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Maude Charlee 3rd Jun 2005 14:19

Just curious - noisiest pax jet
Nothing better to do with my time at the mo, so was just curious as to what is the noisiest pax transport still flying in operational service, either civil or military? Had the pleasure of seeing an RAF VC10 take off the other week (OK, I know it's a tanker now), and even though I knew it had taxied out for take off, I still had to poke my head out the door just to check as it sounded like a couple of Tornadoes on a low approach and go around. Wonderful stuff!

That really would give all the bloody noise protesters soemthing to think about. :D

BN2A 3rd Jun 2005 14:42

Bring back Concorde....


Jerricho 3rd Jun 2005 14:59

Winnpeg had a 707 here a couple of weeks ago doing some practice approaches. You could see the dust cloud for miles........and hear it for miles as well. Noisy b*stard.

flybywire 3rd Jun 2005 15:49

JT8D engines......oh my god! I love their noise but they are so loud that 737-200/MD80s have been banned from using some airports!!! :}
At gatwick, you always know when it's ryanair's time to take off....:E

I find DC10s very noisy as well, especially when a full DAS air cargo tries to take off in the middle of the night....:}


ElNino 3rd Jun 2005 17:49

Inside or outside the aircraft? Inside it must be the 146.

pigboat 3rd Jun 2005 23:52

I used to know a fine gentleman who helped design the RR Spey. Eric called it mans greatest achievement at turning expensive petroleum products into noise. :D

rotornut 4th Jun 2005 00:08

Have you ever been "inside" a Fokker F28?

obelisks 4th Jun 2005 03:19

What about the noise from the thrust of those 4 fiesty engines on the Ilyushin Il-62 ?

OzExpat 4th Jun 2005 05:56

For maximum noise from 2 engines, my money's on the F28-1000 and F28-4000. I hear them all day, every day. In fact, these days, I can hardly hear anything else! :uhoh: :eek:

slingsby 4th Jun 2005 07:41

Having operated into most airports in europe and the USA, I have to state that all Tupolev 134 and some 154 aircraft don't even come close to reaching stage II noise certification. Incredible noise, smoke and if you are unlucky enough to actually do a sector in one, take some ear plugs.

The IL76 still remains the foremost transport aircraft within the Russian boundaries, this is just a superb aircraft. You can see it from miles away on the approach, hear it before you see it, and wow, those kuznetsovs push out some noise.

The Greaser 4th Jun 2005 07:44

There is a corporate 727 that comes in and out of Luton - the noise is incredible.

Fernando_Covas 4th Jun 2005 15:05

Ryanair's 732's rank highly for outside noise but I think the winner has to be the Tupolev TU154. Though I have to say that a C130's APU is just as loud...........and twice as loud inside too.

captainbritboy 4th Jun 2005 16:08

noisiest passenger jet
I have not seen it for a few months, but I reckon the noisiest passenger jet seen recently at Gatwick is a TU154 operated by Belavia Airlines of Belarussia. When that baby takes off your teeth rattle! Ahh, takes me back to my mispent youth at Gatwick in the early 80's spotting Dan-Air 727's which were legendary for their noise! They don't make 'em like that any more (and neither are they allowed to)!

Another nominee for 'rib shaker of the year' is the DAS Air Cargo DC10. Watch the windows in Concorde house vibrate when it flies over!!!

Amazing how the technology has moved on since those halcyon days of 'real' flying and 'reverse thrust'. Up until a few years ago (before I was promoted to Senior Lazy Bastard and moved to the prestigious 'B' car park where I now park my tatty old Citroen next to the BAA MD's Lexus) I used to park at the dreaded 'X' car park which is parallel to the runway. If the wind was in a certain direction, one could actually watch a 747-400 land in seemingly complete and utter silence... spooky!

flybywire 4th Jun 2005 17:53

Ah....the X car park....I wish I had a car just to enjoy that journey....no matter how early, the weather or how late you are, waiting for that bus is always a joy ;) Especially when Northwest DC10 lands in front of you and your ears ache so much that for a second you're envious of the deaf :}

Captainbritboy......what on earth is a Senior Lazy Bastard?! :E :E


captainbritboy 4th Jun 2005 19:00

RE: Senior Lazy Bastard
FBW... A Senior Lazy Bastard is a member of staff who worked their 'nuts' off for at least the first three years they were employed by the company, thereby gaining a reputation for being a conscientious, reliable and valued member of the team.

