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-   -   new ATPL Notes - free for all (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/67838-new-atpl-notes-free-all.html)

take_me_on_high 24th Sep 2002 10:41

new ATPL Notes - free for all
Hi all. I have been working for ages on my ATPL studies and am closing in on my final exams!(Hope they are all passes this time!). Anyhow, since I have been studying sooooo hard I have also been taking all my notes onto computer. I haven't missed a single note.
So if you need a reference to some material, or you want a bit of study notes then take a look at this site I did for you guys out there desperate to do their best.


Hope this helps someone because I spent ages looking for this kind of stuff.

oh, and the website is a little slow but it is free! Let me know what you think.


chilleruk1 24th Sep 2002 10:59


I am currently considering my options on doing my ATPL so any info I can get is helpful. This website is a great job, well done! I think the current ATPL study group will be v.grateful for the help.

...and I have broadband, so it's not that slow for me ;) :D

Good luck with the exams!


FlyingForFun 24th Sep 2002 14:56


With regards to the accuracy of the notes, if you want to know what is "correct", the answer is whatever the CAA decides is correct. There are many questions in the question bank which are ambiguous. All of the major schools, as far as I can tell, are working very hard to have all of these questions clarified or removed, but unless/until that happens, it seems that there's no way of knowing for certain what the correct answer is in these cases.

But do query your instructors... there was a case on this forum very recently where someone highlighted a difference between Oxford and Bristol feedback. Alex from Bristol checked their (Bristol's) answer and found that it was wrong. It's certainly possible that there's a genuine mistake in one or the other set of notes.


PS - I haven't looked at your website yet, I don't have time, although I will hopefully get a chance to look later on. But how close is your website to the Oxford notes, and what is the legality of publishing this? I'm only asking because I know that there are Oxford instructors on this site regularly, and I'm sure they'll be on your back if there's any issue....

CAT3C AUTOLAND 24th Sep 2002 17:52

Very Good Sir

Cracking job of the website mate, just been checking it out, are you and website designer in your spare time?:D

Good luck with your exams.

take_me_on_high 24th Sep 2002 20:12

CAT IIIC Autoland, yes I have been a webdesigner and was in IT for about 8 years. Can't wait to escape and be in an a/c co-pilot seat. Anyway, I do still do freelance work on the side for a bit of cash.....

Flying for fun, as to the legallity side, well if oxford want me to remove it, I don't mind. I only want to share my knowledge. My notes definately do not reflect the exceptional quality of there study material but only contains the key notes to the study material. Anyway, I think that they might find it useful for their own students....

Cheers, JD

take_me_on_high 25th Sep 2002 23:28

ok folks....I have updated the site and corrected the faults with downloading the files. Also, there is a mindmanager viewer link which is free and allows you to view the files.
Take another look.

laurie 26th Sep 2002 21:45

Nice to see your notes TMOH - Thank you for putting all that out there.

The link you have posted for Mind****s or whatever its called loads up the 2002 version....which is incompatible with the file versions you have made available on your website for download (I think they need version 3.5)

Needless to say if you go try and download version 3.5 you get the ol' 404 error!


Have you got files of the gen in normal WordProc format? I have decided that this MMP stuff is a load of Bollox! Nothing at all to do with their unhelpful website.....


Thanks anyway,


Jagbag 28th Sep 2002 08:47

atpl notes

Great work, it was very interesting to go thru' the notes, I am sure U will get all passes.
The files on Aircraft systems, Human performance and Air Law are giving me some problem unable to unzip due header error, any ideas?

Best of luck 4 your tests.

Uday Kolhatkar:)

take_me_on_high 28th Sep 2002 09:47

Hi jagbag. The header problem appears to be with your winzip program being unable to read split files. You will need to upgrade to winzip 8.1 from www.winzip.com. Download this free program and then you should be away.

Also, be sure that the file names are correct. Sometimes, windows likes to 'automatically' rename files into what it thinks is correct. To ensure that the extensions are correct in windows explorer goto tools, folder options, view and uncheck 'hide file extensions for known file types'.

For example, for air law the two files it needs are Air Law.zip and Air Law.z01. sometimes windows renames this as Air Law.z01.zip.

