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Blackpoolwarrior 9th Dec 2005 22:35

Oxford (OAT) Ground School
Is anyone else starting on this course and would like to meet up beforehand? Is anyone looking for accommodation?

PILOTOWL 9th Dec 2005 22:44


Wrong site to mention OAT .
See above thread:ok:

TWIT-TWOO - Only Joking !

CPL_Ace 11th Dec 2005 16:39

Ignore him I believe from his postings, he's had a drink!

OX12 22nd Feb 2006 09:10

OAT (Oxford) ground training
Hi , i m french and thinking of starting a course in oxford AT
Is there anybody who could give me his opinion on the ground training epecially ?
Ive seen OAT makes it in 6months which seems to be quite short. I would like to hear about graduated experiences on this part of training...is it tough? easy to put up with? how about the student s lives ? teachers ...

Last one: do they have any foreign students upthere ?(french,spanish etc)

soviet bloc 22nd Feb 2006 09:21

OAT groundschool is actually very good, as long as you work hard you'll get through in the 6 months. some elements of the syllabi are tricky so I assume as a foreign student your english will be perfect - otherwise you may find areas more difficult than they should be !
The teachers in ground school are all ok, despite one or two notable exceptions, but think it's like that anywhere. If you're modular then look at other cheaper options but for integrated OAT groundschool is good.
As for students, well a healthy mix, not that many foreign students from the more desirable parts of europe that you mentioned but plenty from the undesirable parts of the non european med, but they didn't bother us too much when I was there.... good luck

OX12 22nd Feb 2006 21:04

How many hours of private work every days roughly they use to do ?

soviet bloc 23rd Feb 2006 15:33

most of us used to do at least 4 hours each evening, and work at least 1 of the weekend days. I'm thick so I did more.

OX12 23rd Feb 2006 16:46

as far foreign students are concernerd, do they always speak a perfect english to follow the course ?

soviet bloc 24th Feb 2006 18:05

yes mostly, basicly as long as you can understand the groundschool books and exams you'll be ok, but the CAA exam board are not very good at speaking english and as a result we native speakers occasionally find some exam questions ambiguous. If I remember correctly there were some english language tests in OAT's selection process which are designed to see if your english is adequate.... such as: have you got the money ?.... when can you pay ?....

dxbpilot 1st May 2006 23:31

Christmas Break @ Oxford Ground School
I'm starting the OAT full time ATPLs in September, just wondering if anyone can tell me if I will be getting a break for Christmas/new year ?

thanks alot guys/gals

scroggs 2nd May 2006 06:07

Why don't you ask OAT?


dxbpilot 2nd May 2006 08:24

I just thought someone who has gone through the course may know as it would save me a call to the other side of the world !

I'm a poor student ! ha

but I guess this may be the only way

thanks for the input

scroggs 2nd May 2006 08:34

If you are online, you can reach OAT as easily as you can reach Pprune. Go to their website and look for 'contact us' or use their in-house forum. And any communication reference your course you have directly from them is worth a whole lot more than hearsay on here.


S-crew'd 3rd May 2006 20:41


For what it's worth the school closes from Dec 22nd till Jan 2nd 2007 approx..

You might want to confirm this with OAT directly.. sadly though if you're in the middle of your ATPL's you won't be having any holiday, christmas or otherwise :E

Good luck with the exams

GrkPilot 16th Oct 2006 23:39

anyone doing the Modular ATPL ground at Oxford? :cool:

LL-Snowman 21st Oct 2006 16:51

I am currently doing my ATPL at OAT on the modular route.
So far it has been excellant. Can I help with any question you might have?

GrkPilot 21st Oct 2006 23:01

check your pm's! thanks

WingletTurbo 22nd Oct 2006 22:42

Maybe you can help me! How much is it costing you and are you satisfied with the way there going? Will you get your ATPL their in 6 months or is that just a selling point of theres? Your in the ground class, correct? The ATPL they offer is good all across Europe and not just England, correct?

Sorry to bust all the questions out at once! :)

LL-Snowman 23rd Oct 2006 12:37

Yes I am currently in my 5th week of groundschool at OAT.
So far the instruction has been superb. There is a lot of work to do, both in class and in your own time. the groundschool takes 6 months to complete, unless you need to retake any exams.
Once I have finished the ground school, depending on results, I will be hour building before starting the CPL/ME with OAT, either in Oxford or in Phoenix.

Any other questions, let me know.

Captain Spam Can 23rd Oct 2006 13:32

As Oxford are introducing the new waypoint thingy, does this mean that they are ending the modular groundschool and flying unless you do it as a whole (waypoint)? i.e could you still just enroll for the ground school bit or vise-versa just the flying.

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