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SASless 9th Jan 2004 10:10

Is this rumour true? Tell me it isn't!
A rumour has reached me that purports a Bristow SAR crewman of 17 years standing has been sacked by the company after he became unable to work due to a handicap resulting from injuries received on duty. The rumour said he developed an inability to perform his duty after an accumulation of injuries and was sacked....evicted from his company house. I assume it was either Stornoway or Sumbrugh. Anyone know anything about the situation? Mere rumour or the new OLOG loyalty showing its ugly head?:(

Helipolarbear 9th Jan 2004 17:30

If this is the case....Thank God for Unions and Lawyers!:=

Time Out 9th Jan 2004 17:55

Bristow Sued by Former Helicopter Crewman

By Andrew Black, Scottish Press Association

A search and rescue helicopter crewman who claimed he was “unceremoniously dumped” from his job is suing his former employer, the British Airline Pilots Association announced today.

John Boulton, 47, who said he had helped save hundreds of lives, worked for Bristow in the Shetland Islands, but was unable to continue working because of injuries he sustained while doing his job over the years.

BALPA said it had agreed with Bristow that Mr Boulton would receive a compensation package of four times his annual salary, but the union claimed the company has refused to pay out and is now supporting legal proceedings to recover the money.

The union also said that Mr Boulton would be evicted from his home on Shetland next week, as it is owned by Bristow.

Mr Boulton said today: “I am deeply hurt by the company’s attitude.

“We risk life and limb time after time, year after year, and because my injuries eventually made it impossible for me to do my job the company decided not to deal fairly with me but to unceremoniously dump me.”

Rescue crewmen are frequently injured during the course of their work.


Old Man Rotor 9th Jan 2004 22:39

Just remember that since "Old Man Bristow" departed the company, its been run by faceless and $$$ focused accountants. Then Airlog came along and brought that terrible US workers support ethic with it.

Its all $$$ now, loyalty and service are dead and gone.

Bring back the days when you where considered a valued individual, sure then I really realized I was dreaming.

I sincerely hope that Mr Boulton has his day in court, and his years of loyalty is not in vane.

ropedope 9th Jan 2004 23:42

Sadly, this is not a rumour. John has been sacked with no compensation, and the eviction from the company house was brought forward to today. John is taking it bravely but concerned, but his partner is stressed to the limit having to squat in a bristow house until the bailiffs arrive, then nowhere to go.
morale at the SAR unit in question is non existant, crewmen be warned, who is next?

Hughesy 10th Jan 2004 05:04

That is wrong!
As far as i'm concerned, these guys and girls in rescue crews all over the world are heros!
They put their lives on the lines to save others and they may be injured on the job, and then to be treated like this, it S**KS!!!!!!

Being a Rescue pilot is my ambition one day, and I take my hat off to all crews!


Robbo Jock 10th Jan 2004 05:38

Somebody, somewhere in the company has positively made the decision to sack this chap and evict him. Why ? Who can possibly think that that's a reasonable way to act, to reward 17 years service ? What message does it send to the rest of the staff ?

Given that the most valuable asset of any company is its staff, and that people work best when they are motivated and feel valued, it beggars belief that any company - any person - could consider this a reasonable way to treat someone.

The fact that the company (or rather, lets face it, a manager) can do this without worrying about the consequences among the other staff members just serves to highlight the stranglehold the company has over the rest of the staff. And the precarious position the staff must feel they're in.

S76Heavy 10th Jan 2004 06:06

It just confirmed that the company don't give a sh1t about the staff. As soon as there is anywhere to go, people will probably go. What have they got to look forward to when they stay? A messed up pension, no job security at all and not an ounce of respect.
But perhaps that is the bigger plan, drain the company of its assets and dump the rest.

This company should be named and shamed for the sacking of a loyal employee, especially if his injuries are work related. The company obviously did not provide a duty of care towards him to prevent him from being injured in the first place, nor protected him against job loss and loss of his home. Greedy b@stards. :*

SASless 10th Jan 2004 09:04

I am saddened to hear that this is not a rumour. Being a helicopter pilot who believes what sets us apart from other aviators is the life saving work we sometimes participate in. Our aircraft's unique flying abilities allows us a chance to do good things for others, sometimes at some risk to our own hides. The knowledge that I am a member of a group that willingly go to the aid of others in time of peril has been of some importance to me over the years. The most rewarding flying I have done revolves around helping others in peril.

