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trolleydollylover 10th Aug 2001 19:20

PPSC...Gone To the Wind
Just had some very disturbing news.
This afternoon I believe that PPSC has gone into adminstration. This is not meant to be liable-ous and is most certainly not meant to cause offence. I hope that I have not been strung along and I am definately not a wind up merchant. If anybody has any more information then I would be greatful to hear about it. I will pass any more info on as I hear about it.

It would seem that this is another case of a lack of students and companies getting to large in a decreasing market.

I sincerley hope that nobody looses out financially from this news...best of luck to you all.

Token Bird 10th Aug 2001 19:27

I've just called them and yes, it's true. I spoke to the accountant who dissolved them! Sorry chaps.

Darn it! I was just about to sign up for distance learning. I don't where this leaves those of you already on courses,


[ 10 August 2001: Message edited by: Token Bird ]

[ 10 August 2001: Message edited by: Token Bird ]

[ 10 August 2001: Message edited by: Token Bird ]

msrogerson 10th Aug 2001 19:39

As a student at Glasgow Collage of Nautical Studies I can recommend the full time course (£2500). The lecturers are extremely helpful, and the notes are good. However if you must do it distance learning there is only one place, and thats Oxford. Because they have so many students and so much feedback from exams their notes are very good.

Polar_stereographic 10th Aug 2001 20:31

Well, if this is true, and it looks to be the case, I would say that it is a real shame. I did my ATPL's there earlier this year, and thought they where very good and had lots of experience (I did the UK exams).

Well, I wonder if it is a sign of students drying up in terms of numbers not drink (that will never happen). Well my friends at Gatwick take note.

I'm down at PAT in the morning, so I'll get the low down then.

What a shame. To all you wannabies out there, rest assured, it'll put all your written tuition/distance learning costs up IMHO.


VFE 10th Aug 2001 20:32

Bad week in all down at Bournemouth then.
First PanAm cease JAR training leaving PAT (in their words) "at a total loss.." and now this. Talk about a kick in the head to those students based in Bournemouth. I do hope things work out for all those concerned.

The times are a-changing. :(

Snigs 10th Aug 2001 21:07

This is a real shame!

I studied with PPSC on their correspondence course, and I felt that they were pretty good. I feel sad for the lecturers who (apart from one) always put in a lot of effort and were always there to help!

I also feel that this is a big shame because there has to be some competition to the really big schools, and I felt that PPSC were very good value for money.

Good luck to them and all who sailed in her.

Megaton 10th Aug 2001 21:08

Does anybody know whether the pre-exam refreshers are going ahead week after next? I'm flying over from the US for these prior to the exams in Sep and need to know PDQ. I've just tried to call them and there's no answer but I guess it's just after 6 pm.

Megaton 10th Aug 2001 21:20

Having forked out for:

Exam fees.
Brush-up course.
Three weeks off work.
B & B.

This is beginning to look like a disaster of unmitigated proportion, not to mention all the effort I've put in over the last 12 months. Anybody got any ideas or shall I just fall on my sword now! :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad: :eek:

Megaton 10th Aug 2001 22:13

Back to the top and hoping for an answer from someone who's got more info than me - which is everybody 'cos I know nothing!

Polar_stereographic 10th Aug 2001 22:17


Stand by. I'm down there tomorow first thing, and I'll report whatever I find probably last afternoon/early evening.

My sympathies to all down there, even the one instructor I had no time for.


Megaton 10th Aug 2001 22:36

Just heard from a reliable source that there will be no more training so those booked on the next consolidation course will have to look elesewhere.

Broken Wings 11th Aug 2001 11:52

Great! I was grounded in 1998 and left the RAF in 2000 :( On Thursday I passed a Class 1(OML) :) On Friday morning I signed up for the Miltary Bridging package with PPSC as they new all about it :) Then I read this forum the next day :(

I count myself lucky though as my payment has not been actioned. I hope that those who are already signed up manage to get things resolved successfully.

Meanwhile I'll hunt for someone else.

BEagle 11th Aug 2001 12:42

Sorry indeed to hear about PPSC - they've been invaluable to many pilots over the years.

Regarding the Mil bridging package, I understand from the CAA that there is an organisation at Coventry (Atlantic Flight Training??) who either have, or are about to have, authority to conduct the course.

[ 11 August 2001: Message edited by: BEagle ]

PFO 11th Aug 2001 12:45

Well if this is true than that is £627.07 down the drain!

Could have got my night-rating with that money..................


[ 11 August 2001: Message edited by: PFO ]

JB007 11th Aug 2001 12:49

Sad news...and what does this tell you about the industry predicted pilot shortage...
Lack of incoming students.....well, you can work the rest out...

PFO 11th Aug 2001 13:02

Sorry JB007, maybe it is the Stella induced headache but could you please expand on your post as I can't seem to think str8 this morning.



JB007 11th Aug 2001 14:30

Lack of students in the system = lack of future pilots = pilot shortage !!

Airlines are still expanding and ordering A/craft..

aces low 11th Aug 2001 15:00

As someone who has lost out to a collapse of a flying school a couple of years ago (Aviation Manchester for those of a curious nature) I can only offer my sympathies for those who have suffered by the 'administration' of PPSC. As a recent graduate of the PPSC programme I am sorry for students and instructors...although I have heard that SFT will take over the existing courses. Other than that ....always pay by credit card. No one organisation is too big to go under..

schuler_tuned 11th Aug 2001 15:07

having all but finished the nav distance learning course, my question is this ;can you attend the brush-up course with another provider, or is all lost?
major piss off for all concerned!!!!
edited for not reading aces low reply first.
just hope the s.f.t. rumour is true.

[ 11 August 2001: Message edited by: schuler_tuned ]

Mr Man 11th Aug 2001 16:14

I am also just completing module 1,in fact I was going to call and book the revision course for September on Monday.Received assesed exercise results yesterday and an Radio Nav update just 3 days ago!
I've just checked Bristols web sight and their module 1 differs from PPSC's (by 3 subjects).I expect it shall be a while before a competitor of PPSC's offers a suitable alternative,but this dosen't help if you are about to "peak" at the study curve.The whole JAA ATPL's seem to be causing nothing but heartache,not least to PPSC. :eek:

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