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-   -   Other ways to spend 50 grand. (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/7828-other-ways-spend-50-grand.html)

tailscrape 21st Dec 2001 22:18

As George Best said " I spent most of my money on Women, Booze and Gambling. The rest I just wasted." Exactly.

I reckon all up, it cost me nearly 200k to get where I am .

50k at OATS and 2 years lost wages.....but IT IS WORTH IT!

nickstraker 22nd Dec 2001 02:49

TT in response to your original question you might like to explore osteopathy or chiropractic

Hoodwink 22nd Dec 2001 19:38

Chiropractor ! that is a good idea, you would be earning a load of dosh. I looked into chiropractic courses sometime ago..... I dont really remember how long the course takes .... 5 years twangs a tendon though, anyone know how much the course is and its exact duration .


<img src="frown.gif" border="0"> <img src="frown.gif" border="0"> <img src="frown.gif" border="0"> L4 ,5 are killin me

piperindian 25th Dec 2001 19:00

the JAR ATPL is indeed the worst possible investment possible : three years and 50k for ending up serving fish and chips at your local street corner!
This scam must be denounced by all available means !

even throwing 50k in the dust bin does not require two years of study and practice

other ways

sports car (at least there is a resale value)
gift or wife (not always a good investment <img src="smile.gif" border="0"> )
small appartment (good investment)

ojay 27th Dec 2001 00:14

Sorry to rain on everybodys parade but the 3 grade A,A levels requisite for med school seems to have been conveniently overlooked.Also,the subsequent 6 year slog prior to entering slave labour courtesy of the NHS.Flying is a good career,not without pitfalls and ultimately considerable responsibility,but in the real world nothing is for free.I also didn't know that there were no women in the airline biz?b/rgds.

DiverDriver 28th Dec 2001 01:11

I’ve read this post from start to finish and whilst I understand that it is a fact of life that in order to realise our ambitions we need the finances to make it happen and that for most (me included) this demands that we have some way of paying it back at the end of it all. Never the less I have a fundamental problem with this money and other career thing.
A little while ago some one asked why was I spending thousands on flying when the money could be better invested elsewhere (alternative careers etc). My reply was that I am in the business of collecting memories so that when I’m old and grey and dribbling out the side of my mouth in some nursing home the one thing I will still have (Alzheimer’s accepted) will be the memories I have collected along the way. For me flying is the only career that I have felt drawn toward, my vocation, if you will, and like all other things that I love (my family included) it is the memories that I have gained from these experiences that seem to be the strongest.
I accept that the road to my chose career is difficult and at times I do feel that there are those who, wittingly or otherwise, conspire against me. Never the less, I do feel that the memories I gain along the way, whether I am successful or not, will be far stronger and longer lasting that the memories gained from pursuing a career that I had no affinity with.

Could it be that “It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”……

Oh – I feel quite drained after that…time for a glass of wine…TTFN DD.

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