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Blinkz 20th Mar 2005 12:35

Flyer Professional Training Show
Hey guys,
Any of you go on saturday? I thought it was pretty good. I talked to most of the schools and got a good idea of what they all offer, altho got into abit of an arguement with someone from OAT about when you could start your ATPL exams lol.

I had a go on the aptitude tests as well, got 90% on the cabair thing and 32/40 on the gapan one, the guy who was doing it said it was the highest of the day :ok: altho I think that was just for the computer I was using.

arpansingla 20th Mar 2005 12:57

Hi there!

I also went, didnt really learn anything new but was good to talk to the people face to face.

Had a go on the simulator, crashed twice, but on the third attempt i landed!

I think the seminar conducted by Mr Don Darby was informative, and i also had a chat with him afterwards.

The FTE manager seemed a nice chap but wouldnt you be nice to someone who was might be giving you 92,000 euros!

Overall a good experience.

Charlie Zulu 20th Mar 2005 16:59

The simulator (Elite based on a King Air) was a good addition to previous shows and after watching a couple of people attempt to land it I thought I would have a go at showing myself up somewhat.

Took off, made a reasonable attempt at a circuit, positioned myself on the ILS to R23, started to descend on the G/Slope, forgot about the glideslope whilst descending a bit lower than I should, remembered when I was at about 2500' and the remainder of the ILS was pretty nice (no wind to worry about).

Even managed to land it, even if I did leave the thrust reversers(?) on after parking up on the runway. Doh!!!

Elite seems to be very good software, yesterday was the first time I had tried the simulator. I may go and buy the software for my own PC at home, even if I can't afford the avionics console etc. :D

arpansingla 20th Mar 2005 18:40

One thing i forgot to mention:

I was talking to the oxford aviation sales rep and she mentioned something about a new course coming out called the MPL- Multi Pilots Licence in full i believe. She said it would commence within the next 2 years but there are no complete details availble as of yet.

Apparently in this new scheme you train more hours in a simulator so you sort of come out type rated and more suitable for a jet job. I'm not sure how accurate this info is, just from my conversation with the lady, it all seemed a bit new to me.

She also mentioned that some 'modular schemes may disappear'
:D :confused:

Tail Spin 78 20th Mar 2005 20:12

I attended the show and thought it was well worth the trip to LHR.

I am currently in the middle of deciding between the modular v's integrated route and it helped a lot to talk to the schools. I had always thought the integrated was best...but...having spoken to some of the schools the modular route appeals to me more now. Although I am no nearer a decision I do know which schools I would use for whichever route I take!

For what it is worth...I was particularly impressed with Bristol Ground school (good presentation of the manuals and good use of media) and Cranfield Flight Training (very friendly and helpful guys). I was of course impressed by the bling, key rings and stress buster toys of the other schools too, but that may not win me over!

Next stop for me a Class 1 and some school visiting. :cool:

Blinkz 20th Mar 2005 20:22

Modulars def the way to go :E I'm just finishing my PPL now so was looking at ATPL ground schools. PGT were very impressive, as were naples and BCFT. OAT I really wasn't impressed with. The seminars were very good. Dr Evans I thought spoke very well and it made me feel better that someone like her is there trying to help us keep flying. Flybe was an interesting lecture, altho I thought it would be slightly more about what pilots do and slightly less about flybe :O The last seminar from BAC I thought was excellent. Lots of good information and a good fun day. I took my dad too so he actaully could see abit more of what I was doing and it def helped him figure out what I'm trying to do. Good job Flyer, keep it up :ok:

AIRWAY 21st Mar 2005 13:29


Sadly i couldn't make it but did anyone spoke with Western Australian Aviation College and their JAA Training ? If anyone can PM me with their views i would be very greatful.


arpansingla 21st Mar 2005 15:28

airway, check your PMs

ATP_Al 21st Mar 2005 17:43

Unfortunately I missed the show as well, had to work instead.

What did Don Darby have to say about the current recruitment situation in FlyBE?

arpansingla 21st Mar 2005 21:09

He said that he had been recruiting quite a few new pilots in the recent period of time. He may have said 10 in the last week i'm a bit confused. Overall though it is going well!

G-SEXY 22nd Mar 2005 11:02

I was really impressed with Bristol Ground School - def going to choose them!! Their material appealed to me the most and in my opinion, had a much better layout compared to the others available!!


arpansingla 22nd Mar 2005 11:21

I'm going to decide between Oxford, FTE or Cabair.

The City University of London was quite appealing, in that you attain an degree in Air Transport or something, and then you do your training, however the degree isnt a 3 year course.

Phase 1 is where you do the course for 8 months. Then Phase 2 you start your training with an approved school. Phase three you come back to complete the degree. Basically you end up with the licenses and a degree within 3 years, so you may be more employable!

timzsta 23rd Mar 2005 12:07

ATP-Al - you should have taken time off and gone to the show.

I went along, badgered a few people, handed out some CV's. Followed up my leads with phone calls and hey presto - got to call back in a few weeks to arrange an interview.

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