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-   -   NAC in august? (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/208589-nac-august.html)

fibbi 28th Jan 2006 12:34

NAC in august?
Anyone here that will start on NAC in august?


d2k73 28th Jan 2006 12:38

I'll be arriving in NAC on the 16th of sept, and will be there for over a year. How long are you there for?

fibbi 28th Jan 2006 12:42

I vill start at 7 august with my ppl, and be there over one year. What will you start with? ppl? or du you have that already?

d2k73 28th Jan 2006 12:44

Yeah im starting with my PPL, im enrolled in the career pilot programme!

fibbi 28th Jan 2006 12:47

cool then see you over there;) Then we will take the same course.

will you stay at the school?

d2k73 28th Jan 2006 12:51

I'll probably stay in the school accom for a few weeks then rent/share an apartment as NAC accom is a bit expensive!

airlinepilot1960 28th Jan 2006 18:46

Be careful here boys and girls, although not confirmed but I heard a rumour via a friend in the current career pilot programme there that the CGI and 2 other ground instructors will be leaving at the end of the current modules course.

Just rumours, but heard just 2nd hand from a mate who was told from the mouths of the staff himself this week, he is concerned about his second module of the groundschool.

So dont hand over all your money up front, and have a backup plan. Good luck you will like flying in Florida.

count dingleberry 29th Jan 2006 10:35

he is concerned about his second module of the groundschool.
well he should be. Same thing happened to us. For the second module one of the teachers(the good one) left and we were left to go up s**t creek without a paddle!! No refund, no nothing.
What we were left with was a guy who didn't want to teach(wanted to retire the year before) and a guy who didn't give a f**k!!

Naples solution?
Bring in more students for the second module!! Makes sense, no?:ok:

you have my sympathies

alaister 9th Feb 2006 23:22

Hi, im currently studying at NAC on the CPP course. I started my PPL back in November, finished just before the christmas break, now in the groundschool. Hopefully if things go to plan, should complete the exams, then start on hours building and IR. Then should be done by Sept/Oct, so may see you around.
As for the instructors leaving, can't say I've heard any of those. The instructors we have are great, with plenty of experience behind them.

airlinepilot1960 10th Feb 2006 14:03

Alistair I hope you are getting a good discount for your flying for that post. Your class mates I just talked to last night, also still confirm they have been told CGI is leaving for personal reasons and that another of your UK instructors is leaving due to visa issues. Keep up the good work and ask for that discount!

I forgot to add, Alistair what type of respectful and descent school demands that their student bring their own coffee or tea cups or else they will be kicked out of the school?? Strange way of providing customer service, bet you that doesnt happen at OAT or Cabair! ( I had a laugh when my mate told me about this demand via email you got this week from your CGI)

Ninety-Nines 10th Feb 2006 15:17

Obviously you have an ax to grind as all can see!

Coffee cups - Yes you are asked to bring a china coffee cup to school for your personal use. Why you ask? Well as you know, NAC provides individual computer terminals at every station. Using the plastic cups for the FREE all day coffee that NAC provides you is a hazard as they are so easy to tip over.

I am sure that not all schools provide this complimentary service or individual computer terminals so as I see it you cannot compare schools that do not offer the same facilities.

As for the Instructors, I suggest that your friend converses with me, the Head of Training, so that he can ask the status of the seven full time Instructors that NAC employs when only fours Instructors are required. Perhaps then he will receive all the information that he needs to stop the rumours! I am sure if he is at all worried then he will visit with me like I suggested to all students on the first day of class if they have any problems whatsoever.

airlinepilot1960 10th Feb 2006 15:35

Sorry just telling it like it is from the other side of the fence without being fed. ie Alistair. I always hate it when its obvious when a school is getting a student to put good feedback on these forums, its so obvious and stupid its not funny, normally others would have taken the bait to post , but this time I did it.

And no axe to grind, I would go and train with you if I needed to and youre school fitted into my criteria. I did train with you in the past, a little dissapointed ...yes, as the picture I had of your school was a lot better than what I saw when I got there, but I came and went and got what I went there for, it didnt go as smooth as I would have liked, but its done now and in the past. The problems I had are the same as mentioned on other posts within these forums about NAC, I hope you listened and fixed them.

count dingleberry 13th Feb 2006 06:43

Ninety-Nines, regarding your problem solving skills:

seven full time Instructors that NAC employs when only fours Instructors are required.
then how come we only had 2 ground instructors for the fulltime groundschool and all of the distance learning students? Highly unmotivated "teachers" I might add. Did you not see the problem in this?

