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habcer 19th Nov 2004 09:33

RESULTS! ATPL groundschool

Hows everyone doing today after getting their results??

I got them all first time with an 89 average so im happy.

Mass and Balance was a b*stard though. Very unfair I think.

Anyone else think the CAA are DISGUSTING, UNFAIR and UNPROFESSIONAL with Mass and Balance??

trevelyan 19th Nov 2004 12:01

Anyone else think the CAA are DISGUSTING, UNFAIR and UNPROFESSIONAL with Mass and Balance??
You might want to elaborate a bit further mate, im struggling to relate the three words you use above to an exam, regardless of how hard you thought it was.


ChocksAwayUK 19th Nov 2004 12:07

Bit unfair really.. one of the questions could be argued to be a bit performance based and yes there was a misprint but both questions have been appealed I gather.

YYZ 19th Nov 2004 12:27

You passed so whats the problem?

OneMileHigh 20th Nov 2004 00:13

Ok, let me explain my reaction before I commit it, and this isn't directed specifically at Habcer, but at all those who see fit to spout their own fountain online. My comments below are semi-fuelled by a few beers, some jealously and a personal dislike of the "I am so good" type of person.

So Habcer,

You have started this thread in the first instance to tell the cyber world that you have passed all the exams you took.

excellent, well done, but why the do you see fit to tell us your average is 89%, and then proceed to lament what a bastard the Mass & Balance exam was.

I'll bet the people who failed more than they would have liked, think you are really great eh. Just a little bit of self laudification eh.

Personally, I think your attitude smells. So you found the Mass & Balance a bit difficult did you. Personally I thought that was the easy one, but there again, I failed one and didn't get such a great average, but hey; **** happens. Some people are better than me, and I don't mind admitting that, but one day, in a real cockpit environment, I really would not like to be on the same deck as a guy like you!!!

So, in summary: Well done. You have done well in the written world. But will you do so well in the personal world where people aren't so great as you?

piper pervert 20th Nov 2004 12:10

My knees are red-raw from kneeling on my carpet and worshiping people of such incredible talent,who passed all exams first time with a "high average" mark.I do wonder what actually motivates people to sit down and put in effort to tell the world how great they are.There seems to be a similar thread started just after results time every month.

I admire anyone who works hard and so gets their just reward,but lots of people in this profession or wannabe in this profession seem to be intent on one upmanship and nowt else.Same applies to people who bother to sit down and write a reply to correct someone's spelling/grammar etc.WHO CARES?

I have just finished mine,after 3 resits and a lower "average mark" than above,but i have to say i am chuffed but don't feel the need to proclaim my greatness to the world.This is after all just one small stepping stone to a career.
The cynic in me also says that it now appears to be more a test of which school has the best feedback, than an actual test of knowledge.I stand to be corrected but just my thoughts!
Ok rant over.
Back to my prayer mat and a picture of a 1st time pass (98% u know) student who lives round the corner.

ChocksAwayUK 20th Nov 2004 12:38

I'll tell you who are DISGUSTING, UNFAIR and UNPROFESSIONAL though... Royal Mail. Still waiting.. grrrr. :ugh:

six-sixty 20th Nov 2004 12:40


"The cynic in me also says that it now appears to be more a test of which school has the best feedback, than an actual test of knowledge"

That is so true. I don't reckon it's possible to pass some of those subjects without having seen the questions, even if you know the notes inside out AND understand them, which is bloody annoying as I'd much rather spend the time getting to grips with the subject matter better than learning to play the CAA/JAAs daft games.

Pilot16 20th Nov 2004 12:58

Agree 100% with six-sixty.

I reckon it is impossible to pass any of those exams without mastering feedbacks even if you understand the subject inside out.

So it becomes more to do with learning to read the question then to learn the 'stuff'. Note that you can in theory, pass those exams without even studying the subject matter at all, just by going through feedbacks and understanding them, which is a concern. Are the exams really testing the candidates knowledge?

It would be better if these were open ended questions where the candidate has to write sentences in order to answer the question. Yes marking it is a pain, but this way a candidates 'real' knowledge is tested. The CAA does take £60 per paper, im sure thats enough to hire some real examiners insted of using computers to mark the paper.

unowho 30th Nov 2004 11:00

Knowing the ABCDs
Unfortunately the whole world is going down the route of knowing the Question Bank. And, yes, open questions do test someones knowledge but does take hours to mark. I know, I set open question home work (open book obviously) only 10 students but nearly 15 hours of good marking. (If you don't want to explain everything in class afterwards). If you have hours to use in class then just looking through the papers to find all the weak points still takes a couple of hours.

