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FixItFlyIt 21st Apr 2014 00:43

Will Civil Air Patrol p*ss me off?
Hello all,

I am a lurker on this forum. Quick background: I am currently a mechanic starting a professional pilot training in August, and am also a veteran married to a military aviator. I log hours here and there in Cessnas and the like.

I am trying to find a good way to expand my aviation involvement in the local area and was suggested to check out the CAP. Admittedly, all I ever envision when someone mentions the CAP are the overly-enthusiastic cadets marching around airshows, and grown-ups that act like total tools. I find their attitude pretty off-putting since most of them will/have never served (much less in a combat zone), yet are WAY into the military-isms of the organization. I am sure what I am trying to describe is familiar to members here. :p

Now, don't get me wrong, I am still open-minded and if the CAP is a legitimate opportunity to do some volunteer work in aviation, ok. I just don't want to get myself involved if it means being endlessly frustrated with the "paintball kid" mentality that many members seem to have (act like a soldier because it is "cool" but never serve).

If there are any adults here, particularly veterans with experience in the CAP, I'd love some first hand accounts. TIA!

framer 23rd Apr 2014 13:50

My advice ( since you put the question out there) is to take their attitude as a compliment. You've seen service, they obviously think that is admirable......take it as a compliment and rock on. To be honest, it seems you are quite hung up on the fact that you have experienced combat and they haven't and I wonder if you feel like " they don't understand" . Maybe I'm wrong. If I'm right, you've just got to accept that that's an integral part of who you are and very few people are going to understand......and that's ok.....it's just life.
If I've read too much into your post forgive me, I've been drinking :ok:

BBK 23rd Apr 2014 16:05


It sounds like you wouldn't like being part of such an organisation. Maybe best, for both parties, you give it a miss.

Intruder 23rd Apr 2014 20:51

I've heard many different opinions expressed about CAP. Most of the variations point to significant differences in the various CAP units. You may find one you like, or you may find one you don't like...

I think a lot depends on your expectations. If you're looking for free flight time, you may be disappointed, especially if you don't meet their high standards for experience. OTOH, you may be able to get into their glider program, if the unit near you has one. If you're looking to volunteer (or possibly get paid for) your mechanic's skills, you may find a more welcome arena.

Visit your local unit and take a look-see...

FixItFlyIt 27th Apr 2014 23:12

Thanks all.

I am not at all trying to hold my military service over them... it is just that I have heard of some pretty sour attitudes in the organization because it has "rank" structure, etc. Frankly I would have never cared if not for the horror stories I have heard!

I sent an email to the local unit. They have one airplane and I don't think they even do their own maintenance "in-house." I might go check out a meeting and meet a few people, although some other locals who have been involved have tried to steer me away due to the attitudes they experienced within.

Are there any other good volunteer groups in which you can use your aviation skills? I am aware of Angel Flight, Pilots for Paws, etc, but most of these organizations require you to own an aircraft, which I do not (yet!).

Intruder 28th Apr 2014 17:34

Depending on where in TX you are, the CAF may be a possibility...

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