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-   -   Am I really that old?!! (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/8037-am-i-really-old.html)

kaeveritt 13th Mar 2002 17:00

Am I really that old?!!
I am planning on gaining my PPL later this year and have visions of taking it further as a career.. .. .At 34 years of age, am I really over the hill to become a commercial pilot? I realise that the major airlines will be out of my league but what about anything else?. .. .I would be most grateful for any information that I can get, positive or otherwise!. .. .Thanks in advance...... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="rolleyes.gif" />

rex 13th Mar 2002 17:12

Go for it!. .. .I am 37 and still mad for it. However job, family and other commitments get in the way, but if like me it's what you enjoy..... .. .By the way, get your initial class 1 medical out of the way asap, as no class 1 no job. About £400 notes at Gatwick, but at least you will know.. .. .Finally, don't let anybody put you off. There's only one life so live it. And have fun!. .. .Rex <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" />

The Boy Lard 13th Mar 2002 18:41

Grafter,. .. .Dont imagine for one second that you are too old, I'm about to turn 36 ina few months and I'm in the thick of it at OATS.. .. .As for the "majors" not being interested you'd be surprised at which "majors" are quite happy to interview someone of my advanced years. . .. .If you can, all things considered, go for it if its what you really want.. .. .Good luck. .. .TBL <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" />

Quidditch Captain 13th Mar 2002 18:59

OK - one more for the "oldies" competition!. .. .I'm 43 and still going for it..... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> . .. .So just do it. .. .(But get that class 1 out of the way first). .. .Good luck <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" /> . .. .QC

Polar_stereographic 13th Mar 2002 18:59

Seems to be two camps on the age thing. . .. .I spoke to two relativly senior people (one was Capt, one was TRE), and one said age was a big problem, the other said they would welcome the older ones.. .. .As I fit into the latter, I hope to turn the age thing to my advantage. . .. .PS

G SXTY 13th Mar 2002 19:02

Of the commercial pilots I’ve met, the ratio of career changers who started in their thirties to people who started as cadets, straight from college, is about 10:1.. .. .Not exactly scientific, I know, but its enough of a pattern to reassure me (aged 30 & half way through my PPL).

Polar_stereographic 13th Mar 2002 19:08

I think it's worth remembering that the age thing is a drawback, but not imposible. I know of someone who got a first job on a 737-400 at the age of 49, and that was in the middle of the Gulf war. I don't know the full details, but I'm sure that a dose of luck is required, but as you get older you get better at creating your own luck IMHO.. .. .It can be done.. .. .PS

MJR 13th Mar 2002 20:15

No age isn't a problem in fact the window of opportunity can increase with age as many turbo prop operators are tired of being used as a stepping stone into jets by younger pilots. Whereas a mature(old) pilot is more likely to settle in this type of position. The other side of the coin is that airlines tend to favour younger pilots for glass cockpits as they allegedly are more familiar with a computer controlled environment.. .. .Getting a class 1 is good advice as many people are caught out by this thinking they are generally in good health, however the CAA medical sets down some unusual and quite stretching parameters for physical fitness.. .. .If you don't try, you only spend the rest of your life wondering what if.. .. .good luck. .. .MJR

pjdj777 13th Mar 2002 20:34

Go for it, but with your eyes wide open, it isn't going to be easy.. .. .Plenty of people out there didn't start until later in life, and as MJR says some employers prefer older pilots.. .. .Some employers look for a mixture, business experience brought to the airline can be of a great benefit, so a mixture with youth can be a very good thing.. .. .Others will not look at you if you are over 30, simple as that (I'll mention no names).. .. .I started my PPL when I was 30, got my CPL/IR at 33, and start my first jet position in a couple of weeks at the age of 34, it can be done.. .. .Good luck, work hard but be realistic. have a look at Clive Hughes' book - it's been an invaluable aid to me, worth getting.

