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-   -   IFTA, going-going-gone.... (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/156282-ifta-going-going-gone.html)

offspring 26th Jan 2005 16:41

To anyone who wants to gain PPL, CPL,FI and IR rating i can personally highly recommend IFTA in Florida.

With 100 hrs in my logbook I went to IFTA after finishing ATPL ground school and completed a CPL course, FI course and built hours to 200 in just 12 weeks. I passed my GFT and FI test first time.

I went back 12 months later and did my IR. Guess what, i passed first time.

This was possible due to the dedication and comminment by the Fischers who turn out a first class product.

Did I have any trouble with finances and the Fischers. Absolutely not.

Steven Fischer stated a price, I paid for it, and I got what I paid for and more.

If you are serious about trainng and go with the intention of succeeding and are willing to put the effort in you will get want you want and have a great time doing it.

The only problems I say with IFTA were from students who tried constantly to fly without paying.

Before all sceptics start the wise cracks I am not nor ever have been an employee of IFTA.

I am an airline pilot thanks to the Fischers

carbonfibre 26th Jan 2005 21:55


Its nice to see IFTA popping up again what would PPRUNE be without it.

As for a dodgy school i can say with an affirmative that this is the case, are you working there offspring?

Anyway when i asked to get my finances resolved with the aforementioned self styled Capt Chaos i never got results, got a lot of verbals though if i remember, and not the only student.

But you live and learn, those that go will learn but the hard way probably. They say no smoke without fire, it was stated

"No company can boast 100% customer satisfaction because we are only human"

Funny that, i dont see many other schools getting a ribbing on here, in fact i see more positive than destructive for most, so there must be something!!!

Well whatever you choose people, just remember, "get what you pay for"

Happy flying everyone:ok:

offspring 26th Jan 2005 21:59


If you read my post I stated I do not nor have ever worked for IFTA.

I am just saying how it was for me.

To add to this there were five other CPL students on my course + 2 other FI students.

We all passed first time and went home very happy!!!

'I' in the sky 27th Jan 2005 12:22

If you'd really been there I'm sure you'd have seen his name written often enough to know that it's actually Stephen Fisher !

Sensible 27th Jan 2005 13:13

Or bothered to read the post from Stephen FISHER himself on 28 December and on this very thread believe it or not!!! :confused:

Hope I'm not at the back end of an aircraft flown by you if you are a commercial pilot as you claim in your profile. Your lack of attention to detail is very worrying!:(

candler 27th Jan 2005 18:39

I have seen a lot of negative posts regarding IFTA,and i would like to add a few thoughts of my own.I worked at IFTA in 1997 as an FAA instructor.I found S FIsher to be a very good instructor he told it like he saw it.that may upset some people.I have been involved in 8 different flight schools in Ireland the UK and USA either as a student or as an instructor and every school has had some problems.Wherever you choose to go to flight school go there with a good attitude.personally i would avoid paying everything up front that way you have more leverage if there are any problems.If you choose to go to IFTA i am sure you will get good instruction, the weather is great and enjoy the flying. ps I have nothing to do with IFTA i have had no contact with them in seven years cheers KM

carbonfibre 27th Jan 2005 21:41


That is how it was for you, thats how it was for me and the other 6 students there, 4 irish and 2 RAF who were of the same opinion im sure there integrity is not in doubt?

Im sure you would understand my opinions when he puts people through for tests after a 170A that he admitted freely that the guy was not upto standard.

If hes that straight talking then he should not have forwarded this person for the test, but did, im sure that would narrow the time down for you, and if he cannot remember it was February 2002.

Candler, just for information i didnt say he wasnt a good instructor as i understand it he is very good, he just cannot run a business, poor communication, personal skills,all the extra stuff us so called "wannabees" should possess, accountancy, or should i say hes good at that, making peoples money go before they notice.

Well anyway good or bad, you are limited to your course of actions, even more so when you are away from home, like all here i can only go from experience and i found numerous flight schools which were far better, but you only know from trying them.

Good luck


STEPHEN FISHER 12th Feb 2005 14:08


Your postings over many years have certainly been directed at harming IFTA. There are others that are also quick to respond to a legitimate request for information from the newcomers with bad things to say about IFTA.

