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High Nr 11th Mar 2005 10:00

Who gives a Toss? [Another Pom in the US]
I do.

Imagine an Australian trying to own a Helicopter Company in the big USA, or even Canada.

It would or could not happen, full stop.

The Yanks would take you to court, and the Canadians would buy you out, before you showed them up.

Power to Australian Helicopters and their staff, wonder what foreign owned contract is next to head back home.

Quite a few I suspect.

Rot8tor 11th Mar 2005 12:42

Cannot believe I am being dragged into this
As an ex English teacher I just helpfully point out the Antipodean registered contributors' failings in their spelling:

Loose means slack - he wears his belt loose around his waist,

Lose means to misplace something - I lose two mobile phones a year.

Sorry to intervene but it so distracts (me) from any argument you might have.

High Nr 11th Mar 2005 19:27

Teacher - Your correct.
But your a Pilot now!!, so show some tolerance towards your now lesser colleagues.

If I woz any smartor, I wood bea a Chalkie now!!

Still got your Cane at home?

Rot8tor 11th Mar 2005 20:15

I see this might take some time .....
Spelling 4/10 - see me:

Your - possessive adjective

You're - abbreviation of you are

Aussie Mate 11th Mar 2005 20:33

Don't weaken Nr.

At least you use full stops at the completion of your sentences.

Now back to the subject matter at hand.

Quickdraw 11th Mar 2005 21:36

Vice Like, well said!

High NR
I will assume here that CHC, like any other company that operates a government (department) contract must demonstrate the content of "Australian Industry Involvement" through an "Australian Industry Involvement Plan". This means that a company must maintain a set amount of ‘Australian Involvement’ in order to maintain/sustain the contract. This figure is normally set at greater than 80%. The Government is then able to award contracts to foreign owned companies providing that they use Aussie involvement and not let all the funds go offshore.

So having a foreign company operating a government contract in Australia is fine by me, indeed it keeps many of my colleagues employed on better than award rates of pay, properly maintained aircraft, and flexibility in areas of work (offshore, EMS, SAR) not to mention a career progression for pilots/crewman (read crewpersons) and engineers.

I wish Aussie Helicopters all the best they obviously had the more attractive bid on the day. From what I hear, the Adelaide contract was a tough gig for CHC with regard to the types of clients that were involved. Maybe it’s good for all concerned that there is a change of operator and no I am not suggesting for one minute that CHC would have just let it go. I guess CHC will be even more determined now to secure the NSW EMS operation/s. ‘Swings and roundabouts’ my friend that’s how it works!

As for you High NR you were once apart of the system, however because you failed to meet the standards you left 3 seconds before being pushed… don’t be angry and hide behind the ‘Aussie’ company argument.

Be grateful that we have competition in Australia and we need companies/operators like (in no specific order) CHC, Bristow, Jayrow, Australian Helicopters, QR, Careflight, Westpac, Heliair, Helicopters Australia, Rotorlift, Lifeflight, Child Flight... etc etc who provide a pathway to pilots/crewman/engineers to increase their skills/knowledge/ability thereby making our Australian market more safer and more profitable.

Sorry for long post, I don’t see the need to constantly harp on this offshore owned company thing! High NR you need to be more constructive not destructive

Quickdraw :)

Rot8tor, please cut me some slack on the spelling/grammer it's been a tough morning. ;)

407 Driver 12th Mar 2005 03:51

Rot8tor, does Anal - Retentive have a hyphen or not? :confused:

Just wondering?

High Nr 12th Mar 2005 07:38

Retiring - My last comment on the subject.
Being the last of the "Out of the Closet" Aussie Rednecks, I support all things Aussie before the imported item.

Is that so terrible?

Be Australian Buy Australian, seems to have been on the media lately, so I guess its just not me.

Quickdraw, I think supporting the home grown and owned Industry is very constructive. Obviously you have the opposite viewpoint/stance.

And just to put cold water on your low life suggestion, no I have never worked in your CHC system or even applied for such work. And now that I am in retirement [semi], I doubt I ever will.
So don't hide behind sly innuendo sleaze by trying to degrade others, play the ball not the man.

I guess if I had power supreme, yes I would ensure Aussie Contracts went to Aussie owned mobs, just like they do in other parts of the Western World.

Power to the home grown product and $$$.

Cheers, the Aussie Redneck.

