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-   -   Which Florida Flying School? (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/5700-florida-flying-school.html)

emu 27th Feb 2001 21:29

Which Florida Flying School?
If you wanted to do a Night/IMC and 50hrs where would you go in Florida. I've narrowed it down to OFT, Naples or Brittania and would appreciate any views or comments on these or others.

PS I know the PPRuNe policy on this topic so it may be an idea to e-mail me.

Thanks in advance for your help.

TipTop 27th Feb 2001 22:29

I've heard that there another company called European Flight Training (EFT) starting up in the Ft. Pierce area.
Afraid I don't know much about the other companies you mentioned.


airmanshoop 28th Feb 2001 19:51

Try International Flight Training up in Melbourne FL, nice planes and people, website is


have fun !

britflyer 2nd Mar 2001 07:37

Try Naples Air Centre on the West coast of Florida. Very friendly I converted by FAA PPL to CAA PPL plus multi and night ratings.

Accomodation at the Wellesley Inn is cheap and very comfortable as the school gets a good rate. If you need any other details drop me an Email. [email protected]


gazelle507 2nd Mar 2001 14:10

The Pan Am Academy Ft Pierce, Florida is a JAR approved FTO and is an excellent choice for flight training.
If you would like details have a look at www.pilotassist.com, who will tell you all about them.

Tarmach 2nd Mar 2001 20:37

Can I have the website addresses for those schools mentioned please.

Also gazelle, your link doesnt work!!

VFE 2nd Mar 2001 21:06

gazelle507 is spot on with his comments about PAIFTA.
I have just been over there to have a peek so if anyone wants an impartial view then please feel free to email me.

Regards, VFE.

Scottie 3rd Mar 2001 02:26

Just one word about the owners of International Flight Training. Steven Fisher used to run a set up at Fort Pierce called International Flight Training Academy.

I did my hour building there back in 1996 or 1997. I payed for a whole load of hours and due to too many pilots chasing too few aircraft I didn't complete my hour building. Took me many months to get about £600 back off them. They only paid up when I threatened legal action.

If you do go there, be careful with your wonga, guard your money with your life!!

Flashy websites/brochures mean b*gger all. I had a much better experience at OBA but let's not go down that thread!!!!!

[This message has been edited by Scottie (edited 02 March 2001).]

Captain Mainwaring 3rd Mar 2001 14:54

I would wholeheartedly endorse the comments made by Scottie. I had the misfortune to work for Fisher for a year - i have a UK County Court Judgement against him for unpaid wages.
I saw no end of students owed a credit balance which they had to fight for a refund.
I have never met a more unpleasant human being than Fisher.
I could never recommend them to anyone.
Mail me if this gets edited and you want it repeating.

emu 3rd Mar 2001 17:11

Thanks for the info everyone. I have chosen Orlando Flight Training (OFT) and should be going in a couple of weeks. I will do a Trainee Pilot style report on them after I return just to let prospective clients know about the good service they will get (hopefully).

Thanks again for the public advice and the e-mails.

PPRuNe Pop 3rd Mar 2001 18:31

There has been a change recently at PPRuNe HQ in naming schools in regard to people having been ripped off, where the quality overall was much less than one would expect or where you didn't get what was promised to you. It is now acceptable if the criticism is real.

However, please be aware, that you MUST be prepared to fully identify yourself to back up what you say, and by providing all the relevent details if it is required. If you are happy to do that there will be no problem here.

PPRuNe Pop
[email protected]

[This message has been edited by PPRuNe Pop (edited 03 March 2001).]

Wee Weasley Welshman 3rd Mar 2001 18:43

emu - your report would be most welcome. Please people though - try to write in a way least likely to excite the lawyers!


Lewis 3rd Mar 2001 19:56

I just came across this web site. It has a discussion board on US flight school.


Jason2000 3rd Mar 2001 21:37

Hello all-
If anyone ever has any questions regarding OFT, just fire away - I did my PPL out there and so am in a pretty good position of giving a reasonable response!

Jason :) :)

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