A closer look will definatley highlight those who make pprune their daily fix and perhaps are solely intent on harming various training providers rather than give real advice.

For me, as my grey hair becomes more prevalent, I really do wonder why?

Whatever your personal expereince was with IFTA (of course my disadvantage is that I do not know who you really are), if either myself or my colleagues were at fault or if we did you any real harm, then I regret that.

The hundreds of satisfied customers that have trained at IFTA over the last 8 years that are too busy to post in this forum gives all of us at IFTA a sense of pride.

For those that do take the trouble of 'defending us' - thanks

As for carbonfibre, it would be great if you contacted me directly, I make you and anyone really interested a promise, that I will post any details of our conversation on this forum good or bad for IFTA (assuming you agree).

Regardless, we all get older and wiser, what might have happened in the past does not guarantee what will happen in the future!

I look forward to hearing from you.

Stephen Fisher
President, IFTA.

African Drunk 12th Feb 2005 14:32


Very interesting what you have to say but in my seven years in aviation I have met 20+ who directly have had bad experiences with you and that is just in the US not including your mess in cardiff and gloucester. You might have reformed but I think new wannabes are screwed enough by our industry without them taking the risk of your possible improvement. This however is not a comment about your flying instuction which is good but about how you run your business.

I also went to your school and when I was there 4 of us had problems caused by you/your organisation. There are FTO's that do not have to come on pprune to defend there record because they do not recieve all these negative comments. All FTO's might have one or two unhappy students but not on your scale.

I look on these forums due to the fact that I still do some work in flight training but also to try and stop future pilots falling into some of the traps thaqt I fell into.

ps I must feel strongly about this as I think this is the longest posting I have ever made.

STEPHEN FISHER 12th Feb 2005 20:57

It feels strange having to call you African Drunk, but I don't have a choice, do I?

Your comment about how I run my business, interesting!

If you mean, a 100% safety record, highest standards of training, a most enviable first time pass record, surviving adversity (e.g. JAA harmonisation, 9-11 & the hurricanes of 2004) witnessing the bankruptcy of major companies who took students for thousands in the UK, watching several large companies come and go in the US with CAA/JAA training, and last but not least, having to endure certain personal attacks that forums like these allow - then I suppose I am very proud at the way in which the business has been run and been so successful.

Nevertheless, I have obviously upset you at some time in the past, and it seems at least 20+ of your friends - perhaps more!

What is lacking is a sense of fairness, I am perfectly willing to acknowledge that my way of doing things historically might be too abrasive for some - but your comments today do NOT reflect reality, and do NOT give wanabees a true sense of what is real.

The 2004 hurricanes completely destroyed our buildings some aircraft and to no small extent, dented our desire to go on in flight training - there are some who will gloat at that prospect!

Despite this, today, myself my wife and a small group of dedicated people, are busy completing training for a group of students who enrolled over a year ago, who paid all their monies by June 2004, who were due to complete training just as the hurricanes hit.

Post hurricanes, with all the logistical nightmares, the attraction of giving up was real, beleive me after 25 years in the industry it was attractive! But the right thing to do was to go on and not have them lose hope and potentially a lot of money!

So even though you feel justified in warning all potential prospects to stay well away from IFTA, if you are a genuine ex-customer, and now a professional pilot, I see no reason why we cannot settle our differences.

I agree, those genuine wanabees deserve good honest information - so why not start now?

As a matter of public record, the CAA have authorised me as a Flight Examiner for PPL, CPL, IR, and FI, the latter approval gained in 2004 - this would not happen if there was any doubt about my integrity & honesty in business or in my professional flying roles.

To those new students that continue to enroll at IFTA, they will be getting first class training and a no-nonsense approach to what is expected of them both financially and in their work ethic.

Since the collapse of SFT & others I understand why 50% of our customers pay as they go - that option has always been available, our competitors offer the same choice many of them at a higher price - so I still wonder where the real problems lies!

I posted some weeks ago a response which was critical of the potentail of this forum to put off customers to such an extent that the industry and the customers are harmed - choice is all important - after all where would the wannabees be if the US option wasn't fought for and won in 1995 & 1999 by me as a pioneer and others that followed - 60,000 pounds per course I would hasten to answer.

