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Bad Robot 24th Jul 2006 21:44

A320 for hire?
I am halfway through an A320 course at GECAT.There is a small problem trying to get an Aircraft for a seamless Base Training detail, as the chap I'm paired up with has other comittments and the day that the Aircraft is available does not suit his roster. I am also on quite a tight schedule myself.

Does anyone know if any of the Airlines would indulge us?
Would it be worth phoning them direct or is that a No, No?

Is there anyone else who would be worth approaching?

All thoughts, ideas, greatfully received.:ok:


sjm 25th Jul 2006 20:07

Are you mad. You spent all that money and you have more important comittments than validating your licence on the A320. Tell him tough s##t and to go sick otherwise arrange it to be done without him.:ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh:

Good God!!!

Bad Robot 25th Jul 2006 21:30

Unfortunately it is not as simple as that, although it has seriously been considered.


IRISHPILOT 4th Aug 2006 14:43

I believe Wizzair does this kind of thing and CSA definately do. - not sure though if you'd have to be checked out on their procedures. You find their TRTO contacts on here and google. maybe worth checking Turkish companies? They are JAR now and like big Euros...
good luck! IP

potkettleblack 5th Aug 2006 07:45

I think you need to have a full and frank discussion with GECAT. Part of the contract you signed up to was that you and your buddy paid x amount to get y in return. By doubling up it gave GECAT a degree of economies of scale in running the course and ensured a hansom profit in return. If he is not playing ball then it isn't your issue but GECATs to sort out. Afterall it is the TRTOs that make the rules that require you to be partnered up with someone who you have presumably never met before.

Max Angle 6th Aug 2006 13:49

Quite a lot people coming through GECAT are ending up at bmi at the moment, not too sure if there is anyone else going through right now but you could tag on to one of the base trainging sessions I guess. I am sure bmi would be happy to reduce your bank balance by a few grand.

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