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likair 5th Aug 2006 17:44

Approved PILAPT programs to buy....
Hello there
searched a little bit regarding programs available for similar aptitude tests. Their respective info say that are somehow similar to some particular test done by FTE, CTC, Oxford etc...

but is there a particular approved Pilapt programs from where one can buy and download?

Thanks for you attention


planecrazy.eu 6th Aug 2006 12:55

Well PilaptPrep will be the best if you are going to take the Pilapt tests, but i am not sure if it gives you a score. There are no approved ones as your not really meant to be practising these things. I think OAT use Compass, which is similar in parts, the parts where it is not similar are easy. I managed to get a go on a compass test, its easier that Pilapt. I had a few goes at Compass, got the same mark each time more or less, i only improved on the cross hair test, well the two moving dots.

sicky 7th Aug 2006 13:04

The thing about pilapt prep is that it only seems to give you 5 applications, while there are a lot more, for example, on ctc's pilapt tests.

The grid doesn't seem to be their, nor the crosshairs, or the counting/crosshairs/coloured shapes

basically, the 3 hardest aren't there!

Cockpitweb is a bit to pricey for me

Superpilot 7th Aug 2006 13:52

Grid is there but I believe there's no feedback implemented for it. It doesn't give you an indication of how good your doing. The others do.

As for the cross hairs test, I think anything other than THE original PILAPT Cross-Hair test is not worth practising on. Instead focus on your general hand-eye stuff.

sicky 7th Aug 2006 14:38

I meant the grid one, where you have to spot the shapes amongst a load of lines and other shapes. You have a few minutes for that but i don't remember it saying you get a better mark the quicker you do it, but i'm sure you would.

femaleWannabe 7th Aug 2006 16:23

so whats the general feeling, cockpitweb or pilapt prep?

Superpilot 7th Aug 2006 16:29

Both are good in their own ways fW.

femaleWannabe 7th Aug 2006 16:32

does cockpitweb have the same as pilapt prep, only with a few other tests?

DUB-GREG 7th Aug 2006 17:26

Pilap Test Cdrom
Hi Everyone,

During conversation with a few guys who where on the assement day for Oxford.

I was told that it is possible to get the tests (computer based) on the web. Obviously im not looking for the excact tests but just something simular to keep my mind active before i go back to do them.

In the states they dont agree with them and they feel that flying skills can be learned! Which is something id like to think also, never the less i want to practice them.

Anyway, any help would be much appreciated.

Please post any web address or the like for links to the places i can buy on the web.

Cheer again and happy flying!


sicky 7th Aug 2006 19:11

I just bought pilapt prep, it's not too bad really but doesn't have the lot

FlightDeckDave 8th Aug 2006 15:21

I bought Pilapt-Prep last night too, has 5 out of the 7 tests that we do for the CTC assesment. There aren't quite the same as the real tests but were what I expected after reading their website and the posts on this board. There really is no reason why the programs couldn't give you results for all the tests, and why they couldnt have compiled more than one test in to another just like they do on the assesment at CTC however I am sure that would then defeat the purpose of the testing on the day because some people would have an unfair advantage after practising. And its probably a money making scheme anyway because they make the program for Aviation schools and its more than likely that its a condition not to let the same program be available to the public?

However I can already see some improvement which suggests that you could be an excellent pilot even if you failed CTC Phase 2 assesement. I really don't think its just having a natural ability. I also managed to run 2 programs at once so if you want to make things more complex, and improve your multi tasking skills trying doing the decreasing number task at the same time as the flag exercise! Gets quite confusing! Just make sure you time the starts in the right places!!

femaleWannabe 19th Aug 2006 07:20

I bought the cockpitweb ones... can anyone tell me how similar the "frames" (aka flying through boxes) is to the real thing? I'm really bad at it!! I can't seem to react in time, by the time I decide which way I need to go, it's too late. I'm wondering if it's to do with my joystick, I seem to need full deflection each way to move the box :}

300ER 19th Aug 2006 07:48

Pilot Apt.
Good to see you guys practising.

CPL_Ace 19th Aug 2006 14:21

Okay, bought the pilapt package - because a good pilot should know that practice is compulsary- and got the 5 main tests. Where do I get the software to test my ability to fly through boxes(!!?) and the other one that Female Wannabe was talking about?

I've asked this on the CTC string too but - does anyone know any of the combinations that CTC use so that I can simulate the tests a bit more accurately.

Also any of any time parameters etc. This would allow any of us that bought the software to put it to the most effective use.

kazmik 21st Aug 2006 07:54

missing the point ?
I read up most of the posts on the thread and all of you seem to be led by the general opinion that pilapt tests and compass tests are only about how well you perform on them. Well ive done them both, (compass at OAT & pilapt for FTE), and i think some of you are really missing the point here. I remember how much the FTE staff emphasized that it is no reason to worry if on the first of the 3 runs (like it ususally is) on any of the tests you failed to perform well. The reason for usually having 3 runs is like they said to see if a candidate can learn from the mistakes he made on the previous runs and become better. What they are looking for really is your capacity to learn.

