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a.smith01 21st Jan 2008 15:44

Are you really happy?
Are you really happy now that your a pilot?
Do any of you feel that all that hard work and training wasnt really worth it?
Do any of you wish you chose something else as a career?
Just asking because i'm trying to decide on whether its worth investingso much time in trainng to be a pilot.


Bearing 123 21st Jan 2008 17:19

I've got to be honest and say that if you have to ask yourself if its really what you want to do, then don't do it!
The training is very demanding with an immense amount of hard work, not to mention the financial implications and like everyone will tell you, hardly any job prospects when you finish, due to low hours.

But was it worth it for me.......................HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!:ok::ok::ok:
I can honestly say, hand on heart, that I love my job and yes it has its crappy days just like anything else, but whether you are a FI or a jet pilot, you get out of bed in the morning to fly!!!!!!!!!! For me it doesn't get any better.:):):)

JB007 21st Jan 2008 19:27


I hate getting out of bed at 0230, all you can think about is going back to bed for about 3 hours...but then you taxi out, LGW is buzzing first thing, then you get airborne, early morning mist lying everywhere, sun rise over the channel...and you get paid...alot!

a.smith01 21st Jan 2008 20:01

but then you taxi out, LGW is buzzing first thing, then you get airborne, early morning mist lying everywhere, sun rise over the channel...and you get paid...alot!
That sounds brillant. I can just imagine that.

asuweb 21st Jan 2008 20:07

To answer your question.

Just one of the many sunrises to look forward too.

JB007 21st Jan 2008 20:41

I think this is the same bit of coastline...but at dusk!
Coming back from LSI...


DB6 21st Jan 2008 20:57

..and I'll see your sunset, and raise you this sunrise....

Pylut737 21st Jan 2008 21:14

You can't do Both!
I was a co-pilot for a major US airline.

Once while walking through the terminal in Philadelphia a young boy walked up to the Captain and I and said "when I grow up I want to be a pilot!"

The captain said "That is great, it is a lot of fun!" Looked at the kids parents and said "don't tell him right away but he can't do both!":ok: I am the biggest kid on my block!

If you can get paid to do something you love, it beats working for a living!


VNA Lotus 21st Jan 2008 23:10

guys, stop posting your pics, you're killing me!! I'm jealous :}
One day I'll post MY pic to revenge. :p

Maude Charlee 21st Jan 2008 23:36

Who ever said it was hard work???? Hard work is the reason I am now a pilot. I would rather perform my own sex change op with a spoon and a blunt, rusty knife, then cut off my arms and legs before I went back to the Hell that is a "proper" job.

Most fun I have ever had with my clothes on (almost :}), and yeah baby, I'd do it all again anytime. With knobs on!!! :ok:

supramkiv 22nd Jan 2008 00:05

Yeah it's a real roller coaster of a ride through the training, high's, lows, good memories and thing's i'd rather forget!

Now an F/O on Avro RJ85 and consider it the best decision I ever made. Personally I can't imagine anything compares! I'm sure there will be some real low points after numerous humdrum incident free sectors, but it just takes the one beautiful VMC approach into Nice or similar to remind me why we do this!

Do it! :ok:

MilitaryHistorian 22nd Jan 2008 00:56

Great Question:

That's something few people look into before they just jump in...

Former USAF

RingwaySam 22nd Jan 2008 02:11

What would you guys count as a bad day? I assume you all like the days like today with strong winds, although I bet the deviations are a headache.

guys, stop posting your pics, you're killing me!! I'm jealous :}
One day I'll post MY pic to revenge. :p
Yeah I agree :( - Although it's an even bigger kick up the bum to get to where they are.

asuweb 22nd Jan 2008 03:54

JB007, very observant, yep it is the same bit of coastline, ABZ - SCS.

dartagnan 22nd Jan 2008 21:50

if you think someone will pay you to fly???ahah!
at this time, pilots pay companies to fly their birds, then they are OUT!!!
just look at the number of pilots looking for a job...
when some idiots are paying companies to see a sunrise at 5:30am , me, I am still sleeping and dreaming of my breakfast... :p

I can not suggest you this job, unless your bank account is full.

JB007 22nd Jan 2008 21:57

What would you guys count as a bad day?
Seeing dartagnan's name next your's on the check-in sheet:rolleyes::p

chris-squire 22nd Jan 2008 22:06

I would love to know exactly what Dartagnans credentials are. God I hope there aren't too many people like this in aviation! :ugh:

I doubt the muskateer wanabee has ever seen any of those sunsets or sunrises in his dark and miserable little world! :hmm:

ReallyAnnoyed 22nd Jan 2008 22:11

Being relatively new in aviation with just under 2 years in a jet, I might not be the best one to ask, but for me it has still not become a job. It is still a hobby I get paid for :) I am sure it will become a job some day, but a great cure against the few whinging captains one will undoubtedly be crewed up with from time to time is newspapers, flight, car magazines full of captain's cars :} and an astounding view. However, I may have been luckier than most as I went straight from flight school to RHS in an airbus (without paying for the rating - sadly an almost necessary comment in these times :bored: ), so I did not get all the hassle of crap pay and miserable working conditions. However, the guys who did those jobs have tall tales to tell, so I may have missed out in the end :)

In conclusion: It beats working for a living :ok:

nibi786 22nd Jan 2008 22:20

A summary
I believe in this whole heartedly:

"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work" Aristotle

Nibi ;)

MrHorgy 22nd Jan 2008 22:22

I take your sunrise's, and raise you these sunsets:



All the more fun bearing in mind it was hour building in a Cessna 172, 8,000" up over the Pyranees :ok:


Artie Fufkin 22nd Jan 2008 22:24

Am at a similar stage to ReallyAnnoyed and would agree totally with everything said.

Is Dartagnan A320rider reborn?

MrHorgy 22nd Jan 2008 22:26


If you want a good chuckle, read through some of the "should I pay for TR" type threads and his responses.

:ugh: < Danny put this visualisation on this site for a reason ;)


JB007 22nd Jan 2008 22:30

I'll take your sunset's...and give you my huge CB! (during a sunset) Can't remember where it was, en route to Larnaca


MrHorgy 22nd Jan 2008 22:32

Somewhere mountainous, i'm guessing near the alps. Either way, you win - proceed directly to Go and collect your £200 sir :P


chris-squire 23rd Jan 2008 08:22

WOW! There are very few times I'm ever left speechless but those pics are amazing guys! Seriosuly cannot wait to get flying :):):):)

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