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-   -   Plenty on training in US / UK / Europe even....what about New Zealand? Any thoughts? (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/77452-plenty-training-us-uk-europe-even-what-about-new-zealand-any-thoughts.html)

theharrier 8th Jan 2003 11:35

Plenty on training in US / UK / Europe even....what about New Zealand? Any thoughts?
Hey guys,

Do any of you have any information about ATPL training in New Zealand? I've found a school in Auckland (Ardmore Flying School) which appears to be ideal for training in busy airspace (nxt door to Auckland Intl), has good all year round weather, cheap living costs etc etc. Have I missed the thread/s or is there just not a lot of interest in gaining a NZ ATPL? There seems to be work out there after all....

Do any of you know of any difficulties that there would be in converting to a JAA later on in life? Would I have to resit all the groundschool papers? Do any of you have any experience of training in New Zealand?

Any information you could offer would be very much appreciated!

Thanks all,


J-Heller 8th Jan 2003 15:15


Please check your PM's.

redsnail 8th Jan 2003 20:19

You may have more luck with your query in the Dununda and Godzone forum. That deals with Australian and New Zealand aviation.
To change your NZ CPL or ATPL is very costly. You will have to do the 14 ATPL exams as well as a minimum of 15 hours to change the IR.

Artificial Horizon 9th Jan 2003 07:57

I gained my NZ CPL at a flying school near Wellington. New Zealand is a great place to train, the countryside is spectacular and the NZ syllabus leads to a few different experiences from training in the UK.

Just a couple of points about what you said in your post.

- The weather in Auckland is probably better than the U.K., but saying that it is good all year around may be stretching the truth a little.

- Not many people go to New Zealand to do their training, but every man and his dog who lives there seems to be training for their CPL / ATPL. NZ has the same number of ATPL pilots as the UK with around 1/15th of the population.

- Jobs are very hard if not impossible to come by, that is why you find so many NZ pilots coming to the UK to try and find work flying.

To convert your licence to JAA is also a real uphill struggle, you have to do ALL of the JAA exams including the 5 month ground school, training as required to pass the CPL flight test and as Redsnail said, a minimum of 15 hours before sitting the IR test, so you will be looking at aound 7 months and £15,000 + to do it.

Having said all of this, NZ is a cheap and fun place to learn, I would suggest that you do your NZ PPL and hour build out there to 150 hours which you will be able to do for around £6,000 then come back to the U.K and complete the modular route for your JAA ATPL, this means there is no double up as you can start modular training with ANY ICAO ppl.


Luke SkyToddler 9th Jan 2003 19:43

Gidday Harrier

Looks like you've been listening to a good old fashioned Ardmore Flying School marketing spiel for a bit long, to be honest.

I would strongly NOT recommend going to ANY flying school based at Ardmore for the following reasons :

1. The weather is NOT good all year round, it's exposed to New Zealand's predominantly westerly low pressure systems, sure there are worse places but if it's maximum flying hours with minimum bad weather days you want, then you'll get much better at places like nelson/motueka, christchurch, gisborne, hastings or tauranga to name a few.

2. The Auckland International CTR is indeed just to the northwest, but that's as much as you'll get to see of it. There is a big designated 'uncontrolled training area' cut out of the Auckland TMA to the south and that's where you spend all your time. You probably will not even speak to Auckland ATC until you get up to the advanced CPL flying / instrument rating phase. Truth is, there's little or no commercial activity at Ardmore, you won't see a single airline turboprop let alone jet aircraft, it's a pure training airport and the biggest thing you're likely to share the circuit with is a dozen C172s.

which leads me into my main gripe ...

3. The place is MENTALLY busy. Until recently it was the busiest airfield in the southern hemisphere in terms of aircraft movements, it's the norm to have 6 or 8 other aircraft in the circuit and it's not uncommon to have a dozen. And on the bad days ... sheesh ... on my 2nd solo flight, back in the days when it had ATC I was "downwind #13", (with a few others behind me, freaked me RIGHT out), and the old chief controller told me at his retirement party that the all time record was 28 in the circuit with another dozen holding for joining / departure :eek:

Add to the mix, a lot of asian cadet pilots with minimal english language skills, warbirds and weekend warrior pilots all making non standard RT calls, uncontrolled airport ops and LONG LONG queues at the departure runway holding point and you can see there's a lot of potential for tempers rising and money being wasted.

(Bankstown airport in Sydney is now officially 'more' busy but they've got ATC and parallel runway ops).

3. Cheap living costs - nope wrong once again - Auckland house rental is twice the price of the rest of the country, sort of like London vs the rest of Britain I guess. South Auckland is a DUMP to live in as well, it is the Brixton of the Pacific :rolleyes: Sure all of NZ is cheap by UK standards but you'll definitely be able to squeeze another few flying hours out of the rent money if you go live in a regional town instead.

Lastly, I have deliberately avoided discussing the company politics of the actual flying school in question, but I STRONGLY advise you to do your homework, maybe find a past employee of that school and have a quiet chat with them before you part with your money :)

If I was you I would look around the country at one of the regional airports, with a better mix of traffic and none of Ardmore's unique issues, there are excellent schools all around, look at tauranga & queenstown for starters would be my advice, or any of those towns I mentioned previously.

In terms of licence conversion to JAA from NZ, it's the same as any other commonwealth country, expect on your return to sit all the JAA ATPL writtens, the CPL and IR flight tests, the whole conversion should cost around 6 to 8 thousand quid to end up with a frozen JAA ATPL.

Don't forget to search the 'dununda general aviation' forum, & feel free to pm me if you want to be on the receiving end of any more rants or if I can be of any help generally :)

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