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captainbirdseye 28th Jun 2002 15:14

Questions To Ask FTO's
I am in the process of choosing an FTO to build hours at in the USA. I am also in the process of choosing an FTO back here in Blighty to do the CPL ME/IR. To help me select I am grilling various representatives of FTO’s with questions such as:

- Prices?
- Availability of aircraft?
- Do you have a resident examiner?
- Pass rates
- What are the facilities at airfield?

Can anyone add to this brief list, as I imagine there are things that you could only know to ask after actually doing the course.

I don’t want to be in a position thinking “I wish I had asked that”.



VFE 28th Jun 2002 16:30

If you want to be really thorough you can go to Companys House and request the FTO's accounts. Get a qualified accountant to see whether the FTO is likely to be still in business in 6 months time.

Ask if they are flexible with giving you leave from the course too. Sounds silly I know but at BAE Jerez you have to fill out a "leave authorisation" form which then has to be OK'ed by the Head Of Training. I know of many instances where the request was denied and the student was facing having their contract terminated or at least getting a formal warning if they went off home without it. Sounds mad but there we go!
I cannot imagine this sort of behaviour is in place with most other schools but do check.

Good luck,


Wee Weasley Welshman 28th Jun 2002 16:52

Well if you are on a full time course then your full time attendence is indeed required by contract.

From your start date the FTO is planning aircraft and instructor availability for you over the next 13 months. Both of these items are expensive and cannot be left to stand idle whilst you ponce off on holiday.

Compassionate leave is always granted of course.

You want the lowest price - you have to be ready to fly as and when they have a slot for you simple as that.

On the matter of good questions try this.

"Hi, I have decided that I am going to train with either you or school X next door. Can you please supply me with the names and telephone numbers of a couple of your graduates please. School X has done this and their ex-customers seem real happy. I want to check yours are. Thanks."

After that perhaps try and get the CFI, Deputy CFI or other senior instructor as your assigned instructor prior to signing a training contract.

Good luck,


VFE 28th Jun 2002 23:14

Understand your point there WWW.
The instances I refer to occured towards the Christmas break where alot of students, if left till the Friday (last day) to travel home could not have done so. The HOT declined approval, hence, alot of students had over-night stops on airport floors and extra expenses due to cancelling flights and rebooking - in some cases with a totally different airline. Big bucks - around £600 to £700 more than initially planned.
In the scheme of things? Not much I guess but Xmas pressies for loved ones back home went on the back burner and alot of students were peeved by this. Not me I must add so this is not a personal gripe just an observation.
Oh, and most of those students concerned were not at the flying stage at the time and knew full well, as did management, that classes would be cancelled on the last day as indeed they were! But they opened the bar up and gave out free booze which one may class as a sleazy little move but hey, it was Xmas after all....

Minor point but I thought I would bring it to the attention of those looking at possible FTO's.


Wee Weasley Welshman 28th Jun 2002 23:42

Oh, remember the incident VFE. Indeed - poor management decision.


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