Rot8tor 12th Mar 2005 08:11

Glad to see it's catching

Very Good .... fell down at last hurdle though - 'grammar' with two 'a's

407 Driver:

Yes, it does - but there are no spaces between the letters ie. anal-retentive.

Before tomorrow's lesson I want you all to make a sentence which includes the following words to help show their meanings:

Aboriginal, Third World, get real, open competition

3 o'clock 12th Mar 2005 10:41

High Nr,

You suggest that you have no connection to CHC. If this is so, why then do you continually attack the company so much? Please spare us the, come on Aussie come on diatribe, because your continued and vindictive assault, which borders on paranoia in my opinion, strongly suggests that you are either a disgruntled ex CHC pilot, or perhaps someone who failed their psych test – probably for a good reason…

MPT 13th Mar 2005 02:33

G'day All,

Just to digress one moment from the spelling police and the amateur psychiatrics, does this mean that the rumoured move of the "sleeping giant" to northern climes is back on the agenda?



Gomer Pylot 13th Mar 2005 19:49

HiNr, there would be no problem with an Australian owning a helicopter company in the US. An Australian already owns most of the radio and TV stations and newspapers. A mere helicopter company would be small potatoes in comparison. Foreign money controls a huge portion of the US economy.

High Nr 13th Mar 2005 20:49

Hi Gomer.
[I said I wasn't going to respond again - I weakened].

How is the GOM going now? I worked out of MC a few to many moons ago, now just keeping up with most things through Sassless's comments, old systems die hard I guess.

I reckon your referring to Rupert Murdock?, if that is the case, yes he was an Australian!!!

The USA Government made him an offer [Baseball Bat type], become a US citizen, or your business venture is finished. So he did.

He is now legally a Yank, no longer an Aussie [just listen to him talk].

And was that fair???, of course it was, exactly the correct action by your Government.

Here in Oz, we don't seem to have such a nationalistic attitude, its a free for all, just come with the $$$ and we will sell you our Grandmothers.

My detractors seem to think I am anti particular companies here, that is not the case, I am anti the foreign ownership and particularly the foreign control.

My Nostradamus Prediction, “our Canadian Friends will buy out the successful operator of this Adelaide Contract, within 12 months.” [Or hopefully, the Aussie mob will buy the Sleeping Giant].

407 Driver 13th Mar 2005 23:46

Seems to be the way the Codfather (Dobbin) does business..."..If you can't beat them, BUY them "

200psi 14th Mar 2005 06:17

What in Australian Helicopters track record would prevent it from servicing the contract?

QAZWSX 14th Mar 2005 22:09

VICE LIKE- Talk about servicing a contract I hear the CHC barely makes a dollar out at Moomba, that can't be good.

Sarbe 15th Mar 2005 00:07

Even if CHC are barely making a dollar at Moomba, one would have to think as long as costs are being met, it is better to stay & keep the competition out. After all, Oil & Gas is CHC's "Core Business" even though it would appear otherwise in Oz. :rolleyes:

PO dust devil 15th Mar 2005 01:38

I enjoy dunking Arnott's biscuits with my nescafe instant with Australian water boiled in my chinese made kettle. I love Subway and my Nokia phone. I drive a ford and fly Bell, SK, Eurocopter for money and don't forget an Aussie flag at the front of my home. I travel QANTAS stay at the hilton and drink bundaberg. They all do the job safely, physically, commercially and emotionally for me. Home grown or imported is irrelevent.

Perhaps there are those on this thread who would like an African style affirmative dysfunction as a model for government and other contract criteria.

I look for a company that has demonstrated a commitment to safety, pays a market rate, and treats it's people fairly.

PO dust devil 15th Mar 2005 10:38

Sorry fellows, the only Moomba I know about is a street parade in Melbourne. I think it's Australian owned, but of course it may have been bought out by Bernie Ecclestone & coy, then turned into a car race. Add F1 to my list of things which aren't Australian but do a great job.

Do Moomba Bag Pipe bands qualify as home grown? OR Home groan? In fact, add bag pipe bands to my list of semi indigenous things I enjoy. See the previous list which includes Bundaberg and the Australian flag.

I think SLSA lifesavers do a fantastic job, but I think I even saw an Asian female lifesaver recently. Big and small world isn't it.

Maybe some xenophobe could tell me whether they would decline being pulled from the surf by someone originally from outside Australia? Trolls.

Aussie Mate 15th Mar 2005 13:06

Hey Devil.
There are Asian Females, and Asian Females...!!!!

Unfortunately I have met both types, but that is a story for another day all together.

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