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-   -   Malgus: Did anyone here make it all the way through ? (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/63415-malgus-did-anyone-here-make-all-way-through.html)

mnpala 15th Aug 2002 13:28

Malgus: Did anyone here make it all the way through ?
Here's a question, which I cannot find the answer to, via searching the threads.

Has anyone on this forum actually made it ALL THE WAY THROUGH the Malgus scheme and been offered a training place ?

FE Hoppy 16th Aug 2002 11:22

Not me.
Failed on personality profile (last stage).
Guess I should stick to flying for a living.
I would, like so many others like to know who and how many have been selected.

and as for if its a scam.

No more so than any company who require payment for attending interviews or testing.

mbcxharm 19th Aug 2002 08:58

I too failed the personality profile.

zerouali 19th Aug 2002 21:41


See the Malgus web page. First week in October start date and watch the papers for the PR stuff.

monkeyboy 20th Aug 2002 08:53

Well done, Z!

Sorry to the other guys.

Z, are you the only one?

I think your posting may now finally give the much needed credability to the Malgus scheme.

mbcxharm 20th Aug 2002 10:08

Congratulations Zerouali! I don't think we met at any point so I don't know who you are (none of the people I spoke to had heard of PPRuNE - but maybe they were fibbing!).

I knew I'd done badly on the computer-based personality test when, in the interview, the interviewer said that I was so laid back that I sometimes needed to be resuscitated!

Keep us informed on how you get on...

zerouali 20th Aug 2002 18:52

Cheers folks! Got the shout last week, but didn't want to say anything until all the last-stagers had received word from Malgus directly.

Four of us were succesful in the end. Start on the October course. It's taken a while but myself and the three others are now where we want to be, as are Malgus. For those of you who can get Scottish Television, watch Scotland Today over the next few days for all the gen, plus possibly my mug splashed on the telly, for which I can only apologise in advance!

It's easy to be sceptical, and I applied on the strength of PARC being initially involved, and the fact that I could pay by Visa, giving me some sort security should it be a scam.

I can say that with every stage I went through I became more convinced that it was genuine. The fact that I'm not paying anything other than the £147 tells me it's a pretty poor scam if it is one. It costs Malgus more than that for my medical!

I'll keep you all up to date on our progress, and I'll try and do mini journal updates from Jerez to let you all know what to expect when you make it. (If I can anyone can!)

mbcxharm - Have you asked for feedback? Don said I was so laid back he'd have to wake me up to get on with the interview! Maybe what you thought was your weak point actually wasn't. Get in touch with Malgus and ask for some feedback. You may find you failed on something you can work on and give it another go. Keep at it and good luck.

monkeyboy 20th Aug 2002 20:28

Just out of interest, zerouali, what previous experience did you have - flyingwise?

PPL? Half way through your ATPLs?

Well done again!


zerouali 20th Aug 2002 21:21

Eh, 5 hours or so! Honestly, actual flying time isn't very important, it's passing the aptitude tests and matching whatever profile they are looking for at interview etc. The same would apply at airline schemes I would bet.

I have worked in ATC for the last few years so I guess that may have helped. Other than that, I think it was just my day! I've waited for that day for 20 years so don't give up!

mbcxharm 20th Aug 2002 21:30


I'm going to send Malcolm an email asking for feedback. He included his business card with my letter so I feel I can do that!

The letter also said that they'd be willing to book me onto the course that the successful candidates are going on, with Malgus's discount, if I was funding myself. Unfortunately I don't think that's going to be possible - although I see a new series of 'Who Wants to Be A Millionaire' is about to start!! :)

I didn't necessarily think that it was the 'laid back' thing that scuppered me - I thought I'd done pretty well in the interview with Don - I answered most of his 'technical' questions correctly (apart from one I think), but I just think that my score on the computer-based test just didn't match their very tight specifications. Hopefully I'll find out anyway.

Shanks 21st Aug 2002 16:52

Congratulations Zerouali, and to the other successful Malgus candidtates!

To be honest I was very cynical about the whole scheme until your mail; I'm happy to have been proved wrong though!
Unfortunately I didn't invest £147, and am now paying a damn sight more than that to attend the same course as you ;)

See you all in October for some sun, fun, and hard work :)

Wee Weasley Welshman 21st Aug 2002 17:19

Hang on - are you saying 4 of you got a free Integrated course at Jerez? Thats 4 times £55,000 = £220,000. At £148 per applicant there would need to be 1,486 applicants. Asssuming Malgus absorbed all the admin, advertising and Parc fees that is.

