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chris 68 25th Nov 2007 13:55

if been asked before my apologies,

was wondering at what age is it to late to start trainning atpl or at what age would you just be over looked if was obtained?


VFR Transit 25th Nov 2007 14:33

You could try the search button above :ugh:


chris 68 25th Nov 2007 14:46

thanks but the search will not accept age as only three letters!

littco 25th Nov 2007 15:16

Am I too old

Here you go this is what I think you where looking for

chris 68 25th Nov 2007 15:41

thank you,

it appears at 40 im to late for a career change,oh well the wife will be happy,for me another 10 yrs in the rat race.

thanks again for the link.

YYZ 25th Nov 2007 15:49

Wow! One read of a thread on a rumour forum and you have given up, guess it was not for you then?


777AV8R 25th Nov 2007 15:56

Pilot Shortages/Age
Well, I've been in this career a long time. In the nearly 40 years that I've been here, I've never seen such a shortage of good qualified flight crew.
If you've got the experience and money for an ATPL, go for it. There are jobs out there to support the expense.

RoosterBooster 25th Nov 2007 15:58

Do more research if you are seriously interested!
Do more research if you are seriously interested!

Personally I think if you've still got the motivation to learn and hit the books etc, why not. I guess it depends on what kind of work you want at the end of it and of course your financial situation.

Even if you finish in 2 years time you'll still have 23 years of working life left, that's if you want to and can.

All the best either way.


chris 68 25th Nov 2007 15:58

was said tongue in cheek, but thanks for the input realise its a rumour thread and would do futher homework!

how ever there was not one mention of over 40s and would be giving up a very good living and maybe it just part of life that i have to just remain flying for fun.

i am greatfull for your input all the same.

chris 68 25th Nov 2007 16:02

thank you, roosterbooster and 777av8r.

will be doing some home work,

AlphaMale 25th Nov 2007 17:51

Worry not. I know a few people who have landed their first commercial airline jobs on passenger jets, in their early 40s, with very decent salaries.
Taken from Another Age Thread posted last week.

Another Thread with pilots getting jobs in their late 30's to mid 40's.

Do your research and you'll find many pilots gaining employment with still 15/20 years to give the industry.

Good luck.

piperp2 25th Nov 2007 20:46

Age 48
At this age do you think I am being totally unrealistic?

YYZ 25th Nov 2007 22:12

I think it's impossible to put a set figure on what is too old; it all depends on where you want to be.
At nearly 50 I’d say the heavy stuff is out, but TP work is still a very good option? But is that where you would want to be?

All about risk assessment and personal management I guess?

Good luck

chris 68 26th Nov 2007 09:57

thanks for all your responces,

will do my cpl and fi, if then i think its to late and or has taken to long or would not give me the return i need, least then i have it tucked in the belt.(ie do some instucting now and may be more latter in life)

thanks for the input

AlphaMale 26th Nov 2007 10:15

I think you need to weigh up the costs v time to recover those debts too.

If I was 48 the training might take 18 months or so it might be 2 years before getting the first job if I had the funds in place already. I'd then have 15 years to recover the £45k - £80k of training costs and loss of earning for 12/18 months.

So call it £100k would need to be recovered over 15 years on top of what you would have been earning in your current job.

asw28-866 26th Nov 2007 10:25

Too late? For what? you only get one go!
Left rat race after 17 years in IT sales in 2004, at age 40. PPL to CPL, MECIR and now fly mixed GA from Tiger Moths to Caravans for a living and loving it! In my first year I took a 90% pay cut, now after three years have clawed that back to about 80%! So I did not do it for the money, then why?

I have always, and I mean always wanted to be a full time pilot but for various reasons had stuck to the safe path of career and financial security. Now I just love getting up in the morning. Last week is typical:

Monday: Flying out to barrier reef in an Islander
Tuesday: Day off at the beach
Wednesday: Islander again
Thursday: Day at home
Friday: Mine run charter in Caravan
Saturday & Sunday: Aerobatic joy flights in Tiger Moth

Such is the life of a GA pilot, now I am 43 and have another 22 years of this to look forward too. I will expire poor but happy.

So my humble advice, if you are happy in your secure day job, then fine, fly as a hobby. But think about sitting in your armchair in front of the fire at 65 and be sure that there will be no regrets. Otherwise, go for it, here in Australia even the mainline airlines are taking 40 somethings as they are so short of pilots if that is your bag.

Personally I love the variety GA offers.


chris 68 26th Nov 2007 11:04


what a fantastic answer,think that was a long the line of what i was trying to say in my last post,about fi and having a longer career life.

rat race i hate but gives fantastic rewards (financial) but like probly 99% on here would give that up if possible to fly for a living,but didnt want to give it up for a inpossible dream.

so i think a compramise work cpl at my own rate as i enjoy the flying and learning,do a fi course and see where i am and at what age i am and take it from there.

AlphaMale 26th Nov 2007 11:11

I don't think the barrier reef is in the range of an Islander from the UK so that is out of the question.

Even the mainline airlines in Australia are taking 40 somethings as they are so short of pilots if that is your bag.
Different situation here in the UK, unfortunately no airlines are desperate for wanabees :uhoh:

Good point about the money issue though. Sitting at a desk 9-5 is hell for me and if I was getting paid £100k pa it would just enable me to fund my training quicker ... and it would make for a good back up plan.

If I had a rota like yours asw28 then I'd never want time off! Each day is a mini adventure and I think the hardest day for me to swallow there would be either 'Day at home' or 'Day off at the beach' :(

Hyph 28th Nov 2007 17:00

it appears at 40 im to late for a career change,oh well the wife will be happy,for me another 10 yrs in the rat race.
I was after similar information, how nice to find someone had already asked for me. :)

How happy will you be if you don't follow your dream?
How happy will your wife be if you beat yourself up for the next 10 years for not doing it?

I am younger than you, but I have finally reached that point where I'm sick to the back teeth of the petty bureaucracy and oneupmanship of my day job.

I have finally come several realisations:
  • Life is short (I know... duh!)
  • I hate working at something I don't enjoy
  • The rat race sucks, big time
  • Trying to "play it safe" is really dull
  • This flying notion just won't go away
  • Money isn't everything
  • Material possessions won't make you happy

I know that many of the younger readers will scoff at the last two points. That's fine, it's a personal thing.

I am married, no kids. My aim now is to pay the mortgage off as quickly as humanly possible. At the risk of turning into a right miser, I've been on a major anti-spending binge recently.

Once the mortgage is squared away, flight training begins. It'll take a few years to get there, but I will do it. I don't really care what I end up flying, as long as I fly something other than a desk (though a G-V or ACJ/BBJ would be nice).

JB007 28th Nov 2007 17:23

65 years with possible extensions even beyond that

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