As to the point of Pilot16, how much are you willing to pay for exams, it will need to be a lot more than 60 pounds. I think that people are asked to pay enough without adding thousands more.

The only hope is that Airlines do a good job of sifting out the ABCDers and the people who really know their stuff.

helicopter-redeye 30th Nov 2004 12:23

"The cynic in me also says that it now appears to be more a test of which school has the best feedback, than an actual test of knowledge"

Of the November sitting exams, I had seen about 55% of the HP&L questions from the Ground Training Services feedback and 0% of the General Navigation questions, and passed both (and others).

I'm not sure you can get through the numerical/ problem type questions without knowing the "how to". I'm also pretty sure I passed because I'd been taught the process for whirling the wheel and doing the sums.



cumulus 30th Nov 2004 17:35

You can do some of the exams by just studying feedback, but not Principles of Flight and Performance. So many of the questions demand that you derive an answer from first principles, and it only takes a minor change to a question to make for an entirely different answer.
As for pricing, I am sure that the CAA had some "Time and Motion" gimp calculate that it cost sixty quid to scan an answer sheet and tap the results into a data bank....:rolleyes:

Anyway, now that gubbins is out of the way, I am looking at doing the CPL round about Spring-time.... :D

smith 30th Nov 2004 23:22

Well done habcer on passing all your exams. I am well chuffed for you.

To all you other green eyed monsters out there pi$$ off. Habcer is not the first to post that he has passed so give the guy a break. He must have been elated to get the results then dejected to have all you guys shoot him down.

I know who I'd rather fly with!!!

piper pervert 1st Dec 2004 10:23

To all the green eyed monsters out there pi$$ off!
After looking back through this thread im struggling to find anyone who sounds even slightly envious! In my rant i did say that i congratulate anyone who has passed them all,and i stand by that.My point was simply that i don't understand peoples motives for advertising it. I know many people post their results on here for all to see,this is not directed specifically at habcer.

I know who I'd rather fly with!!
So do i,and i stick by OneMileHigh's assertion that i would rather fly with someone who knows the job but doesn't make your ears bleed than the other sort.


smith 1st Dec 2004 12:58

You don't have to sound envious to be envious. Body language and in this case the tone of the replies can give a lot away!!!!

silverknapper 1st Dec 2004 13:51

Agree with one mile.
Why do people feel the need to go on about passing a few exams - lets face it they ain't that difficult. All it succeeds in doing is making people who were unlucky feel even worse than they may already do. So why not put an end to it now. It really is a waste of bandwith. Just pat your own back and be content. Lets face it there is still a long way to go.

High Wing Drifter 1st Dec 2004 19:24

Why do people feel the need to go on about passing a few exams - lets face it they ain't that difficult.
You miserable bunch of down doers :ugh:

Captain Ratpup 3rd Dec 2004 08:05

I personally valued his comments and would do the same in his situation. I don't think I'm particularly vain and I'm sure all would agree that the exams are bloody hard. Thus passing them is something to justly feel good about. Perhaps Habcer was wrong in thinking he would receive a warm reception from fellow wannabes. Obviously most are too bitter and self-concerned to even be able to praise others. Bit sad, really.

"My comments below are semi-fuelled by a few beers, some jealously and a personal dislike of the "I am so good" type of person."
One question, OneMileHigh: why write a post if you admit you're half-pissed and liable to write rubbish that you will later regret?

You've never met the guy yet you're prepared to say that you would never share a cockpit with him because he posted a thread saying he was chuffed at passing. Slightly bizarre and exteme, surely? Well, if you're prepared to rely on so little information when making critical decisions in the air, I'm sure you'll be a real maverick, mate.

Personally, I'll stick to people who don't get all snappy and hot and bothered at the first opportunity.:ok:

ChocksAwayUK 3rd Dec 2004 08:17

Well seeing as it's turned into a discussion I'll add my bit.

I think it's a little odd to post your results here, especially to post one's avg % which is largely irrelevant. I even think it's a bit insensitive to those who may be feeling the disappointment of a failed exam. It's understandable on the private board of your school where you're likely to know many of the other posters and have an interest of each others results. And that combined with bizarre CAA criticism may have winded some up (CAA bashing is so zzzzzzz).

Just trying to explain people's reactions as something other than jealousy is all. (I can't be accused of this as last week i coincidentally received the same avg % as habcer, albeit for just my first 8 exams).

silverknapper 3rd Dec 2004 22:31

Lets face it, at the exam stage it doesn't really matter who you'd supposedly rather fly with - cos it will be a long time before you do.
This self gratifying stuff is rubbish. Whoopy do you passed. It's just a small step on a long ladder. Wind your neck in and get your head down for the rest. Would you be so quick off the mark if you failed an IR or CPL?

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