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puma2 26th Jul 2001 13:02

Beware of Pilot assist college
I like many other Wannabes have been researching the training schools and what we have to do and what they (the schools) offer. I saw the advert for pilot assist and liked what I read. I decided to call them and thats when it all went a little pear shaped. I was put through to the Student services director" and initially I was quite impressed with what he had to say, but them little inconsistancies started to creap in. When I questioned them he started to go all over the place. One area he told me I would need far more hours than I knew I needed, thats going to cost an extra £5-6000 (worried), but he did say that they could get me a CDL and a bank loan to cover it.
When I asked him about the flying he said they use Pan Am, but when I went to the seminar, they said EFT. When I again asked why they don't use EFT any more he launched into what was a total elimination of EFT (EFT you guys have certainly upset him). These are just a few points, but with all the other wrong info, I am now looking at Bristol (sorry pilot assist, you had your chance).
So, if you call them, make sure they tell you the truth. It may have been just a bad day but if he is telling this to all the people who call, then it is worrying.
I will say tho, I am tempted by their airline prep course and at the seminar the other staff were pretty switched on, including Lynn Clark

sydneyc 26th Jul 2001 19:11


I sort of agree with you re Pilot Assist, but for different reasons. I think their change of stance re EFT is due to EFT taking a large group of airline sponsored students recently. The result is Pilot Assist's students being marginalised. I think alot of their inconsistencies at present are due to them being a new business. That's not an excuse by any means and I certainly won't be going near them.

Sounds like you attended the same seminar as me - made me laugh as one the those running it was banging on about the importance of professionalism and attention to detail in a future career with the airlines and all the time there were three spelling mistakes in his overhead presentation slide! I was sorely tempted to ask if they were deliberate mistakes but thought better of it as he was ex-Army!

Lightning ace 27th Jul 2001 19:33

Been to the seminar also. Some good and bad points about them I think.
Yes the distance learning material looks good, but then it is just bought in from pooleys.
I too was not that happy about the lack of a definate answer about who they would be using for the flying, as they don't do any themselves, or even a definate on the mcc.
Yes the interview prep etc. 'looks' good. but no student has even got to the cpl / ir flying stage yet. So no track record.
They do talk about their 'airline contacts', although will not name them, other than lyne clark from 'go. Who also happens to be the Uk rep for PanAm flight training USA ???

So I have chosen a ground school with a proved track record (PPSC) and a FTO who actually do the flying and very well (PAT)

I wish all new companies well, but cant see the value in using middle men. :confused:

a.mused 27th Jul 2001 22:58

Sorry, but my view of Pilot Assist was not good either. I sat their web-site test and then received by e-mail "personalised" advice which had several silly little errors (like telling me that I needed to pass the RAF Cranwell aptitude tests despite the fact that I passed it fot test-in-advance, sixth form scholarship, entry to the RAF, etc). My 'personal' plan didnot factor in my 200+hours and all in all I saw nothing to inspire me to part with my very hard eanred cash. Good idea though (if they can get it to work!)

sydneyc 28th Jul 2001 01:26

It's a shame these guys have not got their act together. As everyone has said, the idea is a good one, but the execution at present is poor. I too have received non-personal and completely irrelevent info re future training which does not inspire confidence. And I too am not convinced by their supposed airline contacts. Maybe in a few years they will be a good operation.

kangy 1st Aug 2001 13:43

Yes, well what can I say?!
Firstly, I am a student with Pilot Assist College at the moment and here is an unbiased veiw of things!
Firstly as far as Puma2 is concerned, the words sour grapes come to mind.... am I right? secondly, PAC used to use EFT but no longer do so as it is in the students best interests. As far as I know, PanAm is the flight school PAC is associated with.
Yes they are a new company with no proven track record at the moment, but before I parted with my money I thought to myself "hell this route of training is gonna cost me just the same as anywhere else, but by the sounds of it I might just get a job outta it - so what have I lost?!" I've been going through some of the airline prep whilst going through my ATPL's and it sure does open your eyes how much more there is to go after getting all your licenses and qualifications!

The one thing I will say about PAC, I've looked at all the other training providers in the country, but one thing stood out with PAC - they're honest. They don't try and rip you off, just give you the best chance they can to get you into a right hand seat which is where we all want to be isn't it?

itchy kitchin 1st Aug 2001 13:58

I am just starting out with PAC and i would like to say that I have been treated with honesty and respect by all at the college. Just because there are minor things you pick up on on a telephone call or an email(not always reliable anyway) there is no need to "vent spleen" on a public forum like this. I went to one of their seminars- and to be honest i thought it was going to be a sales pitch for the college. It wasn't. I can say that it was undoubtedly the best tenner i have ever spent for unbiased advice. I can wholeheartedly recommend them for that. As for the training? As PAC told me, look around and see what's best for you. I won't let sour grapes merchants influence my decisions.

Thats all shveetie!

gazelle507 1st Aug 2001 16:17

Excellent. Go get them Dee. :D

itchy kitchin 1st Aug 2001 16:37

Gazelle, Is that you Intersting? Or Sumo?
but my thoughts exactly! :D :D :D

kangy 1st Aug 2001 16:43

hey guys,
Thanx for the support, PAC is a young company still finding its feet...... but they must be doing something right with their training ethos, the likes of OATS & C/air have taken notice to the point that OATS have started GAPAN tests & seminars too .... hmmmm, bit of a coincidence methinks! therefore, can you really blame them for keeping contacts & strategies close to their chest?
thankfully there are more people out there that see them for their honesty & integrety than the 'sour grape merchants' :D

[ 01 August 2001: Message edited by: Bombay B Bandit ]

drunkflyer 1st Aug 2001 16:44

No its not me, Hugh Heffner, I would hazard a guess at Disco Davis, could be wrong though!