Deep Float 13th Mar 2002 21:03

Well, I'll be 35 in a few weeks. Finished Oxford in June 98 with excellent results. Got some recommendations though my LOFT instructor (airline in question went bust the next week...) and have NEVER had an interview in the UK. D'd screw up 2 interviews with EI and LX though, frightening how easily that is done! Beware! . .Always worked in aviation, since 1988, with experience in ATC, Ramp, Flight Operations, Ground Operations, Commercial, General and Corporate aviation.. .You guessed where I'm getting to: NO FLYING JOB!!. .What I dó have is £50k debt, a choice of operational ground jobs and a desire todo things I cannot afford.. .. .Do your own thing, but be very careful what you throw away in the process!. .Have yourself tested psychologically, psychometrically and aptitude-wise before you start. It might save you some money if you are unsuitable. By the way, I passed these tests but have just been unlucky and stupid in other ways!. .. .Best of luck.

Quarternion. 14th Mar 2002 00:48

Grafter,. .. .I'll sign up to the "I'm older than you" thread as well. I'm 35, with kids, mortgage and probably sunk as much into flying as anyone else on this network. I'm in no doubt that an airline would look equally favourably on maturity and determination as compared with the 18 year old candidate.. .. .So don't start having a mid life crisis on top of a wannabee crisis - that could be disasterous. Like your handle - keep on Grafting, you I'm sure will get there.

ILS30 14th Mar 2002 02:32

The problem, i guess ,is that you are not allowed to spend your time as you would. .do if you were 19, looking for a job...... .If you have money go for it, cause this career is built up with money, everybody knows.. .Anyway, good chance. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />

Deep Float 14th Mar 2002 04:13

Guys,. .Everyone hears and says what they want to hear, but do not put up this pink haze of maturity. Airlines much rather have a young person as they can mould this indivudual to their needs. Us older guys are much too experienced in life and our personality is too strong to change. And that is not good. Another thing: at 35, I can offer 20 years of flying for an airline, let's say 15 years as captain (and you only earn your money for an airline as a captain, preferably a training one). The 20-years-old can offer 35 years, with 30 years as a captain. That's twice as long. Who do you think their gonna choose? Hint: it's not the "mature" guy....... .. .Don't wanna poop this party, but this is the way it works, and let noone tell you differently.

IMMELMAN 14th Mar 2002 05:30

Some interesting comments! I did do a lengthy post on this last month, so I'll just say that I got my ATPL at 54/5 and my first airline job at 56. This is not that un-usual, nor that common. Life is a bit of a lottery - yes, do your class one before you spend a penny - then it's up to you, your finances, your family,etc. It will be a hard slog and you may well want to quit at least three times during the study/training. You may not get into the 'biggies' over about 35-ish but there are plenty of others, at present. You are relatively young but as somebody said, you may end up bitter and twisted if you just have to wonder 'if' for the rest of your life. No guarantees of a job - and watch out for the 'rip-off' merchants - plenty about ; 'give me x-squillion quid for a type-rating', etc... there probably is no job at the end of it. .Talk to as many pilots as you can - make as sure as you can that it really is the job for you, etc. .If you still want, and can, do it - go for it!. .ETC., ETC <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> More later, maybe... </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"> </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">God I'm such a boring old sod

Gunner B12 14th Mar 2002 06:19

Damn. .. .Beaten again.... I'm only 45 and halfway through my PPL. I thought I would make oldest benefactor of an instructor..... .. . <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" />

batty 16th Mar 2002 20:49

I am 36 now. I started training at 33 (prior to this I had done 10 hours to see if I realy would like it as a job)Finished training at 35 with 201 hours, got a job with a major a month later. Now have the best job in the world and 1000 hours (800 jet) under my belt.. .. .Do your medical, and then think about it realy hard because there are lots of horror stories that are true out there. Then either give it up or put your heart and soul into it and go for it but dont be half hearted about it. . .. .All the best to you I hope your dream works out, they realy can do, they did for me.. .. .Deep Float. .How do you work out that you only earn money for an airline as a Capt? I am only am mere F/O but do exactly the same job except for when the s*** hits the fan I dont make the final decisions. I am cheaper than a Capt and do the same job(95%).. .. .An F/O doesnt just sit back take the weather and drink Coffe you know!. . . . <small>[ 17 March 2002, 07:49: Message edited by: batty ]</small>