That a company would be so callous and uncaring is shocking....but not surprising from the current management. I was proud to call myself a Bristow Pilot when the Old Man ran the place. He was a helicopter pilot's helicopter pilot and returned loyalty in kind. I hate to think the company still bears his name.....and name only for sure. It is a sad day to hear of this latest travesty by the OLOG management.

They should be ashamed....as if they could not find a less strenous job for a man who has put his life on the line, literally, for others. The company loves to claim the praise...shame they cannot have a bit of compassion.

What they deserve is a bit of old time Army Warrant Officer Wall to Wall Counseling behind the hangar.

ShyTorque 10th Jan 2004 09:13

Surely an unfair dimissal?

Tabloids, are you listening? This needs publicity!

B Sousa 10th Jan 2004 11:12

As sad as this is, Im sure that folks wont stand up for this guy. Too much chance that they will lose thier jobs also..
And.....theres probably a hundred guys ready to move into his house without one thought over how it became empty.

Thomas coupling 10th Jan 2004 17:06

If there is an element of truth in this gentlemans track record, vis a vie: loyal / committed / injuries due to work, etc, then he will be taking the company to court with an almost 100% positive outcome!

Why hasn't this aspect of the situation been aired, yet?

Lawyers will queuing up to represent him on this one - ££££ signs all over the place - unless?:suspect:

Time Out 11th Jan 2004 13:10

Legal action by 'dumped' rescuer

John Boulton said he was injured working for the firm
A search and rescue helicopter crewman who claims he was "unceremoniously dumped" by his former employer is planning legal action.
John Boulton is taking Bristow Helicopters to court, alleging the firm refused to pay compensation for injuries he picked up while working.

The 47-year-old also said that he faced eviction from his Shetland home.

The company said Mr Boulton had left with his "full entitlement" and an agreement to meet relocation expenses.

Mr Boulton is being supported by his union, the British Airline Pilots Association (Balpa), in his legal action to recover the money he says he is due.

He said he had helped save hundreds of lives while employed by Bristow in the Shetland Islands.

Bristow Helicopters said it was paying the full entitlement
However, he was unable to continue working because of injuries he sustained in the course of his work over the years.

"I am deeply hurt by the company's attitude," he said.

"We risk life and limb time after time, year after year, and because my injuries eventually made it impossible for me to do my job the company decided not to deal fairly with me but to unceremoniously dump me."

BALPA said it had agreed with Bristow that Mr Boulton would receive a compensation package of four times his annual salary.

The union claimed that the company had refused to pay out.

It also claimed that Mr Boulton would be evicted from his home next week because it is owned by Bristow.

The company said it had agreed to meet his relocation expenses anywhere in the UK.

Bravo 99 11th Jan 2004 17:08

I feel for John having served for 23 years in a similar service (not sar) but a rescue service I to had a few injuries on duty lost my job by the last one, and go diddly for it o I did get a hand shake off the chief I spent 4 years fighting them and gave up it was not worth lowering myself to there devious ways in the finish
I know how you feel john all i can say is chin up and try to ride over it
my only blessing was that i was able to get my medical back and fly thank god but it is as you say faceless accountants or is it ass****tants
best of luck to him
Bravo 99

Thomas coupling 21st Feb 2004 22:54

Ex - Bristows crewman court case
Sorry to hijack the forum - but would love to know how that crewman got on taking Bristow to court for making him redundant because they worked him to the bone and he broke:ugh:

No home
No money

Latest anyone?

ropedope 23rd Feb 2004 22:35

the latest on John's situation is, the company have agreed to rent him his house for the next 6 months, whereas before he was rent free, now they make a small profit for 6 months. the union are still chasing up bristow's who are dragging their ass, all concerned know it will get to the court steps and the company will settle out of court. if only they could save alot of time, money and heartache by settling now.:(

Thomas coupling 23rd Feb 2004 23:35

This case is really getting to me. Maybe it's because I've worked with SAR crewmen, maybe because no employer should treat their staff like this...anyway:

What is possessing the Boss @ Bristow's to hang on until the last minute, if/when he knows he will settle out of court (by default to the advantage of the plaintiff)?

Why are they treating him like this??

Do we know the truth or is there more to this than meets the eye?

Any dates for the case?

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