Unfortunately, I had to split the files as the free webhost only allows a max file size of 300kb.


mjtibbs 28th Sep 2002 11:35

Hi, i'd just like to say thanks to take_me_on_high for taking the time to create that site. Very usefull :) cheers


DoMePlease 6th Oct 2002 07:53

I don't mean to belittle Take Me On's work, but aren't these "notes" just topic headers? Can't I just get this stuff from the syllabus?

sam white 6th Oct 2002 14:59

4 minutes after you wrote this reply, you posted a topic asking very basic questions about the ATPL's.
I cant knock you for that, cos this is the place for information, But you obviously havn't even seen any ATPL notes, not a problem.
I studdied with John for a while, and he has been in the thick of it for almost a year (he knows his stuff), So why would he put time and alot of effort into creating a website to help other students, If he didnt think it would help.
That wouldn't make sense now would it!:)

DoMePlease 6th Oct 2002 16:13


I am getting sick of ppl at PPRUNE biting other ppl's head off everytime they post a reply.

Yes, I don't know much about ATPL (that's why I ask), but I am a university graduate and I have worked with classroom notes all my life. Like I said, I don't mean to belittle his work, nor am I implying he is wasting our time. All I am asking is what exactly is so special about those notes? They seem to be headers and he seems to have spent so much time creating them... with the pictures and all. Why do all these diagrams and arrows and colourful lines just to make topic headers of ATPL subjuects? I just don't understand... that's all. If he had included the facts/contents/gist/notes of those topics, then I'd say it was worth creating all the MindMap stuff.

take_me_on_high 6th Oct 2002 19:13

OK. Do me (or whatever), I think I see the problem. Why don't you try downloading the 9mb's worth of text that is there and open up the files in mindmap. If you can work out how to open mindmap then you will see that the majority of the ATPL subject material is there. It's not just colourful lines with pictures etc.... it is a way of remembering notes. For a University Graduate you seem to have difficulty with the smallest of tasks and quick to judge others. Why on earth would I just put headers there? Why don't you try opening the files correctly. When you open a mindmap you press CTRL + D or use the arrow keys on the keyboard to open up sub topics. Not the hardest of tasks, even for a 'university graduate'.
My initial post reply to you was not intended as a dig but just trying to help you out and point you to the syllabus and what the notes where for.
I think if you take another look, you will see a lot of information in the notes.
You obviously didn't try the menu on the left of the site screen either; otherwise you would have seen plenty of notes if you kept going down the branches. There are hundreds of subtopics, so perhaps you thought that was all there was, sub topics.
Anyway, my SYSTEMS, INSTR., MET exams are over the next 3 days so I am going to finish my revision for those.
By the way, why a screen name of DoMePlease? Are you submissive?

Patty O'Doors 7th Oct 2002 10:15

I can see by the cut of his jib that he may well be. Check the contents of his kitchen for carrier bags and satsumas ;)

DoMePlease 7th Oct 2002 12:18

I guess its easy for shallow people to assume that my nick has something to do with sex or being "submissive". Can't say I blame you for assuming that, but still why make fun of other people's nick?

The story goes like this. About a few months back, I went for my last and final interview for full sponsorship. All went well and I answered all their questions without any problems. Before leaving the room, I decided to end by saying something. I didn't know what. I did not have time to think and in a split second I said "Flying is my passion blah blah blah... its the only thing I want to do... blah blah blah... I'm ready for anything. Do me please, ok?" Well, I got the job and I am due to start flying school. So you see not everything is about sex. People choose their nick's for unique/personal reasons. Often only they themselves know what it really means. So cool it with the nick bashing ok? Hope you guys get there too (no sarcasm here).

Patty O'Doors 8th Oct 2002 13:07


1. This is fun not sarcasm.
2. You should not take things so personally as I sense you are young and will only give yourself an ulcer.
3. You need to get a better sense of humour if you are going to cope with exams and self loading freight.
4. If you are fully sponsored you have no reason not to have a sense of humour. :)

love and kisses


take_me_on_high 8th Oct 2002 13:31

hear hear! (or is that here here).

I think I passed my instruments, instruments, instruments - do dah, do dah.(sung to old mac donald). :p

DoMePlease 8th Oct 2002 13:53

Well... I guess you're right Patty! Sorry I've been a pain the last few posts. Anyway, no hard feelin's ok?

Elvis21 8th Oct 2002 14:04

Don't care what anyone says, the notes are cracking and certainly a help to me.

Top marks my good man:D

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