PPRuNe Forums

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-   -   Other Careers (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/4857-other-careers.html)

David Johnson 11th Sep 2001 21:54

Other Careers
Whilst browsing through the Wannabes Forum today it became clear that there is very little literature on alternative careers, that is, besides becoming a pilot.

This website as a whole has actively encouraged the involvement of many different people from different backgrounds of aviation throughout it's history, and indeed it is that fact in many ways that makes it what it is.

I believe that it would benefit a great number of people if a comprehensive guide was set up listing a number of jobs with their associated qualifications, lifestyle etc. True, there are independant forums but to have a concise guide outlaying the many avenues that are open to people would in my opinion be of great help.

Veterans of this site and indeed the many people who come with a clear idea of what they want to do in their lives in many ways are lucky. It is easy to get into a routine where the message board is bombarded by people who have their CPL and want a job. That is fine, but equally the young people in the aviation world, the people on the bottom rung also need help, encouragement and an idea of what this business really has to offer in its many unique forms.

The board is named PPRuNe - "Professional Pilots Rumour Network" - but in order to survive and stay fresh, it must do what the aviation industry has to do itself - make all forms of aviation appealing and accessible through education, then in turn we can take aviation forward.


Pilot Pete 12th Sep 2001 03:43

Don't quite understand your last paragraph. This web site seems to 'survive' quite nicely being a 'Professional Pilots Rumour Network' and it was rumours that founded it, not lists of jobs.

The site, by its nature remains 'fresh', perhaps Wanabees being the forum where the postings are repeated constantly as new Wanabees join in. Why don't you start up an 'aviation jobs' info site where people could contribute to your worthy cause? I like Pprune as it is.


scroggs 12th Sep 2001 04:24

There are many, many career information websites out there. We are not about to turn any part of Prune, least of all Wannabes, into a career guidance service for those who wannabe something other than pilots. Sorry, mate. Put it this way, every rejection is an opportunity: start your own website for non-aircrew aviation wannabes. We're busy enough fulfilling our stated remit.

David Johnson 13th Sep 2001 00:09

Point Taken. It was simply a suggestion and I am not going to argue.

Incidentally it is my aim to become a pilot, and to that end it is clear to see that I was not suggesting the above for my own means...merely to try and help others who don't know the options.

What I was suggesting was in no way a threat of making Wannabes some kind of "multi disciplinary aviation wannabe forum." Indeed, I would not want that either. My suggestion was to use this one thread to maybe have a listing and then it could be archived..end of story!

If for no other reason wouldn't it make us more aware and educated about aviation as a whole (surely this is important to the Wannabe pilot) and indeed as a source of information for those people who need to have a job in order to fund themselves, and at the same time be involved in the aviation community and thus increasing their chances of progression to what they aspire to do.

Valkyrie 2nd Oct 2001 16:26

I have watched with interest David's contribution to this and other forums over the last 2/3 years or so.
David - I think your first mistake was the title - bit of a red rag to a bull!!!
However I read the thread as pertaining to careers that could be undertaken by wannabees whilst they awaited either sponsorship or saved up enough money to go the self sponsored route.
Given the situation post the 11th Sept I think that there will be a dearth of jobs and definitely of sponsorships.
The topic is more relevant than ever and warrants a decent reply rather than the knee jerk response from those who should know better.
Reminds me of posts, a long time ago now by David, in respect of doing A levels, a degree or not, and also what type of degree was appropriate. People said " do anything - it doesnt matter etc" " if you must do a degree needlework was as valid as Engineering etc"
I propose that the people who said that should eat some humble pie now the world situation has changed - dont you

BillyFish2 2nd Oct 2001 16:52

Bulletin Board Title:

"Professional Pilots Rumour Network Bulletin Board >> Wannabes"

Reasonably clear to me what this forum is meant for.

WAIF-er 3rd Oct 2001 21:39

BillyFish, youre right. The title suggests the forum is for "wannabe" "professional pilots".

HOWEVER, dont be so narrow minded! Not all "professional pilots" are sixteen year old plane scrubbers.

A lot of the guys I meet at "work" have come from other careers, such as lawyers, accountants, doctors and various management positions in big companies, such as telecomms, retail, engineering etc.

They have reasonable sums of money which they can invest into their pilot training, those that dont usually remortgage their house. Airlines seem to have an affinity for such types. Remember, potential captains have to be good "managers". Can you see the link now?

I believe that a forum offering advice on well paid "other" careers is a good idea. Also it could offer advice to younger wannabes who consider giving up university or college and go for aviation "all or nothing". There is a difference between being committed and being stupid & short-sighted.

scroggs 5th Oct 2001 04:08

The problem is that you are effectively asking for a professional careers advice site with full-time careers advisors with a broad experience of the jobs market. Unfortunately (in this context), what you have got is a site about professional aviation run by pilots in their spare time. The limitations are obvious.
We can't be all things to all people. One of the main reasons this site is so succesful is that it recognises and abides by its own limitations. If we can refer you to someone who can answer your questions better than we can, we do. But to ask us to advise you on careers outside piloting is asking of us knowledge we basically don't have. Not to mention that we don't have the bandwidth to expand the remit of this site beyond its current horizons.
If you want advice on becoming an accountant, lawyer, doctor etc, or even Ops Controller - go to a web site that deal with those careers.

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