Consequently, after this unofficial qualifying period, any lateness; arrogance; arguments with management; punching first officers; shouting at passengers; pranging airliners, etc. that may occur is just put down to 'having a bad day'. It is a licence to be a **** to anyone you like, also being safe in the knowledge that your D.O.J means that redundancy would cost the paymasters a fortune. Sorry to be so cynical, but you did ask!

flybywire 4th Jun 2005 19:18

hehehe....captainlazyboy....please check your PM!!:}

By the way, the DAS DC10 is mine, you stole it from me!! Time to stop being lazy and think of another one!!! ;) ;)


TIMTS 4th Jun 2005 22:17

We have Amerijet flying 727s in and out of here, all equipped with hush kits. Talked to one of the pilots, and I mentioned to him that it is easily the noisiest aircraft on the airport...he just laughed and said that the 727 was the quietest airliner in its class when it was launched, before the hushkits....

CanAV8R 5th Jun 2005 01:26

The BAC 111 takes the cake. Especially for its size. Sounds a bit like an F-4 phantom in after burner....

pigboat 5th Jun 2005 01:49

F-28, BAC1-11 and the British F4 had RR Speys of various marks. I rest my case. :)

V2+30 Flaps Up 6th Jun 2005 02:42


what about LR23/24/25's???

Flightmech 6th Jun 2005 04:15

The BAC One-Eleven.

I remember years ago i was flying round as a flight mechanic on an Air Bristol (dry engines with no water inj) machine doing charters for Renault. We landed in Zurich mid-morning and once at the gate were immediately surrounded by yellow vehicles with flashing lights and people wanting to see our noise certificate, C of A etc. I remember myself, the Captain and F/O laughing and saying "Christ, if they think the approach was noisy what are they gonna think when we take-off!"

We lined up and were given T/O clearance when the F/O put his hands on the throttles and stated "Let the show begin".

Mode7 6th Jun 2005 05:23

I know it is not an Airliner but..... the noisiest (and most beautiful) aircraft ever built was the stunning North American XB-70A Valkyrie. Had no less than 6 YJ93-GE-3 afterburning turbojets. 2 were built in the 60s when fuel was cheap and no one complained about noise. Go here for a look see..


av8boy 6th Jun 2005 05:30

Among US-cert airframes I believe it is still the 747-200 (JT9D-3A) at an even 110 db on takeoff. DC8-55 was a full 4.5 db quieter! Also interesting to note that the Sabreliner 60 is one db louder than the LR25 and more than three db higher than the 24D.

All things being equal, of course, which they never are, of course. The DC8 sure seems louder than the 74, and I would have bet that the LR25 made more noise than any Sabre...

steamchicken 6th Jun 2005 11:25

Surely the An-124 would take the biscuit? (You could put a bunch of seats down the back!)

Astra driver 6th Jun 2005 17:41

I fly the Gulfstream GII which has a couple of those RR Speys bolted on the back; Awesome aircraft.

As I like to say, "If you're going to burn that much fuel you might as well make a lot of noise doing it!"

p2hl_p2hl 6th Jun 2005 18:26

that would be me in the LR23, well used to be - not flying them anymore, since jan of this year...
On landing, we tried our best not to make too much noise,,, but on take-off.....well the power is there is there to be used....


dazdaz 6th Jun 2005 21:24

Trident 2e
Heard one go up from Malaga few years ago, a few still in service, wow those R/R Spey RB 163-25 sure make a roar. for the (anoraks) MK512-5W I think?

cartoon ranger 6th Jun 2005 21:34

The mighty VC 10 must come close. They are still carrying military families out to Cyprus every week. Does that count?

