hi SasLess

Looks like big changes in Nigeria for Bristows?
Still good to have so many old names back commenting on the forum!
Cheers from Las Vegas

chuks 12th May 2010 06:22

What comes back to haunt you...
My last employer asked the serfs for ideas, new markets to explore, when I just had to recommend Nigeria and the idea of trying to unseat a certain toppest pointy shoes operator.

Firstly came a v., v. starchy reply from World HQ Zurich that this their toppest local partner, best Twinned Ooter customer ever, operated to the very highest standards ever so that I should just crawl back into my hole if I presumed to think that anyone else could do a better job than they. So that was me told!

Next came news on the Bush Telegraph of 100% of their Twinned Ooter fleet having now been fitted with semi-retractable landing gear at Bonni Airstrip. So that was them told!

This should be absolutely fascinating to see, the chaos that shall presumably ensue.

SASless 12th May 2010 11:45

Musket Lad....I reckon you have your Green ATPL, Work Permit, and Brown Drivers License all dusted off in anticiptation of returning to Paradise where you can once again forge that special bond between Man, Machine, and the Claggy Skies of the Niger Delta?

Knowing how "In" you are with the Shadow Management and all.....have access to Boxcar loads of hair dye for dashing your Uncle and a penchant for wearing pointy toes ....shall we see you climbing the greasy pole of management in the new era of Toppest Aviation coming to the old Bristow private reserve?

Why you might find yourself a wife at the Container Bar and seek a Chiefdom in the local Political system....and be set for life. Why with your background in computer security you might even open up a Consultancy for NNPC's financial department and work strictly off commission of funds safely transferred without showing on the books anywhere!

What say you Squire?

Chuks dear boy....new opportunities abound for you too old bean! Now that you have found the Holy Grail in the form of a real live JAA license....why you should be golden. Perhaps you and Musket can form a syndicate and act as the base of knowledge the new bunch shall be seeking as they form up this Toppest operation extant. We shall watch for developments as you keep us posted in your maneuvering for greatness once again. Who knows....perhaps there is some real estate to be had for a good price now that Bristow shall be trimming their Staff like a Tree in Autumn. Least ways the Croc and Night Fighters at your second favorite haunt would be on a better diet. Alas, your first choice, that German fellow's presence shall probably have fallen victim to the changes. It is an ill wind that does no good in that regard I guess. But....you can persevere despite that I reckon.

Nigerian Expat Outlaw 12th May 2010 14:21


COME BACK, WE MISS YOU !! Mine's a Heineken. Of course you'll need a Citation XLS rating but after paying out for a JAA licence you obviously have the funds ??


How many years have you been out of Nigeria apart from the odd couple of months here and there ? Since Somalia ? Yet you have more posts than anyone I have ever seen on this forum. You need to get out more mate. Switch off the computer from time to time !!

Aah, Happy Days.


SASless 12th May 2010 16:14

NEO....I might make the same recommendation to you....I did get out more....a very long way away from the Magic Kingdom you are so fond of clinging to. Surely, it ain't only the pay that keeps you there. What do you find so intriquing about the place? The pounded yam and pepper soup?

Musket33 13th May 2010 05:53

Hi SaSless

Don't think I could handle another case of malaria or a gulder hangover!

Just enjoy reading NEO and Chuks witty banter?

mtoroshanga 14th May 2010 13:04

Bell 212 in Nigeria
Is anyone still operating 212's in Africa?

spinwing 14th May 2010 13:28

Mmmm ...

I think ADA still has one (?) in Ethiopia .... does that count as Africa??


unstable load 14th May 2010 18:09


Court down in Cape Town have 2 maybe 3 212's.

Soave_Pilot 14th May 2010 20:39

Hey folks...
I'm just wondering what are the minimum requirements to sit on the co-pilot seat nowadays there? And average starting salary?

Thanks for any shared info!

oldtimersdisease 15th May 2010 02:59

or if you can court a suitable Nigereian madame.
Cecilia Ibru perhaps? :E

oldtimersdisease 15th May 2010 17:28

Bristow still hasn't had any formal, written notification that they're being replaced on the Shell contract yet and DanCaverton (as I saw them described elsewhere) have been told they have to have a chopper on site in 6 weeks. What a way to run a business :ugh:

oldtimersdisease 18th May 2010 06:38

Rather than inspiring any activity, the loss of the Shell contract seems to have completely paralysed Bristow, and the statement from the MD has just spread fear through all the bases with everyone over 60 wondering if they'll suddenly be pensioners within a few months. An almost all new management seems to be continuing as if nothing is amiss, with the Majah trying to micro-manage until the last dying days of his Raj with Wacko Jackoff trying to take that role over and interfere in everything while managing nothing. It's all terribly reminiscent of what happened to Aero after the CHC take over with lots of guys coming in who knew it all and thought operating in Nigeria is just like operating anywhere else.

I hear Caverton and DanCopter are already getting lots of applications, but a lot will depend on whether they get any managers with any real level of management experience rather than a float plane pilot with a nice hair do and a bunch of other amateurs who definitely need the continuing services of NN if they're going to do anything. What hogwash :} Of course they'll do well; they're a bunch of well-connected Nigerians who don't need business sense in the Western model, just the know-how of what it takes to do business the African way. Aero and Bristow should both be very afraid.

malabo 18th May 2010 16:03

So all you whisky-soaked, over-the-hill expats get run out, what's the big deal? You want the Nigerians to be your insurance plan for mismanaging your life because as a highly-paid, tax-free, all expenses paid professional, you couldn't store enough nuts away for the winter?

From the young, Nigerian, aspiring pilot point-of-view, the sooner the better. They want your seats, and are entitled to them.

Africa for Africans

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