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-   -   Ere we go........1st line sector. (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/6088-ere-we-go-1st-line-sector.html)

Pilot Pete 17th Jun 2001 14:28

Ere we go........1st line sector.
Now, Where did I leave you all last time? Oh yes, six nose wheel crunchers at Prestwick, two hours of burning my fingers on the bev maker and sitting on the stand at Manchester with the biggest grin since Carol Smilie got praised for a home make-over! The good men at the ministry saw fit to send me a new blue book with three little numbers typed on the ratings page............757.

So, two weeks of waiting for the line training to start meant copious amounts of quality time with the boys and getting on the missus's nerves. It was all planned to happen out of Birmingham on Sunday 17th, but in true Crewing fashion one swift phone call on Friday lunchtime asking for a favour meant I could start one day earlier out of Glasgow to Malaga. Top stuff.

So, there's me parked in the short term car park with the rain lashing down and the cloud streaming by also going south in search of somewhere nicer and I new it was time to utilise 'Mac, issue, x1, in black, black or black'.

It's un-nervy, but sort of pleasant at the same time as you walk through the check-in area for the first time, me thinking I look like Blakey from 'On the Buses' in my black hat and rain coat but the public just part like the Red Sea and gawp as you wander through with that tempered smile. Oh my god.

You find the crew room and have to knock as you don't have the number and it's almost like relief to be welcomed inside by the training captain and you're fine now because you're among fellow aviators.

The introductions and niceties are duly carried out and I'm then pleasantly suprised to be taken along to Costa Coffee for a 'real one' as opposed to Nescafe in the office. Back upstairs we go through the weather, routeing and fuel requirements and I struggle to see the info buried in the 'sea' of paperwork (yeah I know, get used to it!) The captain offers me the first leg as it's a bit of a double edged sword - 1st and it's straight in at the deep end, or 2nd and you're already feeling tired. I'm more than happy to be PF outbound.

We leave the office behind and head off to the stand, and boy it feels good, and then reality takes over when two lost pax ask us directions to stand 51! I haven't a clue and the captain thinks there isn't a stand 51 even though the 'telly' clearly announces 'last call' on stand 51. He suggests that the safety F/O deal with it whilst we continue on and get things set up.

We walk on board (yep, it's much more civilised than climbing over the wing!) and it's straight into the cockpit safety check and the F/O's scan. That done we copy the ATIS and start on performance as the pax are being loaded. I make an attempt at my first T/O and emergencies brief which doesn't go too bad with only a few additional points being brought up by the Captain. The doors close and we're ready for clearance and push and start. Here we go then. Or maybe not. It seems that the tug has 'disappeared' and once we find a tug, they then can't find the pin! 5 mins delay and I call again for push and start.

We taxy out and it feels good to be back in Glasgow, just like the old 'flying eye' days but the view is somewhat different from my new vantage point. I'm praised for reminding the captain that we haven't done the 'After Start' checklist when he calls for the 'Before Takeoffs' and it feels good and sets a good tone for the CRM.

We enter the runway and he hands it to me on the toe brakes, we get the clearance and off we roll (read my last post if you want all the description of the T/O!). At rotate I am immediately struck by how much harder you need to pull back with a tube full of holiday-makers behind you. We climb away, up goes the gear and no heroics, just the autopilot at 500'! In goes LNAV and then VNAV, 3000' and we clean up. After T/O checks and that's it, my first take-off in a 757 with pax onboard. A couple of deep breaths and a wipe of the beads of sweat from the top lip, off come the shoulder straps and it all comes a bit more relaxed as I fly the ATC commands through the MCP.

Once in the cruise rolls and tea are served until breakfast is cooked (boy I'm not gonna lose any weight in this job!) and we spend a couple of hours going through some bits and bobs of training before planning for the approach. Malaga is fine and sunny with a wind fairly down the runway at 20kts gusting 30kts and windshear reported on final. I like a challenge, and when asked if I'm 'up for it' my response was never in doubt!

We're vectored out over the sea and end up number 2 to a PA34. Bloody spam cans, sorry guys, that's terrible professionalism after only 3/4 of a sector, I retract!