V2+30 Flaps Up 7th Jun 2005 01:59

That VC-10 that goes into Cyprus, I'm curious where does it fly in from? I'd love to see it next time I'm there, I visit family there frequently.

GrumpyOldFart 7th Jun 2005 02:33

As a kid in the late 50s, lived under the approach to what was then 28R at LHR, about a mile from the threshold. From our back garden you could count the rivets under the wings of anything landing, and I swear we had main gear tracks on our roof. By far the noisiest - even with only two engines - was the Caravelle. Hateful bl00dy things they were.

Air Conditioned 7th Jun 2005 04:05

The Spey-engined aircraft had a lovely professional crackle, specially at rated thrust and OAT below about -5. (Ah, those Canberra mornings). I believe JT8D aircraft (727,737,DC-9) made more real noise and were certainly audible BVR. I think the certification figures said so.

Most youngsters may have missed the joy of the early, fanless, 707s and DC-8s which left even the low bypass second generation engines in a very murky wake.

BYMONEK 7th Jun 2005 15:17

Has the trident got a metion yet? On a par with the caravelle surely and louder than the 1-11. Wasn't it nicknamed 'the groundhugger' because of its long take off runs?

pax britanica 7th Jun 2005 15:32

Grew up next to LHR in 60s and some familiar candidates here

Caravelle was phenomenally loud for two engines -mind you the Lightening had two Avons as well- but the Caravelle was always noisier than a Coment with four of the same jets

Trident 3 made a cool noise with the boost jet of course and VC10 very very loud

A different type of noise was the approach 'scream' of the fan engined Seven ohs and DC8s. There used to be a Cinema in Hounslow right under the 28R approach and they drowned out the loudest film

As Pax I flew on all of the above except the Caravelle and of course all the Brit contingent were rear engined so fine for the select few on board and too bad for the plebs outside ( very Brit approach)

For interioir noise I would have to go for the behind the wing seats on a non fan 707 or even worse the RR Conway engined DC 8. Even with the extraordinary giant movable 'silencers' that ran on rails behind the engines this was spectacular. I flew on an Alitalia one of these and to this day it sticks in my mind as the loudest plane ever.

Great thread -imagine a 777 with noise scaled up along with the engine size from a sixties jet LOL

flybywire 7th Jun 2005 21:35

Great thread -imagine a 777 with noise scaled up along with the engine size from a sixties jet LOL
That would be a dream come true!!! ;)

I know they're not that noisy compared to some of the examples made in this thread, but I think that the RB211 noise is one of the finest :E and most musical of all engines!! ;)


WHBM 8th Jun 2005 15:22

Noisiest still operational has to be the Tu154. Not the more recent Tu154-M which operates into Western Europe but the original Tu154 with different engines, now well beyond western noise regulations. There are still plenty of them around in Russia, even with the major carriers.

The Il62 went through the same mid-life engine change to the Il62-M but I don't believe any of the originals are still going, though I saw one of the last Kras Air ones perform an elegant, smoky departure from St Petersburg just a couple of years ago.

pax britanica 8th Jun 2005 20:26

Maybe we should add a 'smokiest' category too. Ill start the bidding with Convair CV 990 Coronado which also made a really cool if not especially loud (perceived) noise PB

pax britanica 10th Jun 2005 16:34

and to support my nomination of 990 as the smokiest


WATABENCH 10th Jun 2005 16:46

Any old a/c operated by Ryanair:E

Beechdrivr 11th Jun 2005 08:24

Since we have begun a 'smokiest' catagory, what about the Ilyushin ll-18, not bad for a turbo prop!

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