That suprises me.


egg 22nd Aug 2002 09:17

Nice one Zerouali! I am just relieved somebody got it and we hadn't all thrown our money down the drain.

I just received the knock back. The letter said I didn't match the personality profile which was a suprise because as Donal marked it there and then in front of me he said the main thing he was looking for in it was consistency and I had scored highly in that.
Anyway - no great suprise - we all knew it was a long shot.
I've asked for further feedback too. Can I suggest we all put our further feedback up here so we can see what kind of overall profile they are after?

zerouali 22nd Aug 2002 10:32

:mad: WWW, can't you admit that maybe, just maybe, you might be wrong on this one?

The £147 is not soley used to fund the training. Scottish Enterprise have agreed to provide funding for our courses, and S.E. usually work on a 50/50 funding basis to match the funds put up by Malgus and its investors.

We are getting the course free as there had to be an incentive to get people to apply. Future courses will pay half back, which is still a good deal. The fact that cadets are now going to Jerez proves to potential candidates that what Malgus are offering is real.

The schoolboy figures posted up here of £147 - vat * blah de blah just don't apply. It is a business and like all start up businesses some costs have to be absorbed to get the company going, commonly known as loss leaders. The first four candidates are effectively the loss leaders. Malgus say they don't expect to make any money for at least three to four years, but it is a viable business plan.

Perhaps you're just jealous that you never thought of it first? Or perhaps you had to pay for your training and are now slightly resentful that others do not?

Either way, I think it's best that we just watch and wait. We are going to Jerez and others will apply. Good luck to all those who do.

Blindside 22nd Aug 2002 10:52

Plastic Surgery
Forget flight training, I'm going for a penile reduction from their plastic surgery division. It's a strange mix.


Sagey 22nd Aug 2002 10:58

Hahahahahaha Blindside.

I am going for Malgus Web building package. Would love to have a site that says Currently Under Construction for six months ;)

Mind you after reading their advert in the Metro.

Heathrow is now in Berkshire.

Still people have got on courses and that is a good thing. Lot of things I don't like about Malgus, especially some of their marketing which I can say appears misleading to say the least.

But congrats to those that made it, sorry to those that didn't


Wee Weasley Welshman 22nd Aug 2002 12:34

Zerouali - hey no skin off my nose. I did my training quite some time ago thanks. I am intrigued by your implication Scottish Enterprise are funding course costs. They have said they are not when people have asked them.

So I just don't understand where the £220,000 comes from. Thats all.

And why 4 people? They'd get just as much publicity from just 1.

Its a hell of a loss leader for a company which is going to do what in the future? Supply low houred integrated course students to the airlines that have passed some bog standard aptitude tests?

Hardly a stunning business plan.

If 4 people get a free ATPL and hundreds and hundreds of others waste £150 then I guess thats simple a zero sum equation.

Congratulations to you personally for getting this opportunity.

You are not a friend of a friend of someone are you?

I hope it all goes through smoothly for you. Enjoy Andalucia, it really is a stunning place.


InFinRetirement 22nd Aug 2002 15:42

I don't believe this for a moment. Even if Jerez gave away a course the other three would cost £165,000 and would mean that 1,650 people would have to apply. And Malgus would, on those figures, make £77,550 itself!

And then there is this:

The £147 is not soley used to fund the training. Scottish Enterprise have agreed to provide funding for our courses, and S.E. usually work on a 50/50 funding basis to match the funds put up by Malgus and its investors.
"our courses"? Does zerouali work for Malgus then? NO enterprise board that I know of has ever put in 50% of the total funding required. Again, just prove it. I am not against apologising.

Elsewhere on another thread Malgus were questioned by The Glasgow Herald see this link - http://www.s1news.com/news/14392.html Tell me that they are genuine when they freely admit that they MUST have over 600 applicants to pay for just one course. zerouali gives an entirely different view.

On another thread the Scottish Enterprise Board were questioned and categorically denied that they had anything to do with Malgus, or would they have anything to do with them. Put of copy of such a letter on their 'under contruction' website. Then we might believe it. Who is kidding who? I am still not against apologising.