Yes, the ATIS is right, it's pretty blowy and changing direction as we come down the slope. Big gulp, automatics off, let's have some fun, I've paid a fortune for this ride! It was pretty hard work keeping on the centreline, on the glide and at the right speed but I was well pleased when the main gear touched Boeing style (not a greaser, but certainly not a cruncher!) and I managed to fly the nose wheel on instead of letting it come through and join us in the cockpit a la my first circuit!

We pulled on stand and off got the pax, oblivious to the fact that that was the first time that I'd ever done that! Time for tea, duty free and some sunshine during a walkaround with the safety F/O. Bliss.

[This message has been edited by Pilot Pete (edited 17 June 2001).]

tunneler 17th Jun 2001 14:42

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

ONYA MATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BigAir 17th Jun 2001 15:12

Pilot Pete,

Good on you, makes me realise even more how much I want it - With a bit of luck, I will be going through all this in 18 months time.



Rob 747 17th Jun 2001 15:27


http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/cool.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/cool.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/cool.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/cool.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/cool.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/cool.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/cool.gif

So i take it, you would definitely say it is worth all the debt and hard work, not to mention the heartache!

[This message has been edited by Rob 747 (edited 17 June 2001).]

Mach 1 17th Jun 2001 15:31

Great stuff Pilot Pete. Your story is a real inspiration to all wannabes.....keep it coming - can't wait for the next instalment!

....and if anyone spots a JMC 757 orbiting over the city centre at 1500ft, don't worry - it's just the new Clyde 1 Eye in the Sky.

Patsy 001 17th Jun 2001 16:14

Many congratulations Pete - this sort of story inspires us all.

Well done


Delta Wun-Wun 17th Jun 2001 18:30

Super Stuff,
Have you managed to find somewhere to live yet? Keep the installments coming. :) :) :)


Carew 17th Jun 2001 20:53

Inspirational, great, fantastic and well done in your success. Give Benny a mention next time-good for the story line and I hope you don't play rugby.
Keep up the good work.

G SXTY 17th Jun 2001 20:59

Nice one Pete! Keep them coming - all I can see is tunnel at the moment, and your posts remind me there is light out there somewhere.

Keep up the good work!!

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit pruning.

Ennie 17th Jun 2001 21:02

Well done Pete, doesn't seem like 5 minutes ago we were all sat in the bar at the Lyndhurst Park Hotel watching the England game...cant believe it was Feb!!...was your kebab any good by the way?!!

"Keep The F*****G Ball In The Middle"!!!

Tarmach 17th Jun 2001 22:27

Excellent stuff!!!

Pilot Pete, how much did your flight training cost you altogther and how much were you in debt afterwards?


Bunty Boy 18th Jun 2001 14:49

Nice one mate - reading stuff like that gives me a nice warm feeling inside. I'm looking forward to my chance. Keep posting.


mad_jock 18th Jun 2001 14:58

Right i have tried to search for episode 1 of Pilot Pete and his love affair with a 757.
At prestwick

Can anyone help out ?


Capt Wannabee 18th Jun 2001 17:01

I can only imagine how happy you felt doing that!!
Congratulations on your acheivement. Your post should be re-named to 'Need an inspiration boost?'

AirScream 18th Jun 2001 19:28

A great read
Well done for taking the trouble to let us join you

Simon W 18th Jun 2001 20:50

His previous post (first takeoff) is on the link below:




mad_jock 18th Jun 2001 21:42

Cheers mate


Pilot Pete 19th Jun 2001 01:00

First off, thanks for all the replies, it's good to hear that so many of you find a little inspiration when reading how a ppruner 'got there'.

To answer some of the specific questions (I can't be too long as I'm up at 04:30 to go to Heraklion!);

Rob747 - yes

Delta Wun-Wun - gazumped twice, third time lucky hopefully, going through at the moment in Congleton.

Carew - Benny?

Ennie - indeed it does, how's it going with you?

Tarmach - fortunes, all in around £55k not including living costs, loss of earnings etc etc.

Mad Jock - The story started back here;

PP ( edited due to incompetence)

[This message has been edited by Pilot Pete (edited 18 June 2001).]

Ennie 19th Jun 2001 01:33

Pete, a splendid story mate, you deserve a nice shiny boeing after all that, even if it has bright green engines!!!...enjoy.

Going ok with me, start with KLM uk in Aug on the F50 at Leeds/Bradford, roll on!!!

RVR800 19th Jun 2001 17:59

Excellent Read - Well Done Peter

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