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-   -   Wop Jet (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/314260-wop-jet.html)

Parkingbreakset 20th Jan 2008 23:27

Wop jet
Message for all people registedred: Wop jet is a scam.

HappyFran 21st Jan 2008 09:01

Wop Jet
Please expand (without being libellous) as to why you think this is a scam

kwachon 21st Jan 2008 09:14

surely with a name like Wop Jet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! surely you mean


Anonymus6 22nd Jan 2008 08:31

Stay far away from wopjet,,, I have tried to warn a lot of people before. I know the owner and he has a bluffing mouth. He even tried to bull sh.....it me.

be carefull:=

good luck everyone

Speedbird744 22nd Jan 2008 14:03

The setup has changed and it is not a scam.

ARGREECE 23rd Jan 2008 10:03

Hi Speedbird,
do you have specific info to justify they are a credible company?where do you have to do the type rating?what airlines are they dealing with?how much is the waiting time until you start?any info would be highly appreciated.
take care,safe landings

Speedbird744 23rd Jan 2008 15:19

I've just come back from Miami from visiting WOP and they are a reputable company. Its a shame they get such bad press over here, and without giving too much information away all I can say is they are genuine.
Of course results go a long way in justifing this and it will be interesting to hear of guys starting their line training through them in the coming months ahead.

PPRuNe Towers 23rd Jan 2008 20:34

Wop's past history means we can only say invest in a barge pole.

Our search engine will bring up the whole story.

Caveat Emptor


Anonymus6 24th Jan 2008 03:21

speedbird 744,

How can you defend a corrupt company like wopjet. I know several people that got scammed buy the owner. BIG MONEY!!!



Parkingbreakset 24th Jan 2008 21:52

Wop Jet
Speedbird you are wrong BIG SCAM.Sure

Parkingbreakset 24th Jan 2008 21:55

wop jet
Are you the owner of Wop jet Speedbird?

Why you donīt any course there? Try it!!

Amin 25th Jan 2008 12:21

Wop Jet
I got scammed with this company and so did many other pilots.

I was lucky to get a job and pay my debt, but other pilots was not that lucky. The other pilots that got scammed are afraid to come in this website and write about how and why they got scammed. They think they might get they money back or get a job if they keep their mouth shout. That will never happen, the owner lies all the time and it is hard to belive a word he says. Recently I have tried to get my money back, but insted he said that he is going to give me a 737-200 TR and a job interview. AS I SAID BEFORE THIS GUY HAS LIED TO ME SO MANY TIMES THAT I DON'T BELIVE A WORD HE SAYS. I already work for an airline so I dont want that. Every time i call his office his secratery answers the phone and as soon as my name comes up she say he is out flying. I GUESS HE IS BUSSY FLYING MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR IN HIS OFFICE INSTEAD OF TALKING TO SOMEBODY HE SCAMMED.

And one more thing, he daily visit this website to see what people says about his company in this forum, and as soon as he notice that I have posted something he will e-mail me and tell me to delete or change my words.

I have attached an e-mail what this individual usually write to me, read and laugh.


Told you long time ago to come her in our office because we have to set
with you what we promised, you never came in, i even offered you a
ticket for coming and fix this.

Even before we start to work out with you you started gossiping with
your friends on the internet, it was good to you.

And more you are the only man we had problems, i can see on the forums
what you have said, you have called me Scammer and you called my company
WOP Jet Scam....

I can delivery you the service, but you can not take away what you have
written in there plus that offensive email you sent me calling me as
monkey. For your information we have control of all things here and we
are here we are not out there with nicknames gossiping with people just
for the pleasure of gossiping , and sometimes you have been gossiping to
people that you think are your friends and more, Why do not you contact
our clients and ask them what we sell... i can give you the airline
where they are flying now and you contact the airlines.

I will make a deal with you: I will fix with you this situation but you
will go to your friends and turn your word out.

Your money was used to prepare you you took a training none scammed your
money you took a training with our network .

Let us work with you.


Jay M.

And no he didn;t try to buy me any airline ticket to go see him, so this is what you guys have to deal with if you sign a contract with this guy.

I don't visit this website that often because I'm to busy working since our airliine is so short on crew, but if I see someone has posted something about wopjet, I will defenetly post something and help fellow pilots to not get into the same situation as I did.

Good luck guys and fly safe,


Anonymus6 30th Jan 2008 22:13

Wop jet scam
Funny e-mail he send you. yes, that is his style.:O:O:O

i could not stop laughing

Parkingbreakset 3rd Feb 2008 23:29

Welcome to the scam, then, welcome to the Wop jet.
Hello Amin,

I sent you a mail please reply me asap.

In reference to wop jet and his owner he is a scammer if you want do any course apply in other line training centers with more credibility,or tries it and lose money.
up to you!!:ugh:

Parkingbreakset 19th Feb 2008 08:48

Wop Jet
Hello Everybody!!!

Be carefull because wopjet have a new website with new pictures this look more atractive but itīs another scam J.M(Manager)and S.B(president) have the pockets full because they took a lot of money from many guys include me so I preffer do advises for this company we are in a great battle against him but everyone gets his comeuppance in the end...:D

no sponsor 19th Feb 2008 13:45

I had a look on their web site, and it states that when you apply for one of their Line Training Schemes you must also send them $2500 as a non-refundable application fee.

Anyone who is asking for money to apply to for 'flight training' is to be avoided at all costs.


Xorthis 19th Feb 2008 15:21

That $2500 they are asking for they say goes into escrow, but I don't see how that helps protect the person who sends it as they have no control over the escrow funds...

no sponsor 19th Feb 2008 16:37

It doesn't protect you.

You wire money to an account of their choosing, which could be an account anywhere in the world, and so you have no protection whatsoever: under which countries law would you appeal?

Furthermore, it states it is not refundable, which looks to me like a bit of a go at protecting them legally when they have no intention of returning money to you. In fact the "Escrow" details looked like they are written as an after thought to placate the unwise.

Think about it, if a used car salesman said he wanted XX pounds before he showed you a car, you would tell him to eff-off. There's no difference here.

Xorthis 19th Feb 2008 16:50

Exactly no sponsor... I could understand if they were asking for a $200 admin fee and wanted to administer skills tests like OAA or Cabair, but putting $2500 of your own money into their total control just to fill out a form screams scam to me... :hmm:

If the escrow was really a method of protecting your funds, you would be making the check payable to them, or wireing the funds to them, not to the recipient. :ugh:

fvaz 29th Aug 2009 20:07

Global pilot training
Hei guys , is now wopjet called Global Pilot Training ?

Bruce Wayne 29th Aug 2009 21:27

Let me be clear.

I have no association with with any of the companies listed in this thread prior to this post, not have had any dealings or communications with the companies or any parties to which this thread relates.

Global Pilot Training has the same company owners/officers as WOP jet.

... if you care to PM me i can provide supporting documentation.

If anybody has been subjected to potentially illicit activity, I would be glad to point you in the right direction(s).

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