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DH89A 27th Mar 2001 23:04

Cabair Instructors
What's happening to Cabair Instructors?

I hear that Cabair26 has, finally, retired to the golf club.....have a good one D.H-E.....and that two or three more twin guys are on their way.

Is this just rats leaving the sinking ship, or is Thiefcoat and Greed's attitude toward their staff finally coming home to roost?

[This message has been edited by DH89A (edited 27 March 2001).]

Ennie 28th Mar 2001 15:42

Cabair 26 has finally gone to the 19th hole for good. Best of luck to D.H - E & cheers for everything! I hear some ex students are coming back to instruct on the flying sperm...from what I hear the ship is well on it's way down!

Honest Frank 28th Mar 2001 19:29

I definately wont lose any sleep if they do go.
Thiefcote and Gread -Kiss my arse.

BN2A 28th Mar 2001 19:48

After three years of promising, 26 is now no more....
It was a privelige to draw our landing competition on his last flight :)
Even better to be on board during the 'Undercarriage Inspection' ;)

The final R/T...
-Cabair 26, request dropoff for the final time.
-Cabair 26, drop the old man off for the final time.
-Drop the old man off for the final time, Cabair 26.
http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif

Fly_146 28th Mar 2001 21:56

I understand that 8 (EIGHT!) flying instructors will be gone by August the latest, which will have a BIG impact on such a small operation.

They are now asking ex-students still without a job to come back and do some distruction on those 'delightful' katanas!

I think Thiefcote and Gread lost the plot years ago... they should hurry up and sell-out before they take Cabair down with them! They are certainly taking cost cutting to an extreme when it comes to their commerical college;

* Replacing 5A's with Kit-build Katanas (but charging the same course price)
* Scrapping most of the advanced single engine training in favour of more (cheaper) sim hours (but charging the same course price)
* Planning to do 'in-house' MCC course rather than at the ATP (but charging the same course price)
* Scrapping the Induction Adventure weekend at Bramley Lakes for new cadets (but charging the same course price)
* Charging their cadets a 'fuel surcharge' of up to £760, even though fuel prices have FALLEN by around 13% over the last few months (but will insist the charge must still be paid)

I also understand EPST are looking at sending their cadets to Jerez (probably because BA have started training there!). Although they still use Cabair for the time being.

How long will it be before KLMuk, BritEuro and Air2B wake up and smell the rot! Not long I suspect.

Its still a great place to fly! (cough)

[This message has been edited by Fly_146 (edited 30 March 2001).]

Fly_146 28th Mar 2001 22:11


[This message has been edited by Fly_146 (edited 29 March 2001).]

Riddler 29th Mar 2001 01:13

So riddle me this:

If Cabair is not going down the drain then why are they selling off so much at the moment, firstly Southend goes and now Bournemouth. With the recent price hikes and low morale I would bet that the students are leaving in droves, it would seem that the only profitable piece of the business now is the college which is now not looking good with the looming resignations of atleast 4 of thier commercial instructors.

Not suprising really when they treat all employees with utter contempt. I have heard that it is not just the commercial instructors leaving either, alot of the PPL instructors are looking elsewhere, as mentioned above it wont be long before KLM(uk) and Jersey European start to wonder why so many sponsored instructors are jumping ship before the 2 year term is up. With most of the other airlines already going elsewhere the writing could be on the wall for my mate Colin and his cronies :)

ALKIN Hold 29th Mar 2001 12:42

I've been showing interest in Cabair's modular CPL/IR/MCC for over a year now. Last year they never called back when I got in touch for more information.

Now they are continually calling me to see if I need more info and when I want to start.

Tough times at Castle Cranfield?

(I've decided to go elsewhere btw)

capt_kangeroo 29th Mar 2001 13:01

Having had the pleasure (NOT!) of flying with Cabair and then unfortunately working for them I can only say "What goes around comes around".

After years of crapping on their students and staff they deserve everything they get. I am not sure that they will fold but things have got to be getting tough for them......

springbok449 29th Mar 2001 19:38

First of all good luck to DHE he deserves a good golfing career.
Fly 146 for your info EPST are not sending their cadets to Jerez however they are looking into it and also BA do not have any cadets there on the full courses but only a few for the jet orientation course.
As mentioned above what goes around comes around for Scabair and the arrogant thief.