schuler_tuned 18th Mar 2002 00:27

Deep Float, you say that airlines prefer 20 yr olds because they can offer 35 yr's of service.. .Where have you heard this? Airlines want 20 yr olds because they can "mould" them to their way of thinking. Again, where have you heard this?. .Perhaps the common thread is B.A.?, which has stopped C.E.P. recruitment i.e. 20 yr olds, and that only filled a fraction of their requirements anyway.. . Quiz time- 1,name the number of airlines that have remained in business for 35 year's or more(U.K.). . 2,name the number of airlines that haven't, or for even 20,15 or even 10! . . As for youth against age comprehension of computer/efis, I can only say it's the biggest load of b******s I've ever heard. Is the general dogmatic view that someone over 30, who is capable of passing ATPL theory exams isn't capable of understanding an electronic representation of a H.S.I.etc? Sorry, but I'm a 35 yr old career changing engineer that has been immersed in computers/electronic info' for 15 yrs, and just maybe the problem is with the pre-Gates era of C.P.'s that believe that anyone under 30 can't possibly understand it.. . Question time- you're a pax, you learn that the capt has become incapacitated, the wx is bad and you have a choice of pilots to land the aeroplane, both of the same flying expierence,. . number 1, is 20+yrs old, cap 509, family-funded, straight from college.. . number 2, is 35yrs old, modular, self-funded, worked where ever it took to fund licience.. . If you find any difficulties in answering the above,then phone a friend, as I did. By the way he's just retired at 60yrs, capt of 737-ng, first commrecial employment at 49yr's.. . . . P.S.,I'm not anti youth or anti wealth, just anti dogma!

EGCC4284 18th Mar 2002 03:17

schuler_tuned Good post, 10 out of 10.. .. .I am 35 this year and not in the least bit worried as long as I finish my ATPL/CPL/IR in the next two years.. .. .Currently 200 hours and struggling with my correspondence ATPL course.

Polar_stereographic 18th Mar 2002 12:30

schuler_tuned,. .. .Is your friend now enjoying retirement flying down on the South coast? If it it, I know who it is, if not, I know of someone else who fits that description - exactly.. .. .BTW, do you know how he came by his first job?. .. .PS

Cron 18th Mar 2002 16:18

Please tell more IM, previous career, route you took etc. Thanks in advance

Deep Float 21st Mar 2002 02:22

Schuler_Tuned,. .. .Strange as it may seem, I actually dó agree with you. All your points dó make sense. As a matter of fact, I'll be 35 in a few days. But after graduating from OATS with excellent results at the age of 32 and with a 13 year career in aviation behind me, I haven't been able to get a flying job, where much younger, less experienced and less academically performing friends have had much more luck. Don't get me wrong: I wish them all the best and good for them, but be prepared that you may not be the first choice because of your age. You can't deny that a younger person has a longer service to offer and yeas, I dó know captains on real aircraft that are 26. As someone rightly said, I may sound a bit depressed, but I am just warning that after spending all that money, you may NOT get lucky. As for the shortage for pilots that some people think will happen: it won't; There may be a shortage of captains of all age groups and maybe even of experienced F/O's, but there will never be a shortage of low timers. You know why? Because there will always be guys like me and you that only hear what they want to hear and want to fly só desperately that they believe anything that the marketing people from the training institutions say.. .. .But sincerely, best of luck to all of you. We might one day meet in a far away bar....... . . . <small>[ 20 March 2002, 22:25: Message edited by: Deep Float ]</small>

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