Today customers can get the equivalent at EFT for only $59,000, and at IFTA for slightly less than that - so even those that in the past complained about a $250 fee for the examiner to be avialalble for them to test, were far better-off.

I see a recent a posting that discourages people from coming to the US because of the TSA - what next?

I remain avaialble to anyone who wants to talk to me directly about any issues.

Stephen Fisher
President, IFTA

pilot69 12th Feb 2005 22:05

Hi there,

It is very rare that I take/have time to post any relpies on these pages but have been reading negative comments about IFTA for a long time and am always surprised by the comments made!!

I read with great interest your replies Stephen and I do back the great majority of what you say.
Fair play mate.
And before the conspiracy theories start-yes I was employed at IFTA as a (young) instructor through 2003 (Hi there to everyone who knows me-hope you're all well!)

The reason for my post is merely to encourage any prospective students to overlook any of these personal problems people may have with Capt Fisher and take an informed view of the school and training on offer. Im sure the majority of people who have done any training will back me on the thorough and professional instruction offered at a price that is unlikely to be matched here in the UK.
Some people might want more than that but hey..... I went to get the courses first time at a decent price and it worked for me!!

I respect Stephen's training methods although if you want to be spoon fed and be treat like the sun shines out of your a*se then do your FI course somewhere else. He's guna tell it like it is (and I can vouch for that!)
However if you do want a damn good course then speak to Capt F.

I for one sincerely hope that the school does carry on trading and I look forward to hearing the future plans they have.

Hope to hear good things from sunny Stuart, Fl soon.

seatrumpeter 14th Feb 2005 04:19

I was thinking of you guys during the hurricane - glad to hear the business survived and more importantly that everyone is OK.

I attended IFTA in late 2001 and early 2002. Despite a crazy series of setbacks (this was just after 9/11) including the airport being closed for several days due to being 9.9 miles away from a nuclear power plant and having a ten mile restriction cut right through the airport...) I got my training CPL and Multi IR done on time and actually ahead of budget. The instructors and Steven came in on days off, early and late etc. to help us all catch up on the time we lost due to the airport being closed.

The instructors were the best I've flown with (is Roy still with you? If not, what is he up to?) I was a 1000+ hour pilot at the time but I still learned more in my almost three weeks there than in the previous 1000hrs of flying. I flew with Steven only once but there was no doubt about his instruction ability.

Anyway, I work for a large US airline now and you can feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions about IFTA. If I needed more JAA training I would go back to IFTA. (Not paid by, employed by, friends with or otherwise related to anyone at IFTA, just a satisfied customer and when I see all the bashing I feel compelled to post).


African Drunk 20th Feb 2005 17:48

"As a matter of public record, the CAA have authorised me as a Flight Examiner for PPL, CPL, IR, and FI, the latter approval gained in 2004 - this would not happen if there was any doubt about my integrity & honesty in business or in my professional flying roles." Without being too cynical the CAA is more interested in your ability to pay the large amounts necessary to achieve these rating's rather than your integrity & honesty. I am also an IRE/CRE etc and the CAA system for accepting us says nothing about our character.

"witnessing the bankruptcy of major companies who took students for thousands in the UK" + "Since the collapse of SFT & others I understand why 50% of our customers pay as they go". Yes I would recomend that no student ever pays up front to a FTO. But you have twice gone bankrupt in the UK at Staverton and Cardiff taking students for money( what was the newspaper headline in a south wales paper "Does this man owe you money"). That hardly says much for buisness ability.

"I am perfectly willing to acknowledge that my way of doing things historically might be too abrasive for some". Stephen that for me is not the issue, in my particular case it was the money you tried to take off my credit card after I left the US( I am quite happy to get details from the credit card company if moderators would like.) For me the other people I know I think you could have been as abrasive as you like if you provided the service you advertise.

I stand by my original point that many FTO's do not have to come on here and defend themselves as they do provide a reasonable service.

jonathon_mickelson 20th Feb 2005 19:33

Just back from a fact finding mission to Florida with a friend, we were told by a couple if people that IFTA is closing down now and the owner is running the business out of his home in Vero Beach and only doing Instructor rating courses from there. We were told that if we could find the IFTA offices at Stuart it would be a waste of time because of this.

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