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SilsoeSid 25th May 2004 08:35

Mt. Everest?
So, when this mission is complete, what next?
How about something likethese guys?

Is the autogyro ceiling given of 4000m an oxygen limitation, or would there be a performance issue?
Autorotative characteristics at that sort of height must be interesting. :\

Just a thought while Barry is on the deck.

SilsoeSid 26th May 2004 10:22

Now in Oman...
Barry arrived SEEB North Oman slightly early at 0913Z. Barry will stay in Oman for 2 days to catch up on his admin. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/tra...map/seeb.2.gif

SilsoeSid 27th May 2004 10:08

Next stop Pakistan.
A maint day in Oman, then off over the water to Pakistan tomorrow.
Hopfully those practised dunker drills won't have to be put to use!

Apparently, the local SAR units require a substantial equipment update!


SEEB, INTERNATIONAL OOMS 270900Z 04006KT 360V080 8000 SKC 35/26 Q1004 NOSIG
KARACHI AIRPORT OPKC 270930Z 25016KT 7000M SCT020 34/23 Q1005 NOSIG

KARACHI AIRPORT OPKC 270330Z 271206 24010G20KT 8000 SCT030 FM1500 26005G15KT 6000 BKN020

SilsoeSid 27th May 2004 20:59

....... in Pakistan the Gwadar overnight stop has been removed from the Itinerary. Barry may have to attempt a long sea crossing on Saturday direct to Karachi, a straight line distance of 493 miles. This will not be an easy leg of the trip and will become the longest flight of the whole journey.

SilsoeSid 29th May 2004 11:41

Barry has just informed us of a technical fault on the aircraft, he is currently having the problem checked out and will keep us informed.
Muscats finest Taxi entrepreneur awaits the potential of having to collect and deliver any spare part requirements for GE.


Like a coiled spring, he awaits his orders.
check out the Lionel Blairs on this geezer!

Autorot8 29th May 2004 15:08

Got on the net at last!

Sid, haven't seen any PM's but there again, not sure where to look and the time i get on line is normally taken up keeping my diary up to date, which it isn't. So, sorry for not replying but thanks for dropping into the office the other day.

I was ready to roll at 0315zulu this morning and noticed that there were no indications on my Flydate. Obviously i had to sort the problem out and after two hours in 40+ degrees and a huge pool of sweat I found the wire that i must have pulled out with my size 10's. Removed, the Inst' Pannel and fixed the problem and replaced the Pannel. By now it was too late to set off for my destination and make it before dark. I'll try again tomorrow, (30th).

Good news on my website, on the forum from Paul Windy, check it out at globaleagle.co.uk

All the best from Muscat.


SilsoeSid 30th May 2004 09:40

Barry departed from Seeb, Oman at 0313Z.
After over 6 hours in flight!!! it seems Barry must have Karachi just about in sight according to the GPS tracking at http://mivmi.mi-services.com/track/GEDeviceMap.asp.

6 hours!! I know where 'Barry the bird mans' first stop is going to be!

Landed 10:15 (09:15z)
After the initial arrival greetings,the Ambassador appreciated Barrys assistance in completing the final touches to the Embassies ornamental pond!


Fortyodd 30th May 2004 10:19

Beej, been watching your progress since I got up. Bl@@dy marvellous effort, well done mate!! :D

SilsoeSid 1st Jun 2004 07:24

Barry is now heading in to India. Scheduled departure was 0400Z. First stop Ahmadabad.

Barry cruises low level through the Pakistan countryside near to the relatively unknown village of Ibrokemehanddad. Using radar evasion techniques, (doppler notch and leaving his survival knife back in the accommodation !), Barry slips away from the troubles in Karachi.


SilsoeSid 1st Jun 2004 16:38

Barry has landed safely at Ahmedabad after a flight lasting 4 hours. Tomorrow will see an earlier lift time of 0200Z.
Just on the edge of the Earthquake affected region back in January 2001

SilsoeSid 2nd Jun 2004 07:24

As at: 0700Z- 2004-06-02

Barry has at last managed to depart Ahmedabad en-route to Jaipur. Hopefully the tracker will update soon,
Tracker here.


Fortyodd 2nd Jun 2004 12:37

A very hot Barry has reached Jaipur. OAT +45'C !!

SilsoeSid 2nd Jun 2004 17:36

Barry has kindly been offered local hotel accomodation which was arranged by friendly officials at the airport. He will depart at 0430Z tomorrow for the short (2hrs 20mins) flight to Delhi.
"Taxi for Jones"

SilsoeSid 3rd Jun 2004 00:30

For the full itinerary go to http://www.globaleagle.co.uk/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=206 which will be updated weekly.

For the next week or so;

Thursday 3rd June 2004 ****
ETD Jaipur (VIJP) 0200Z
ETA Delhi (VIDP) 0420Z (Refuel and 2 Nights)

Saturday 5th June 2004
ETD Delhi (VIDP) 0200Z
ETA Bareilly* (VIBY) 0430Z (Refuel & Overnight)

Sunday 6th June 2004
ETD Bareilly (VIBY) 0200Z
ETA Gorakhpur* (VEGK) 0600Z (Refuel & Overnight)

Monday 7th June 2004
ETD Gorakhpur (VEGK) 0200Z
ETA Patna (VEPT) 0400Z ETD 0500Z
ETA Baghdogra (VEBD) 0820Z (Refuel & Overnight)

Tuesday 8th June 2004
ETD Baghdogra (VEBD) 0200Z
ETA Guwahati (VEGT) 0530Z (Refuel & Overnight)

Wednesday 9th June 2004
ETD Guwahati (VEGT) 0200Z
ETA Imphal Tulihal* (VEIM) 0430Z (Refuel & Overnight)

Thursday 10th June 2004
ETD Imphal Tulihal (VEIM) 0200Z
Overhead Yangon FIR (VYYY) N2420 E09420 0245Z
ETA Mandalay (VYMD) 0500Z (Refuel & Overnight)

With all that time in India, Barry had better stay away from too much vindaloo!


SilsoeSid 3rd Jun 2004 10:11

As at: 0706Z- 2004-06-03

Barry touched down in Delhi at 0706Z. He will be staying until Saturday courtesy of the Embassy staff. The aircraft is being looked after courtesy of British Airways..Thanks!!
On base leg, Barry was surprised to see how close the tower was to the threshold, and this early in the morning with this heat;

METAR: NEW DELHI/PALAM VIDP 030930Z 25005KT 2500 DU FEW040 FEW040CB SCT100 41 /16 Q1000 TEMPO 28030KT 0800 DS/TSRA

how could the runway possibly be iced over?


Thomas coupling 5th Jun 2004 11:21

Sorry Silsoe - that's not called for, quite unpalatable in fact.

What a strabge sense of humour you have - someone burning to death??????????????

Echo 5 5th Jun 2004 13:11


You need to lighten up old son. You should realise that anyone possessing a "military sense of humour" will recognise that the guy in the pic is suffering from "ring stinger syndrome". In fact he looks remarkably UNBURNT to me. A trick of the camera perhaps or if self inflicted - tough !!


fone_effect 5th Jun 2004 17:00

Silsoes girl friend out and about again

Echo 5 5th Jun 2004 19:54


At least you're consistent. Your last post was just as pathetic as the previous 21(mostly one liners).
I'm just a visitor here myself taking an interest in the progress of GE but you should be aware that the name of this Forum is Rotorheads not Dickheads.
Bait taken - hope it pleases you !!:)

Heliport 5th Jun 2004 20:50

I won't try to improve on that. :D

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