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chewy974 20th Sep 2004 09:26

general nav
was wondering if anyone can help. I'm new to this site so bare with me. I'm currently distant learning for module one of the ATPL exams. I seem to be struggling on general nav, mainly lamberts conformal. I seem to be able to get through the questions set in my notes ok, but when it comes to the assesment set by my ground school they seem totally different to the ones in the notes.
I think if i had more practice questions, hopefully practice makes perfect. Aswell as working full time i generally get 3 to 4Hrs revision in a day. I'm sure that you all can comprehend this difficult task, as many of you are in the same situation. I am begining to really get stressed and worried to whether i will pass the exam when it comes round, as it is not from lack of effort.

My questions are: Does any one else find this subject difficult? Where can i obtain practice questions? Can you tell me where and what is abacus?

hope someone can shed some light on my problem.

Topgun 4122T 20th Sep 2004 13:01

Anybody that tell's you they didn't find nav a little much at the beginning is full of c**p so calm down we have all been where you are now . personally i would not get hung up about the charts because little or no questions in the exams and the ones the do know are basic feedback questions that you will reckonise .
Your two weeks in brush up course will relieve any worries you have , don't look into those progress tests too much ..topgun.

chewy974 20th Sep 2004 13:47


thanks for your reply. I think the panic is over, have been given some good advice from this site, and seems the majority of questions are on the CRP-5. Nice to know, i'm not the only one in this boat.


cumulus 20th Sep 2004 16:54

Chewy, check your PM.


Send Clowns 21st Sep 2004 12:14

Chewy, if you have any further specific querries feel free to send me a PM directly. There are three other Gen Nav instructors who regularly post here, and while I cannot speak for them I think they would say the same.

The advice is correct that there are a lot of CRP-5 questions. Although there are not that many questions specifically about charts, if you are having problems with Lambert's then it may affect some of the broader questions.

The concept most people seem to have difficulty with is convergence. Remember that although convergence is defined as the angle between two meridians, the reason that chart convergence is such an important and useful concept is that a straight line that crosses the two meridians has its bearing measured with respect to each meridian. Being a straight line, the only reasons that the measures of bearing are different is that the bearing is being measured w.r.t. different meridians. The difference must therefore be the angle between the meridians, i.e. convergence.

Best of luck!

Send Clowns
Gen Nav Instructor,

chewy974 21st Sep 2004 18:23

send clowns

tried your PM but was unable to send as your inbox to full


FFP 21st Sep 2004 18:55


Am in exactly the same boat as you. Could keep up with Rhumb lines and Great Circles but hit projections and the like tonight . .

. . .. . ..:{ :{ :{

Send Clowns 22nd Sep 2004 09:50

:O Sorry, so popular ...

Well I've cleared some space now, so write again. Feel free too, FFP.

OneIn60rule 22nd Sep 2004 20:27

Does anyone NOT remember
that recently in the G-Nav exam there were only 6 questions concerning the CRP 5.

The rest were convergence, rhumbline, polars., lamberts, diagram related.

Truth is, you can get heavy load of crp 5 questions or a heavy load of calculations.

Things I struggled with, difference between course, track and heading.

These here I could never get my head around until recently.

Example> Heading 355 (M)
Course 320 (M)
Var 15 W
Dev -4
Drift 6 port

What's the wind and velocity?

TRack 355 (M)
Heading 310 (M)
Var 15 w
Dev -4
Drift 6 starboard

Wind/velocity is?

If you can't work out diagram questions then I suggest you simply practice more on them. Trying to learn answers to the feedback diagram questions COULD possibly get you trough the exam BUT what happens if you come across 8 questions which you cannot remember the answer to or have never seen? Add the possibility of making SILLY mistakes and forgetting to mark answers and you have a HIGH chance of NOT PASSING the exam at all.

If you want a link to abacus> aerosolutions.be
It's not fool proof, there are some mistakes in the questions (and some of the given answers are wrong) but it's constantly being updated and students that post there are actually not just posting questions but get answers from other people with access to it.

If the link doesn't appear for some reason, just PM me and I'll provide it.


ramshorn 23rd Sep 2004 21:01

answers please!
Have just seen 1 in 60's post regarding diagram questions.I'm also doing module 1 at the mo and have pretty much completed the course,but didn't know how to tackle these questions:

posted 22nd September 2004 20:27 Click Here to See the Profile for OneIn60rule Click here to Send OneIn60rule a Private Message Edit/Delete Message Does anyone NOT remember

that recently in the G-Nav exam there were only 6 questions concerning the CRP 5.

The rest were convergence, rhumbline, polars., lamberts, diagram related.

Truth is, you can get heavy load of crp 5 questions or a heavy load of calculations.

Things I struggled with, difference between course, track and heading.

These here I could never get my head around until recently.

Example> Heading 355 (M)
Course 320 (M)
Var 15 W
Dev -4
Drift 6 port

What's the wind and velocity?

TRack 355 (M)
Heading 310 (M)
Var 15 w
Dev -4
Drift 6 starboard

Wind/velocity is?

Would anyone be kind enough to give a brief description and answer to these!:ok:

OneIn60rule 23rd Sep 2004 22:39

Ah shooot sorryS
I discovered at least two mistakes in the ones I posted.

Should've had TAS and GS in both and I also gave you Drift when I should not have mentioned any drift. Makes no sense.

Disregard both questions.

OneIn60rule 25th Sep 2004 11:51

Here's something to note
About the the G-Nav exam.

When you get CRP-5 questions they will very often throw in Devation as a number rather than 5 degrees WEST/EAST. I mention this because I myself fell for such a trick.

TRack> 350 (M)
HDG > 340 (M)
Var > 10 W
Dev > +10

Your compass heading is?

TRACK 350 (M)
HDG 340 (M)
VAR 10 W
Dev 10 W

Your compass heading is?

Believe it or not, those are the simplest ones you'll ever get, since neither really involves the CRP-5. The more time consuming (and by this I mean you'll waste more than 15 seconds on it) questions often focus on seeing if you can derive TRUE heading by applying the corrections for varation, devation, drift AS WELL AS HOW TO SHUFFLE IN ORDER TO FIND YOUR TRUE HEADING. If you don't know how to shuffle properly then you will pick the wrong answer. (the one that didn't use the shuffle)

This exam also has a tiny bit of instrument in it but it usually involves something you should know anyway. (I think the last time somebody took it they had maybe 5 on that)

Cover definitions for every type of map and what rhumb lines look like on each. Do not forget to memorize what the symbols on the chart mean (So basically imagine you were taking a Flight planning exam WITHOUT the ability to take your Jeppesen with you). Know what a compulsory point looks like on the chart, civil airport, military airport, NDB, VOR etc. since you'll get 9 questions (I'm guessing at this point but know they do ask a good amount based on charts) that focus on the Elo chart.

One thing not to do is try to use your CRP-5 to figure out the DENSITY altitude. Instead use the formula, it will give you the best chance of picking the right answer.

Not sure if there's much else you should be worried about but I advise anyone to make sure they also practice on questions where you have to plot out track to/from vors because if you haven't practiced it at all then you'll probably take forever to do each one.

Cheers and brake a CRP-5. (kidding)

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