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Lew747 23rd May 2009 15:44

The 22nd has come and gone...and I've still had no reply??? :confused::confused:

SimonBlame 23rd May 2009 15:47

I am there on the same dates. Cool, will see you there then. I am quite interested in the tour at 11am. Is anyone else going to take advantage of the tour ?

FlapsFive 23rd May 2009 16:25

Congrats guys!

I'm into stage 2 as well, but I've already passed my OAA assessment (back in January) so I'll find out same day as you whether or not I'm through to Stage 3!

Fingers crossed... may the best men win :ok:


rriisshhii 23rd May 2009 16:59

How many people do you think OAA have invited onto the 2nd stage of the assessments? According to the askoxfordaviation forum, there were approximately 2-3 applicants per seat of the assessment day.

FlapsFive 23rd May 2009 17:05

Well, they run from the 8th to the 19th, so that's 10 assessment days - if they run at normal capacity, that's 12 per two days with a 1 day overlap, so 12 times 9 is 108... so there's my guess :8

So let's say 2.5 applicats per seat, that's 270 initial applications - they said they expect approximatly 5% to be accepted so 5% of 270 is 13.5 - pretty close to the 12 they want.

What a spectacularly interesting life I must lead... :}


batman123 24th May 2009 18:59

how much they ask? 75'000 in this bad climate.
you have to be kidding me?

how do you get this money?

FlapsFive 24th May 2009 19:03

It's £71k...

£20k comes from OAA and FlyBE themselves and the rest is made up of a Bank Loan and whatever else one can scrape together.

Don't let this become a lecture on the pros and cons of training in such an economic climate... I personally have done many months and years of research, decision making and informed discussion and I am sure the majority of people applying for this and/or going to OAA anyway are of the same mind :ok:


SimonBlame 24th May 2009 19:54

What's wrong with the climate??

We had 26 degrees on the South coast today. Gorgeous !

FlapsFive 24th May 2009 20:03

What's wrong with the climate??

We had 26 degrees on the South coast today. Gorgeous !
Similar here... in answer to your question... the mosquitoes!! Although to be fair they havn't been too bad this year, thank goodness! :)


batman123 25th May 2009 20:39

ahhh, only £71k, that's really cheap.

I am sure any kids coming out of school have £71k in their pocket...
and I am sure £71k is not enough, this is if you pass all flight tests first time with their minimum hours...

how much it has cost when training is over? this is what I would like to know.

FlapsFive 25th May 2009 21:26

My total calculated cost is £87,000 all inclusive. I have budgetted for higher fuel prices, high accomodation costs, have used current students information on living expenses, have added 5 and 10% onto various numbers where necessary, have provisioned for loan repayments given non-employment, set asside money for siginificant unexpected costs and have given thought to fluctuating interest rates. I earn money and am putting a significant proportion of this forward myself.

I have spent the past 3 years researching this career path - I have swung one way and the other over modular/integrated, now/later, university/non-university, which FTO, the order in which to do things, the priority of certain items and the expenses involved. I am not some box-standard X year old "kid" who is claiming to "want to be a pilot" and has suddenly struck gold with a so-called sponsorhip programme. I know my way round this industry and have taken good advice from a large number of sources within it.

Please, spare us the lecture on the pros and cons of the current situation - that's not what this thread is about.

My appologies for the rant, and I hope I speak for a lot of prospective cadets and trainee pilots when I say that we don't all rock up at the front door with a £100k chequebook and a buy-it-all attitude.


2098 25th May 2009 22:04

Wonder what the cost of keeping an mpl current is...

FlapsFive 25th May 2009 22:06

No need to keep an MPL current - if it's not with FlyBE, it becomes a CPL/IR - that's part of the agreement.

cumulonimbussurfer 25th May 2009 22:25

Convert MPL to CPL/IR does that take a day? or 4 months? What happens if you fail the cpl & IR test...very expensive

I'd also be questioning at what point will the decision be taken for a greedy training organisation to pay a shed load of cash to convert mpl trainees over to the cpl/ir...

No matter how good OAA and flybe make this sound its a Big Huge Gamble!

FlapsFive 25th May 2009 22:28

I'm not denying it's a big huge gamble - the box-standard fATPL is though, to be fair - and possibly even more so, because then there is no guarantee of employment from anyone!

And in answer to your first couple of questions - those costs come under the "general large expenses" category which occupies some thousands of the budget.


cumulonimbussurfer 25th May 2009 22:42

The cpl/IR is very tough many talented young wannabes make a mess of the tests. It could go swimmingly. Borrow 51K start MPL finish on friday 26th November start TR on Monday morning. Dream job never look back


Finish late say february 2011, theres no jobs. You get sent home for 6months and cant find a decent normal job. Loan repayments start at £700per month. Flip burgers earn £800per month. Then get told ok we will convert you to cpl/IR see you monday morning. That takes 5months and you fail the IR test. All the time paying back £700per month. Finish CPL/IR and still no job. Even when airlines are recruiting it can take 3-6months to start with an airline.

I wouldnt say dont do it but have eyes peeled wide open :sad:

FlapsFive 25th May 2009 22:46

Unfortunately this is the way things work - no one ever knows what's going to happen and we won't know until we try.

You can minimise risk but you can never completely dissolve it!

Why didn't I choose a far lower risk career? :hmm:

Better be worth it - but then I'm told it is :)


Delta-Bravo 26th May 2009 00:48

Well done to the people that got an invite, I got one as well going down for my assessment on the 15th of June, anyone else on this one?
Think its time to get my head down to some mental maths revision, and learning my stuff so don't mess this my chance up!

F/O UFO 26th May 2009 09:00

Hi folks,

Im through to stage 2. This looks like the Flybe/ FTE scheme, but more expensive- when living costs, accommodation are factored in. I think FlapsFive calculation of how much it will really cost is more realistic. You could have paid for all your fATPL and got some way towards a jet type rating. Flybe looks like a good airline to work for- but for all this money and an MPL it seems a little steep?

gabino86 26th May 2009 15:07

Can anyone recommend some decent aptitude test books?

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