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Topper187 9th Mar 2001 23:23

How low would you go?
If you were given the opportunity to be fully sponsored by a third world airline in return for a 5 year working bond, poor wages, living in the third world and flying the older jets to not many destinations, would you do it?


BigTimeWannabe 9th Mar 2001 23:29

Depends on which 3rd World Country?

Captain Mainwaring 9th Mar 2001 23:32

Maybe i would if there was nothing better for the foreseeable future.
I would worry more about the probability of catching one of a host of illnesses in my 5 years out there!

Tor 10th Mar 2001 01:37

You mean the UK? :)

Topper187 10th Mar 2001 05:39

lol The uk. I wish. No i was refering to somewhere in deepest Africa..


AJ 10th Mar 2001 05:58

If there was nothing else available: YES.

Lived in 3rd World countries all my life; far more exciting than the UK.

5 year bond for full sponsorship ain't unreasonable in my eyes.

Older jets? Any jets thanks!!


Good Morning Buenos Aires

QNH1013 10th Mar 2001 08:10

If there was ZERO other options where I was trying then definitely YES I would take the job. Goes without saying. If anyone here wants to be a pilot more than anything in life then that's the only thing you'd choose to do, unless you're rich enough to buy your hours or type rating to go elsewhere. For me, I had already scraped the bottom of the barrel after my flight training costs. I am still young so had time to leave the third world for a better job. You mentioned it was third world on Jets! Well, that's jet experience at least. And you may even be able to leave before the 5 year bond, depends how things work out and what it'll cost to break the bond. For me, there's nothing I'd rather do for a livign than fly. I would have done that in the third world on Prop aircraft flying cargo if I had to for a start!

Fortunately for me, I got lucky right here at home with an airline, but who knows where would I have been if I didn't.....

DreamCatcher 10th Mar 2001 11:12

The question was: how low would you go?

I knew a guy who once had a dachshund... the judge had asked him the same question!

(Quick retreat to Jetblast!) :)

If you're not on the edge, then you're taking up too much space.

go 10th Mar 2001 14:04

who we talking about?...can I have a job?

DeltaTango 10th Mar 2001 19:40

Hey toppper
Could you drop me a e-mail about this?
Sounds interesting.


Tor - how are doing?
Are you saying that DK is any better?
:) :) :)

[This message has been edited by DeltaTango (edited 10 March 2001).]

springbok449 11th Mar 2001 03:59

Go for it mate and all the best nothing wrong with living in a 3rd world country.
When you will fly with this airline make sure to keep yourself in a very good standard in order to correct any defficiency in your crew.
All the best and good luck.

[This message has been edited by springbok449 (edited 11 March 2001).]

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