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-   Professional Pilot Training (includes ground studies) (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies-14/)
-   -   Ad in loop, May edition (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/417988-ad-loop-may-edition.html)

mandyboo 26th Jun 2010 13:46

Thank God for this website and forum!
:D My lad had seen this article and was about to contact them to pay for the 1 day assessment package, £200 approx, he already has 18 hrs in his log book and works evenings to pay for his lessons, he is only 16yrs old, when he seen this article it seemed as an ideal opportunity as you are guaranteed work after you have lined thier pockets' so to say, thank god I looked on here 1st, all of you are amazing to actually take the time to put things like this scam on here it saves alot of heartache for normal people, he has been scouring this site for the last 4 hours and has learnt more here than he could have from listening to the so called proffesionals who can guarantee you jobs in this industry!!! Thank you all and keep up the good work :D:D:D:D:D

UAV689 11th Oct 2010 16:35

Hi All -

Just a quick update, the Ad deemed unsuitable by the Advertising standards authority, PTC tried to defend it but themselves agreed they were misleading.

The best bit I thought was the leading supplier of Pilots to Virgin atlantic comment, it turns out they have one current VS employee studying with them, hardly the leading supplier!


Take anything that that these marketing schools tell you with a very large pinch of salt. They are good sales people and know what you want to hear. If I see anymore ad's of this type spouting garbage I shall be complaining again.


MichaelOLearyGenius 11th Oct 2010 18:58

Can the ASA take any action against a company based in Ireland?

By the looks of it it looks more like an advertising feature in the magazine with quotes and interviews, maybe it should be Loop Magazine who are taken to task for publishing it.

mad_jock 11th Oct 2010 20:08

Its not the way it works Genius loop isn't liable for the content of adverts.

Please find the full report here.

ASA - ASA Adjudication on The Pilot Training College.

They were found to be in breach of CAP Code clauses 3.1 (Substantiation) and 7.1 (Truthfulness).

The advert will not be allowed to appear again in UK press. But as the ASA has no powers in Ireland thay can proberly continue to use it there.

silverknapper 10th Nov 2010 15:51

Interesting reading.

Luke SkyToddler 17th Nov 2010 05:15

Nice work silverknapper & mad-jock ... glad to see some airline pilots still actually care enough about this kind of predatory nonsense to go to the trouble of writing to the ASA, as opposed to just moaning on pprune about it :ok:

mad_jock 17th Nov 2010 12:40

UAV689 had a bit to do with it as well.

I have actually been quite suprised how easy it was and how it all flowed.

Intially you get a rather snotty email demanding certain copies and information and almost threatening that you will be outed and your name will be published.

You then send them proof that your not a competitor and will get no benefit from the complaint. Send a copy of the advert. Then you don't hear anything for a bit. Then a lot more pleasant email comes in from I presume someone more senior explaining whats happening and what the process is. You don't need to do anything at that point. They then email you with what they have found and ask if you have any more points. Then they email you saying that they have asked the advert provider to respond to the complaint. After that they produce a summary report which will be given to the ASA panel. A couple of weeks later you get the panels report but you have to keep stum about it until it is published.

All in all I would say it's well worth doing. The intial email I think is designed to be off putting to weed out Sunday armchair moaners. Just tell them who you are, why you are complaining, the fact that you wouldn't gain anything by bring this complaint. It all flows from there with minimal input from you and an occasional email from them letting you know whats happening.

To be honest thumbs up to them for providing such easy access to there agency and would recommend anyone to make a complaint if they feel something is unfair. I must admit reading the report did bring a smile on my face as the language used was more brutal than I expected or would have used myself.

In the grandscale of bollocks spouted by flying schools its not really going to effect things much. And the projected airframe manufacturing report is still getting used by many in the industry to claim there is going to be a pilot shortage which we all know is bollocks. Its almost as if the "industry" is trying to protect the over supply situation we have now.

Sporadic E 17th Nov 2010 15:47

There's nothing new about any of it. Anybody who was in the training sector around 2001/02 may remember the name "Pilot Assist". This company famously stated the magic words "job placement" in their glossy brochures and advertising, when in reality they were in a position to offer nothing beyond outsourced PPL training; many of their trainees lost thousands when they went under after a year.

If the training industry was a person it would be diagosed with a chronic antisocial/sociopathic disorder and locked up for its own safety.

UAV689 17th Nov 2010 20:50

It may have had an effect as I have not seen anymore bolleuax in the press of late. In fact there was quite an honest article in pilot that said quite well how hard, expensive etc the whole cpl process is.

If I see anymore garbage I will ping off to asa again.

MartinCh 19th Nov 2010 02:21

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