I am sure that not all schools provide this complimentary service or individual computer terminals
yeah, these computer terminals were highly lethal for us to use, since about 50% of the information in there was wrong! Even the "teachers" told us not to use parts of it due to all of the crap that is was loaded with, of course they could not be bothered to fix it! Another problem that you've "overlooked"?

I am sure if he is at all worried then he will visit with me like I suggested to all students on the first day of class if they have any problems whatsoever.
Why? To be told that "it is our way or the highway!", like I was told so many times

In conclusion, I think your problem solving skills are best left untold.........:ok:

Ninety-Nines 13th Feb 2006 16:13

Count Dingleberry

It seems that your information is from the dark ages. I take your comments into consideration however I can confirm that we have 7 Instructors and that the computer question bank is hugely updated to the times when we had 2 Instructors which would be quite some time ago.

Furthermore, did you speak to the Hot or Vice-President......I certainly do not tell people "our way or the highway" and am offended that you would say that I would!

DownIn3Green 13th Feb 2006 17:24


Not to worry, I'm sure you know what a dingleberry is...

2 posters both joining in Jan 06 both trashing the same school...could they be the same person?:hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

From an outsiders viewpoint you folks are doing a great job, and the majority of posters on this thread seem to agree...

airlinepilot1960 13th Feb 2006 17:29

Pity that the owner of the school 99's has to write such immature replies on this forum, I dont see other flying school owners running to put out the fires like you do, makes me think that there is something that needs hiding!

Good luck and keep up the replies/defences, its fun reading!!

Ninety-Nines 14th Feb 2006 02:04

Now, now airlinepilot 1960....are you teasing me into more corrections!

Much appreciated DownIn3Greens.

count dingleberry 14th Feb 2006 07:47

Ninety-Nines, I ‘m afraid that you’ve missed the point with my previous post, I guess one only reads what they want to read………
I will keep this short and simple:

It seems that your information is from the dark ages.

yes a very dark year indeed, the class of 2004. I was a little surprised that you’ve actually forgotten the year since you were a student in that class too, remember?

I can confirm that we have 7 Instructors and that the computer question bank is hugely updated

I don’t know about your current situation and I don’t care. All I know is what I paid for and didn’t receive.

Furthermore, did you speak to the Hot or Vice-President
spending the better part of a year in the same classroom, I would say words were exchanged

I certainly do not tell people "our way or the highway"

that’s a figure of speech, meaning problems were seen and heard but not dealt with, leaving the student with not much choice other than just sit there and continue taking it or pack his bags and leave for home with a lighter wallet.

Going back to the meaning of my previous post I can safely say that the only place that I have seen you talking about solving a problem for a student is on pprune, that farce of a groundschool that we both went through(yours was on the house of course) is extreme proof of that.

VisaGeeza 14th Feb 2006 08:35

Hey Dingle!
Are you that guy with the stupid mullet head with attitude to match who used to post as daniel 78? How you doing with the tiny shorts and tight tee-shirt?

count dingleberry 14th Feb 2006 09:39

you party pooper, you!:*
I was hoping old Ninety-Nines would be the first one to guess it.

What gave me away? The fact that I was one of three students in module1 and one of eight students in module2 in the class of 2004?:confused:
Well I guess I'll never know.............

Different name, same facts................;)

I'm dying to know who you are though, if shy feel free to p.m. me

And here I was trying to keep a low profile...........

VisaGeeza 14th Feb 2006 12:40

Are you kidding?
"What gave me away? The fact that I was one of three students in module1 and one of eight students in module2 in the class of 2004?
Well I guess I'll never know............."

Well you will know because I will tell you!................It's the fact that you regurgitate the same worthless cr@p irresepective of whatever user name you pop up on!

You should be kept in a secure unit for the safety of yourself and everybody else around you! Do you really think that somebody is going to employ you as a pilot?

count dingleberry 14th Feb 2006 14:35

As usual certain elements of the NAC mob are trying to steer away the attention from the issue at hand and turn the whole thing into a slanging match.

The old me usually took the bait (daniel 78, R.I.P.:{ ) that’s why I got thrown out of pprune the last time.
But I prefer to have count dingleberry (took me some research to come up with that name) around for a while that’s why I will be the bigger man and walk away from this………..

Besides I have a lot of work to do preparing for the airline assessment coming up….. (ain’t connections a beautiful thing?):p

p.s. VisaGeeza, you never did tell me your name but I have a strong suspicion that you might be one of the “teachers” that I have been talking about here…………….you certainly act like one of them :(

DownIn3Green 14th Feb 2006 18:30

Hey Dingleberry...

Connections may get you in but if your training was as poor as you say then your first line trip with a line Captain will most certinally get you right back out...:D :D :D

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