Stall Inducer 29th Mar 2001 20:35

So DHE has finally retired - fine instructor all the best on the Golf Course - (passing 3000ft climbing 4000ft 100kts)

Boeing Freak 30th Mar 2001 00:12

He threatened for long enough! Now he's finally done it. It wont be long before he's back.

As for his golf, may his shaft be stiff and his balls go far! (Golfing talk he he)


Mr Bombastic 30th Mar 2001 00:33

Slow down folks http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/eek.gif....Yes CBR26 has sadly retired http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif ,......a few have left before him, and,....some will surely follow. But there are still a few quality guys keeping the ship afloat. The problems for scabair have arisen from their miscalculation in bringing in a/c unsuitable for training, and the ill-thought-out syllabus. Add to this their poor respect for staff :mad: and you can see why people are leaving, no doubt they will struggle to hold on to their present lot of instructors. Past students coming back as instructors to teach on the 'new' JAR syllabus will find it difficult, and these typical cheapskate tactics will only hasten and bring about the inevitable drop in standards. 26 saw it all coming, and would've probably hung around there a bit longer, :rolleyes:,..... but the golf, squash, rotary club, and the thought of not having to risk breaking his back getting into one of their 'Katangas' suddenly became too appealing.

Wee Weasley Welshman 30th Mar 2001 03:39

I have to say that the Katanas did seem a very poor choice of a/c at the time. Fine for economic PPL General Handling on lazy weekends but not CPL training.

As the shortage of instructors continues to grow Wannabes should take heart that at least some employment may be available for them. That said with Virgin EI and the looming recession.... :-(


DH89A 30th Mar 2001 04:06

Boeing Freak....

You may well be right about DH-E returning to flying!
My spies tell me that he has already made noises in this direction.The noises have been heard further south than Cranfield.....could they come from Spain? Good golf courses!Cheap red wine!
Could he be a Cygnet?

DH89A 30th Mar 2001 04:13

Is Cabair 16 on his way as well?

Who is left at that place who has any commercial flying experience?

The whole of the Opps. Dept. is leaving as well......Goose Bay and Wittering seem to have more pull than Cranfield..I wonder why?

[This message has been edited by DH89A (edited 30 March 2001).]

Fly_146 30th Mar 2001 04:56

What happened to Cabair at Bournemouth does anyone know? I thought that was a good unit down there. Only just realised Bournemouth and Southend have gone from their website. Is there more to follow?

Riddler: I think the problem at the PPL schools was that the instructors where suddenly only being paid for four days work, not five - along with various other financial scams in the package. That was the last straw for many of them.

springbok449 30th Mar 2001 15:45

Hey stall inducer I bet you climb at more then 100 KTS these days, or do you?
So are we going to have a cygnet 26 now I'd better watch out when I go to AGP then.

ickle black box 31st Mar 2001 02:09

At the end of the day, any business needs new business, or repeat business.

2 years ago, I walked into Cabair in Elstree, explained that I had 60hrs gliding, and wanted to do a PPL. I spoke to an instructor (Could tell by the uniforn), and a member of staff. Neither showed any interest what-so-ever, in me. I'd planned to do my PPL in the US, but had been recommended to go to Cabair, by one of their former instructors.

Neither person I spoke to tried to sell Cabair, and the instructor didn't seem to want to even speak to me (He was behind a desk thingy, I'd not stopped him on route to a lesson). Although I was planning on doing the PPL in the US, a good sales pitch, interest and dedication from Cabair could have changed this.

End result: PPL done in Florida, with OBA, which I was entirly happy with.


monument 1st Apr 2001 18:25

SCABAIR have a big attitude problem, the whole company needs a new prime minister or thet're going DOWN. People are onto their money grabbing, bad service, don't get what you paid for, low quality attitude. Just check out their JAR mod results.

I guess most of the schools have there faults, but SCABAIR under the command of thiefcoat has planty.

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