Thoroughly agree with Bombay's post though, couldn't have put it better myself.

:p :cool: :D

itchy kitchin 1st Aug 2001 17:01

Hugh Heffner says:
Come round to the pad sometime... Ms April is just dying to meet you.
Come in ,Have a drink, see the ladies...

... Does your mum know what you get up to?

P.S. Drunk Flyer, Have checklists for you... :cool:

312928 1st Aug 2001 22:00

What is this? A PAC bulletin board?
Go and finish your PPLs at EGSF there's a good bunch of kiddies.

itchy kitchin 2nd Aug 2001 12:38

Dear Beverly Hills312928 (or whatever)
I see from your profile you are a PPL and ATPL student.

"Go and finish PPLs...like a good bunch of kiddies"

Don't make assumptions. They're wrong.
Don't put yourself above others.
Get a life shveetie. :rolleyes:

drunkflyer 2nd Aug 2001 12:45


I see from your profile you list your occupation as a Pilot, may I be the first to congratulate you on your position as the worlds first Commercial C150/152 Pilot with a PPL, excellent effort old chap, where do you work and do they need any more Pilots as I'm sure I can put my FAA CPL/IR and JAA PPL to good use! :D :rolleyes:

kangy 2nd Aug 2001 14:11

Oh dear,
90218 or whatever, funnily enough, I am also an ATPL student, after completeing both FAA & JAA licences.... not just a little snotty nosed kid pre solo!
& anyways guys, meeeeeow! put those claws away! :D

312928 2nd Aug 2001 21:09

Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?

Lightning ace 3rd Aug 2001 00:22

To get back to the actual topic children.
My point of complaint about pilot assist. Was that they are simply middle men.
One of the key point they where talking about during the seminar. Was that airlines are looking for consistentcy in your training. Funny comment from an organisation that sub contracts out all its training, to several different companies.
PPL and building with EFT, no that was changed to PamAm, but wait. According to another thread on this forum. PamAm will cease Jaa training from December. So Pilot assist will have to find another FTO to sub this part.
ATPL bought in from pooleys
CPL/IR with EFT, then PamAm, now ????
Mcc 'possibly with Multiflight'
Some consistentcy ah guys.
I am also still suspicious about these so called 'airline contacts' from a group of people with no actual airline experience.
1, ex army rotary pilot and CAP 509 rotary instructor. 1, mainly rotary freelance jocky and 1, ex raf desk driver.
Yes I know there new, but practice what you preach. Saves you looking like an idiot. :(

kangy 3rd Aug 2001 21:44

hey Ace
I havent got no beef with you, nor anybody else for that matter, everyone is entitled to their own opinion a point which I think you'd agree with me on.
PAC have never said they wasn't middle men, in fact that is one of the reasons why most students joined PAC, I mean, you wouldn't buy a 40k house without going to an estate agent - a middle man if you may, so why the hell not go to a middle man for your flight training? and if it saves you a bit of money and gets you into a job at the end, even the more better!
when I was in PanAm, this 'middle man' attitude helped me out no end, there were a few niggling probs with PanAm, a phone call to PAC & they were sorted. its all well & good going it alone, but for paying the nominal fee they charge, its a great deal better having the clout of a company looking after your interests. They never trained only with PanAm or only with EFT, but rather with both, if PanAm were full, then the students had the option of either waiting for PanAm or going to EFT - students best interests were always the primary concern, and if there was a problem, no matter how small or large, PAC jumped in very quickly to sort the matter out.
You reffered to Pooleys being used for the ATPL manuals - I assume you're studying your ATPL's and if so have probably come across these books. You'll be able to see that these books are very very good and is also seen the same way by the industry. To the point that BaE systems are using them (they train the airtours cadets), OATS have commissioned Jeppesen for their ATPL manuals who have actually sent them to Pooleys for a rewrite. No they havent got their own manuals yet, but have you seen how much information is in them to rewrite in your own way?!!! Thankfully I have regular contact with PAC with my studies and can actually see the things that go on, again they're a new company, with setting up a new company there are a lot of problems that need ironing out, but believe you and me, there are also a lot of things in the pipeline, things I personally feel that will make PAC one of the best training providers in the country. Yes I agree with you that they should have their own in house flight training, but did you know it can take a very long time to be approved as an FTO?
& finally the contacts, I'm sorry for you if you're suspicious, I would be too, but I think that you missed the whole ethos of the college when you came to the seminar... Honesty & integrity is what PAC (especially its students!) aim for, two aspects that have more or less dissapeared from the training industry at the moment and instead turned into a mega money making marketing game. I for one saw this & trusted them, along with a fair few others (yet to be proven wrong), and all firmly believe that we will get to that elusive goal of the right hand seat with the assistance of PAC. ;)

skysoarer 4th Aug 2001 16:21

Hear hear Mr Bandit;

I assume you are referring to the Pilot Assist seminar. Was rather good I thought; explained many aspects of how they work. Any place that helps you get that all important job at the end of it deserves some credit. This thing about PanAm withdrawing JAA training soon is scary though...


... "snotty nosed kid pre solo!" ... he he I like. Meao, ssss ssss....

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