Now I am not saying that practising might boost your performance on these tests, im sure it will. But if you go do the tests and perform at a stable (the max u can achieve rate) which u achieved by doing a lot of preparation they are not going to see the process of learning in the results which they are looking for. Its better I think to go in without any practise and show them that you can go from scratch to achieving top scores in the short period of only 3 goes at the thing.

I did this and I am travelling to england tomorro for the GB airways / FTE scheme's phase 4 interview. So i guess i must have done ok. and I can assure you people i didnt get top runs on any of the tests on the first go but did improve my performance every run. I think that is what counts.

So hopefully this eases some of your minds out there and you can now go in to the tests more relaxed. Just go to the tests , be yourself, and do the best you can do, and you have nothing to worry about :)

That is my advice to you.:ok:

TruTh747 21st Aug 2006 08:35

I agree with you Kazmik and i got through to phase 4 but i pulled out of the scheme to to gaining a place at CTC.

For the numerical reasoning, maths tests etc you have to practice. I have not used a calulator or done these types of maths for more than 5 years after leaving university so i bought the numeracy thing from cockpitweb and practiced. This served me in both assessments. They helped me get in the right frame of mind. Also i purcahsed the apptitude tests and practised like hell and i was 8,9,9 on the crosshairs and 10, 10, 10 on the flying through boxes that day. Man with the hands was very easy after i used the software. All i needed was 1 sec to decifer which hand was wot. I probably would not have had the same result if it was the first time i was seeing these tests if i did not practice.

On crosshairs if you see a person with 2, 5, 8 or 9, 10, 10 who would you pick?

Remember its a combination of the interview, apptitude and pilapt!

By the way my dad is a pilot for a well known british airline for 30 years and i sat him down and asked him to do the tests and lets just say his results were pooo.

good luck...:ok:

CPL_Ace 21st Aug 2006 14:44

Wouldn't it be lovely though - if you knew what was coming and could take some action to make sure it wasn't a surprise. You know, take the edge off your anxiety at being faced with a difficult situation and thus perform/improve, with slightly smalller sweat patches under your arms. ;)

betty123 30th Aug 2006 13:43

Aptitude tests
Can anybody help me find sites where i can practise aptitude tests such as those that would be set during interview for pilot training? Thanx

njptvr 13th Oct 2006 12:06

Pilapt Deviation Indicator Test....
Hey All
Can anyone who has taken this test recently remember if you keep the cross bar centred by moving the joystick in the direction of the deflection or the opposite direction ie do you....
a. move right to correct a cross hair movement to the right or
b. move left to correct a cross hair movement to the right?

Thanks for your help! NJP

ChocksAwayUK 13th Oct 2006 12:10

I can't remember - but I do remember a thread in which someone asked the same question resulting in pages of discussion and conflicting answers. You might find that if you search.

Hope that helps! :ok:

Superpilot 13th Oct 2006 12:15



ChocksAwayUK 13th Oct 2006 12:45



njptvr 13th Oct 2006 12:53

thanks guys. tried searching but clearly not with the right words!!!

FO JimmieJames 13th Oct 2006 22:05


I am trying the countdown test and boy oh boy, does it do my head in!!!:bored: Has anyone done this test for real. What I want to know is what is the time gaps between each number in the actual test used by training organisations? I am finding the 3 second gap too much. I need at least 5 seconds before I can make any head way!
Man after passing my IR and CPL and ground exams first time, I didn't know that what you actually need to beable to get a job as a pilot is to be able to subtract numbers very quickerly. :confused:

Rj111 14th Oct 2006 23:00

I've never done the test. But perhaps practise subtracting a certain number untimed first. Like starting at 900 an subtracting 7 continually in your head. When you get used to the sequence try another number. Then do it timed.

Daisy-Florence 23rd Oct 2006 20:43

Skills Test- Oxford and Cabair
Hello all!

I've recently applied to OAT and Cabair for integrated training (hope to start August/September 2007 after my degree). In August I did the skills assesment at Cabair, and then hoped to do OAT a few days later... The Cabair test was a little bit of a disaster, I passed the Physics and Maths, but upon PILAPT--- oops! Pattern recognition was ok, as was a few others... but my overall score was 'Low' at a 3... In particular... the little aeroplane flying through the hoops was a grand ZERO. Taking this into account, and also being told that the Oxford one was going to be harder- I postponed the Oxford until Christmas.

I've re-applied to try again for Cabair at Christmas too.

