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niceguy11 25th Jun 2001 18:32

what do you think about most when you are flying?
My question is what do you think about most when you are flying? This seems a strange question to ask but I often find that I'm thinking about loads of stuff in the air, but this usually circles around films, cars and women. I would be interested to hear what you guys think about.



Pielander 25th Jun 2001 19:04

Call me a sad b*stard, but I normally think about flying while I'm flying. Come to think of it, I usually think about flying even when I'm not flying. :)

Professor TailSpin 25th Jun 2001 19:10

Being a low hour student PPL, I tend to think about flying an awful lot when I'm flying.

One day...perhaps...I might be able to think of something else when I'm up there.

One of my main thoughts is...."o O here comes another bumpy landing!". One day, I'll land without bouncing it...practice makes perfect they say

Simon W 25th Jun 2001 19:12

Also a low hour PPL. Spent the last few hours of the training doing solo circuits. All I was really thinking then was "**** , lost the runway.... ahhhh, found it again .... **** , lost the runway.... ahhhh, found it again .... **** , lost the runway.... ahhhh, found it again .... and so on....". Now I've moved on and now I just think to myself "I really haven't got a clue where I am, I am dreading when the instructor makes me fly out here on my own!".



Crash Barrier 25th Jun 2001 19:13

Good God what is this forum coming to!!
Heh, what did the cannibal do after dumping his wife?

Wiped his arse!

Capt Wannabee 25th Jun 2001 19:14

I tend to think
'Oh my god I so want to do this for a living!!' and
'I wish like on flight simulators we could have an un-limited fuel option!!' Make that hour building a lot cheaper!!

skysoarer 25th Jun 2001 20:41

As a glider pilot what mostly springs up is:
"Wheres the next lift gonna be?"
"Hmmm, should the controls really creak like that...?"
"Gee, are my arms really meant to be that crimson?"
"Has the vario battery really gone flat or is it just mocking me?..."
or more recently "Am I in the Redlands skydiving zone? ... oh s*it!" (not the latter bit (yet) anyway...)
Plus "How am I gonna land this thing with one dead leg?"



HighRoller 25th Jun 2001 23:57

I often think "gee, this is becoming easy".
When that happens, then Murphy and his law is about to bite me in the butt.
10 times outa 10, I have a suprise.
My point-your mind always on flying.

Pielander 26th Jun 2001 00:30

He may be new, but he's right goddammit!

I was feeling pretty complacent this weekend until I had a couple of really ropey landings while getting checked out on one of the club's aircraft. (In fact, try 3 in a row!) Fortunately, I didn't damage anything except my ego, but it's amazing how you can forget how hard it is to do a peachy landing after a mere 6 weeks on the ground.

I must add that my landings are now once again peachy, but I'll certainly not be taking that as read the next time I fly.

And another thing [hence the edit], I've noticed that as I become more able to cope with the flying itself, I have more time to maintain an effective lookout. Of course, if your lookout is absolutely spot-on, along with your precision flying, then by all means think about women the rest of the time. You're the one paying £80 an hour for the priviledge, so think about what the hell you like. I'm sure those flying skills will improve all by themselves. I'm not having a go at anybody, but it's up to you to make the best of your time in the air.

Happy landings :)


[This message has been edited by Pielander (edited 25 June 2001).]

Ramrise 26th Jun 2001 01:50

The next crew meal, that new flight attendant, the next landing, and after the landing, "why did they design the md80 without hydraulic elevators?" http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/redface.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/redface.gif


Delta Wun-Wun 26th Jun 2001 01:55

Crashing.....or rather not crashing. :) :) :)


mad_jock 26th Jun 2001 01:58

I am quite looking forward to IFR so i have less to think about while i am up there.


TE RANGI 26th Jun 2001 02:48

As the old adage goes:

An airline pilot is a confused soul that talks about women when he's flying and speaks about airplanes when he's with a woman.

Luke SkyToddler 26th Jun 2001 19:08

Last week there was an attractive girl and her bloke, having vigorous sex in the bushes, directly beneath the approach path at about quarter mile final ... little things like that do tend to distract you from the old "airspeed - centreline - glideslope" mantra :!

v1rotate 27th Jun 2001 01:33

Usually think how I can stretch this flight to put more hours in the logbook.

"Jerry, just remember, it's NOT a LIE if YOU believe it." - George Costanza

sam_flying 27th Jun 2001 12:22

Well what I sometimes find myself thinking when I am flying or driving the car...is "I wish flying could be to me as easy and as automatic as driving a car is". I long for the day when I can be like that, rather than sitting there panicing about everything, wondering what the hell I am doing and concentrating sooooooooooo hard that I forget to breath ;)


expedite_climb 27th Jun 2001 13:22

Are we nearly there yet ? And could we maybe stay down route just this time ?

saggy 27th Jun 2001 16:21

"Now how do I tune this thing to Virgin Radio??" :) :)

Quod Me Nutrit
Me Destruit.

dingducky 27th Jun 2001 18:01

i used to sing when solo :)
anyone else do that?

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

schooner 27th Jun 2001 21:15

Congratulate myself in a stupid welsh accent every time I pulled off a decent landing in circuits :)


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