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-   -   To get or not to get an IMC rating (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/245110-get-not-get-imc-rating.html)

Superfly 23rd Sep 2006 11:29

waste of time/money

If you consider doing a CPL/IR, whether it being modular or Integrated, later on I don't see the point in doing it. However you'll be able to use the money for an MCC for example. Personally I think that the IMC may be good if you intend to keep flying on a PPL. Otherwise it is a waste of money.


gcolyer 23rd Sep 2006 11:47

I actualy think do it. Especialy as you want to go commercial,

1) It i will count as hours towards the 150 hour commercial pre-req
2) The hours will be quality hours and not just buzzing about for fun
3) Your flying skills will improve to meet the minimas required for IMC (i.e. Altitude and course holding)
4) It lifts some weather restrictions for you private flying
5) Gives you a bit of security if you get caught in crap weather
6) It will certainly give you a heads up when it is time to do your IR

Callsign Kilo 23rd Sep 2006 11:48

imc rating
I did an IMC almost straight after completing my PPL. Although it may be considered to be an extra extravagance to those on the commercial route, I did find it gave me a great insight into instrument flying and whether I had the ability to cope with it. I realise the IMC and the IR are two completely different kettles of fish, however I felt that my rating helped to improve the accuracy of my flying and RT, alongside providing me with a greater appreciation of the many aspects of IFR flight. I would consider myself to be a more confident PPL because of it.


swervin'mervin 23rd Sep 2006 17:35

I did it the other way round - when you apply for your IR to be issued as long as you REQUEST it you will receive an IMC for Free - yes FREE from the CAA! What is the point? Well once your SP MEIR becomes a multi crew IR (hopefully you get a job) then you cant fly single pilot IR anymore - get an IMC which lasts 25 months will cover you though for pleasure flying and is much cheaper to renew than the multi IR for single crew.

TooL8 23rd Sep 2006 18:47

IMHO, Save your money. If you're committed to a full time course (integrated or modular), put the money you would have used for the IMC into a bank account called either i) Type rating I'll need to get a job later, or ii) SIM check practice prior to interview, or iii) IR refresher, or iv) a host of other really useful ways to spend your money towards your ultimate goal.

There's a well-trodden path to ATPL and IMC doesn't factor.

PS I had an IMC (now lapsed), and boy is that useful towards getting an airline job, NOT :(

bluepeely 23rd Sep 2006 19:09

If you've come into some money why not get a share in a plane and build some hours up, that or buy me a new car;)

C172Navigator 24th Sep 2006 08:12

I did my IMC prior to starting the CPL and IR, and I think it was good preparation, and value for money.
If you're renting from a club then the difference in cost per hour from flying solo or with an instructor isn't that great - and if you have been flying for a while since your PPL it is good to get everything polished up by having the instructor there watching and pointing little errors or sloppy habbits.
You do some basic instrument work in the CPL, much the same as from the IMC, so it will prepare you well. It will also prepare you for the IR - and maybe save you some money too - learning the basics on a C172 or PA28 will be less costly than doing it in a Seneca for example during the IR.
Once you have the IR and CPL issued then it makes little difference that you did the IMC, and when you do the courses you won't know if the IMC saved you time and money, but I would say if you want to do it then why not?

crap pilot 24th Sep 2006 12:26

Have you considerd an aerobatics course? I doubt that this would hinder your chances with CTC and would improve your handleing as well as making you a more confident pilot. Its also a LOT of fun.

Jinkster 24th Sep 2006 13:16

Save the money - you never know when you might need it!

IR renewals, Flying Instructor Course, - Test fails (hopefully not many of those) or a Type Rating!



"A Tight Yorkshire Man"

speedbird001 18th Oct 2006 10:01

IMC Rating While Doing ATPL Exams
Hi all,
I'm a relatively low hrs PPL and in the middle of doing Mod 1 ATPL exams, i'm really interested in doing an IMC rating as i don't know nearly enough about the instruments VOR etc, what i want to know is what are the pluses and minuses in doing it.

BEagle 18th Oct 2006 10:05

Pluses - it will improve your flying skills, awareness and airmanship. It will also mean that you will be able to fly more often at this time of year!

Minuses - it costs more money than the same time spent achieving valueless PIC 'hours' stooging up and down the coast of Florida.

robdesbois 18th Oct 2006 10:50

What do people generally do at thsi point? I was reading up on this last night, and recall that if you do an IMC during your ATPL exams, then later when you come to do your IR you can knock off some hours, and of course already have some instrument flight hours in the bag.
Are you likely to save money / time overall by doing IMC then IR instead of just waiting for IR post-CPL?


MikeAlphaBravo 18th Oct 2006 11:26

I have just completed my CPL/ME/IR and can highly recommend doing IMC during hours building. It certainly helped me with my IR. With regard to the hours reduction, not sure on that one, but I think doing an IR in 50 hours will be challenging enough for most. Speedbird, where are you flying from at the moment? I see you are from Manchester and can highly recommend an IMC course by Martin Rushbrooke @ Barton. The thing is there are IMC's and there are good IMC's and you wont get more professional than Martin.
PM if you need to know more.

LFS 18th Oct 2006 12:09

Unfortunately you do not get a reduction in the hours on the IR for having an IMC. You used to get a credit but not anymore. There are some proposals to reintroduce a credit for the IMC but I am not sure at what stage they are at.

speedbird001 19th Oct 2006 11:02

Thanks for all of the feedback guys

ZuluWhiskey 19th Oct 2006 14:51

I'm in a similar position and asked the same sort of question back in June. Here's the link to the thread:


Incidentally, after weighing it up, I think I'm going to start the IMC quite soon as it's clearly more constructive hour building than anything else I could do before getting to 150hrs. Plus, it's not drastically more expensive than flying solo at a club, say £30/hour extra, for 15 hours, that's £450 and a bit more for the exams and our friends at the caa (£100?). Then with the rating, you might save some money on the IR when you really start spending. My opinion anyway!

All the best

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