So... In light of my previous failures, does anyone have any advice on what I can do to best prepare myself for future tests? I was told to do flight-sim on my PC with joystick.. and this is coming along ok.

I was told somewhere that you either have the skills or you don't. I want to ignore that, I really do!

Thankyou all,

Daisy x x x

cher 24th Oct 2006 08:59

Isn't COMPASS the same as PILAPT???
hi.. can anyone tell me what's the diff between COMPASS and PILAPT? I went for the COMPASS by RSAF but the name of the software used was PILAPT.. COMPASS stands for computerised aptitude selection system right??

g1344304 18th Mar 2007 20:48

Is this any good? Seems a rip off for only five goes:


PlaneHomerS 19th Mar 2007 08:07

I bought it and the cockpitweb thingy... passed Jerez, CTC, & Cabair's assessment with flying colours...:ok:

boogie-nicey 19th Mar 2007 10:30

PlaneHomerS, with the cockpitweb do you get unlimited attempts or is it restricted in any way.

Also does with really helpful or just a bit of familiarisation? BTW good to hear of your success at the FTOs :ok:

PlaneHomerS 19th Mar 2007 10:47

Unlimited attempts and this is the same with the pilapt-prep too. They really emulate the actual tests :)

One warning:

FTE know about these tests and consequently changed the deviation indicator to suite. For example normally with their deviation indicator you have to turn into the deviation to centre the cross-hair but when i did it this was not the case. They changed it to the way cabair does it in which you had to move the joystick opposite to the direction of deviation to centre the cross-hair. Luckily cockpit web had both so i was used to both ways of doing things.

The pilapt prep and cw were no use to me during the oxford assessment. The only thing that comes remotely close is the following:


BTW good to hear of your success at the FTOs :ok:
Cheers m8, but i have decided to take the modular route in and save some cash for a type rating (if needs be).

Good luck...

+Phs :ok:

mattd2k 19th Mar 2007 11:01


It is for 5 applications, ie programmes, not 5 goes.

I have used pilapt-prep and found it very usefull.

planecrazy.eu 19th Mar 2007 11:33

I have both...

Cockpitweb is by far the best i found, its the most expensive too. But the deviation is good, but as said, they keep chaning the deviation tests, unless deviation tests are done randomly from reverse and normal axis tests because i have done one of each now, but stupidly practised for the wrong one on my last attempt.

Make sure you set your joystick to the most sensative mode possible, as the FTE joystick is on steroids, its so so sensative, where as the Cabair joystick you need to rip it out the socket in some cases.

Compared to the costs of Aptitude tests and the whole flight training scheme, then £50 and £25 are pennys...

g1344304 19th Mar 2007 11:39

cheers for the info guys! I will definatly get at least one. So it is fairly unanimous that cockpit web is better? They seem like some of the tests are different whil some are similar. I have done the IPAS one and got just below 5000 (all goods, no excellents :(, but no satisfactories:))

I know it is probably illeagle but could myself and a freind split the cost, one of us buys it and passes the program to the other?

early_bird 28th Mar 2007 23:08

cockpitweb scores compared to actual results
Greetings fellows! :)

For those of you who have taken the actual Aptitude tests; how did your scores compare with those gained on the cockpitweb pgm.? I'm particularly interested in the Cabair tests. What 'levels' are most similar to the tests carried out at Cabair?
Also whats the order and weighing of the tests at Cabair?

Basicly I'd like to know how I'd do based on the results from the Cockpitweb pgm.:rolleyes:

At the moment I'm getting:

Suitcase - 100% @ 18.8 sec.
Hands - 100% @ 9.9 Sec.
Friend or Foe - 100% @ 21.4 Sec.
Subtraction - 100% (15/15) @ 128.2 Sec.
Radar Screen - 4/10 (difficult level) (I'll have to work on that one!)
Basket - 50.3 on 3rd go
Moving Cross - 61 @ level 2 on 3rd go
Cross Bar - 93 @ level 2 on 3rd go
Frames - 19/21 @ level 2 on 3rd go
Shapes - 100%
Numbers - 100% (10/10)
Shapes & Numbers - < It's getting late :E >

Thanks guys.:ok:
Awaiting you replys,

jd8 22nd Jun 2007 23:38

I've done the CTC pilapt test and it wasn't too bad. I think sometimes nerves and trying too hard can mess you up though. I aced it but nerves beat me up in the sim ride.
Never mind, I didn't rack up a huge debt to CTC and I'm flying for an airline anyway.
There is hope for those who do not pass! I'll take a 777 anyday over a little airbus!!

Happy testing

dougieboy 30th Jun 2007 08:13

I have heard that playing computer games can also help with the aptitude... any ideas which ones as I have never owned a computer game in my life!!!

captainataya 12th Nov 2010 01:30

was wondering about the score of the cockpitweb pro (2d tracking) what is good?

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