If I thought there was ONE iota of truth, or a real possibility that a wannabe could make it through this VERY dubious scheme, and thats being nice, I would arrange for the PPRuNe Fund to pay for a few places. As it is I would never even consider it. It just lines the pockets of Malgus.

What I want to see is Malgus, and its 'supporters', stop trying to get our wannabes to part with their money for not even a slightly realistic chance of getting in. 'Killing' a person's application with the result that they failed the personality profile is all to easy to say. I am also fed up that our wannabes are being exploited. And while I am at it. How was it that the most vociferous of supporters of the Malgus scheme alone got in?

Given just one certain fact that says this is a scam and Malgus will not be allowed on PPRuNe again. Why they are now is because we choose to let others see what is in store. If they listen.

You think I am angry? You betcha I am!!

zerouali 22nd Aug 2002 18:40

So I'm now involved in the "scam" now am I? Unbelievable!

The Herald link you have is from last year, when the scheme WAS cancelled and everyone on here who had applied received their money back.

I say "our courses" because I've been offered a place. Thought that one was obvious.

Several enterprise companies work on a "you pay half, we pay half" basis. It all depends on the circumstances of the business involved.

You haven't one fact that proves this is a scam. Neither have I.

I can see some folk will never believe this is real, so I guess we'll just have to wait until Christmas next year when our courses are due to finish. I'll post a copy of my license as proof if you wish. Providing I pass of course.


Wee Weasley Welshman 22nd Aug 2002 23:03

Do that.

Soddit 23rd Aug 2002 11:54

Is there any possibility that Malgus and Millennium Airlines are in some way connected? There is the Irish connection plus the sort of money being talked about would, if invested according to the returns mentioned on the Millennium website, appear to easily produce the funds required for training, selection,administration and still turn in a good profit?

Just a thought........

aaaaa 23rd Aug 2002 12:29

Spoke to Mary Jo at Jerez, she says she has 11 students contracted to do the course in October. Malgus has been in contact but nothing finalized yet.

Hope all is ok for the Malgus chosen few and that it is not a scam -we all need a good break sometime.

zerouali 23rd Aug 2002 17:58

Soddit - Who are Millenium Airlines? Did a search on Google and couldn't find much other than a Virtual Airline? Or is that your point!;)

[edit] -Found it! I don't know what to think of that. Don't think they even exist! What do you mean the irish connection?

aaaaa - Spoke to Malcolm on Wednesday and he said that funding had been agreed with all involved, so next step would be Jerez I guess.

I understand folks concerns about a scam, but I paid my £147 in January. What can Malgus possibly gain by telling me I have a course when they don't want any money up front from me?

Having got through the three stages involved, and having met Malcom and his father a few times since, I am perfectly happy that Malgus are who they say they are. Up until this point they have done exactly what they said they would, and STV just ran a story on the daytime national news about the company (including me climbing all over a Grumman!), so if it is a scam it's a bloody good one!

wallup 24th Aug 2002 10:02

It's stilly funny that this sites most vociferous supporter of Malgus is the only one here who's got through.

Coincidence? Well, where are the other three?

When do we get to see an article on this in Flight, or even Flyer or Pilot magazine?

The yoker 24th Aug 2002 12:51

Nice to read this dicsussion about Malgus after reading their advertisement in the latest Flight International. Indeed, there are several unknown aspects. I guess it´s a new training construction which has just started ? Aren´t there people who have finished there FT with Malgus? After the flight training they say that they will introduce you to an airline for a job which you can´t refuse :eek: !!! Any known (partner-)airlines??


johnwalton 24th Aug 2002 17:24

Just a quick point,

In the Malgus contract thing, doesn't it say that they will find you "employment" after you have qualified, and this "employment" would enable you to pay a substantial portion of the training costs back?

The way I read it, it seemed to me that Malgus could have you stacking shelves at a supermarket in order to get there money back...

Perhaps thats a little cynical, but I would have certainly wanted clarification...

InFinRetirement 27th Aug 2002 11:26

After reading here about the Scottish Enterprise Board apparently putting funds into Malgus for pilot training. I got in touch with them. Here is their word on the question of putting 50% of training costs, into Malgus - as purported by a poster a few posts back. Just look back a few posts.

The Scottish Enterprise Board have stated quite categorically that they havel NOT, and will not, be making any financial contributions to any pilot training under the auspices of the Malgus scheme.

This clarifies the position for those who are interested. As far as our wannabes are concerned they are best advised to keep their money in their pocket.

So, at the risk of repeating myself, this now leaves the question of just how many people are required to make the scheme work. So this is final word on this. Any further Malgus threads will be closed as they are made.

For ONE person to go Jerez for training it will cost circa £55,000 per course. Each student wanting to take part must pay to Malgus £147. Malgus, see their website www.malgus.com - will take £47 of this towards expenses, which include some initial costs for the student while there and for getting there and back.
The other £100 goes towards one course. So, one course requires 550 students to fund ONE course.

While Malgus claim that this is 100% sponsorship, it isn't. IF ONE person goes to Jerez and comes back with a licence, he/she will require to pay Malgus 50% of the course cost. That is £27,500 after you have got a job. That has to be paid back in 5 years OR put it another way, you have to pay £458 per month out of your new salary - whatever it is. Almost as much as a mortgage. How would get one anyway - with that sum going out for FIVE years?

The question now is: Malgus say they have a planned programme of four candidates going to Jerez in October. That will cost £220,000. A lot of money. Do they have that in the bank? Or a serious investor? Malgus cannot afford it if their scheme still relies on having all those £147's in place. 2200 candidates as I see it, and they haven't interviewed them yet. It is also asserted a couple of posts up that BAe have already said that Malgus have confirmed nothing yet.

It is, of course, possible that they have an investor, in which case this should not be difficult to establish. In which case the investor is in for a rather good take back of £27,500 over 5 years. Your money!

Save your money. If Malgus have something real can you afford to do it?

Chaffers 27th Aug 2002 15:01

Well I don't have any worries about my aptitude but I think I'll be keeping hold of my £147 somehow.....God luck though zerouali. Where abouts did you work in ATC?

whiskydrinker 7th Oct 2002 16:30

So then.....

Hands up all those who started today in Jerez fully paid by Malgus? (and can you prove it)

Or is it indeed the malicious scam many believe.

JohnnyPharm 7th Oct 2002 18:39

Well done Z, good luck on your course. Personally I won't be applying to malgus but I wish you all the best.

I think there is a hint of the green eyed monster being detected in this thread by ppl who have not managed it. This is understandable. Obviously if a company was looking for candidates, it would not interview 2200 applicants for four positions. I suppose its a bit like the lottery, you pays your money, if you are lucky you strike gold, but the real winners are camelot.

All the best.

Andy_R 7th Oct 2002 22:07

Another no!!
:confused: Wish I'd seen this thread before I paid my money and got a no! Incidentally at the same time as applying I asked Malgus to desin a website for me (another of their associated companies). I got a very basic "design" back for my perusal but since giving the go-ahead to them I have had no response....this despite offering them my business several times.
And though Malcolm was quite happy to talk to me about it, (until i'd paid my £147) now there is nowt but silence and no replies to my e-mails or answers to my telephone calls........... ????? maybe they're busy with their new recruits????? and no i'm not a bitter ppl!!! Can they afford to lose business like this? Maybe theyve had 5000 x £147

zerouali 26th Oct 2002 23:55

whiskydrinker - I can't find the emoticon for hands up so the thumbs up will have to do. Just starting our fourth week of ground school, the beer is cheap and it was 29c by the pool today. :D How is the weather back home?

A malicious scam? Remember this is a RUMOUR site, and a Professional one at that, allegedly. Don't believe all you read, especially when it's written by people who just don't know.

As for proving it, well frankly, I don't think I have to. If you still think Malgus is a scam well, your loss really.

InFinRetirement 27th Oct 2002 14:38


As I said to you before, when you have a licence come back and flaunt it. And IF you get one how will you pay back £30,000 of "100% sponsorship?" Remember you have to pay back £500 per month over 5 years? Bit less if the course if it didn't cost £60k.

The best thing for anyone is to keep hold of their money.

Ask your employers why they don't answer calls.

Don't answer this because as I warned you before, after I discovered the lies about the Scottish Enterprise Board being a party to this scam, that I will not be a party to wannabes being conned in this way and that Malgus goes off the forum.

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