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Mike Cross 6th Jun 2003 21:04

European AIS Database

You are a user of aeronautical information? Read the following pages, they will change your life !
That's what it says on Eurocontrol's European AIS Database website that went live today.

Unfortunately I can't tell you whether it will or not because I can't get into it. :{ It checks my Java Plugin, tells me that I have 1.3.1_06 and that I should have 1.3.1_04 and then won't let me go any further.

I've emailed them about this as I'm not keen on removing the later version put on my machine by Microsoft Windows Update.

Anyone been able to get in? Did it change your life?


dublinpilot 6th Jun 2003 21:11

nope. Can't get in either.

I click go, and it just give's me links for IE 6, Java 1.3.1 and Acrobat Reader 5.5

It doesn't even tell me that I need updates, just seems to tell me how to down load and install these programs!!

Mike Cross 6th Jun 2003 21:17

Intuitive isn't it?

You need to click the logo at the top of this page


englishal 6th Jun 2003 21:56

No, doesn't work for me either, just gets stuck on the Java Plugin Check page. I guess its a 5.10 MB download on my slow modem....oh well, got nothing better to do today :D


Rallye Driver 6th Jun 2003 22:04

I'm running a Macintosh, so I can't get into it either as the Apple java version is wrong too.

No change in my life then.


Mike Cross 6th Jun 2003 22:10

This page indicates that ther should be useful stuff in there if only we were able to acces it.

Maybe they should offer a prize for the first person to actually get in.


charlie-india-mike 6th Jun 2003 22:44

Can I claim the prize, I'm in using IE6 and whatever version of java it comes with.


PS I will let you know if I find anything useful.

Evo 6th Jun 2003 22:54

I'm using Sun's 1.4.1 JRE, and it doesn't work. :( I can understand the requirement for a base level of JRE, but disallowing newer versions is nuts!?!

bluskis 7th Jun 2003 00:39

Tried it, but it doesn't appear to like my security settings, so I will wait until it becomes indispensible.

Mike Cross 7th Jun 2003 02:53

Gets worse. My machine at home has JavaScript Plug-in 1.41 like Evo so no joy there either.:{


Evo 7th Jun 2003 03:11

Is there some ICAO article that says that if you've got AIS in your name then you've got to b*gger up everything involving computers... :confused: :* :ugh:

Warped Factor 7th Jun 2003 03:18

Same Java version problem here as well :rolleyes:


Keef 7th Jun 2003 03:21


Tried it with Mozilla, and was told the version I'm using is the wrong one. it wanted me to use one from about two years ago (not even got a copy of that version any more). Mozilla updates about every six weeks, with daily builds for those who are really keen.

I tried with Internet Explorer and got a bit further - it told me I have not installed the correct Java plug-in version 1.3.1_04. I'm using 1.4.1_01.

Sounds very like past experience with AIS. Are we to assume Thales set up this fine essential software?

Maybe the old 486-33 machine in the Church office would work with it.

rustle 7th Jun 2003 03:24

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence is using a firewall and/or NAT (address translation) software when accessing the internet via broadband, so this site can never work as configured unless your NAT software and/or firewall allow HTTP on port 80.

Fcukwit-"Eurocontrol" learned nothing from all the hard work UK-AIS non-IT people put into making the rubbish they bought from France functional...

Give up on it guys - no matter what software you download from links on the site it ain't going to work if you are 'safe'.

Dickheads, the lot of them.

Evo 7th Jun 2003 03:38

Oh yeah, didn't actually bother to read that bit - I have this old-fashioned idea that web services and the like should just work. Who do the people who write this stuff work for? I'd probably get fired if I came up with a half-baked piece of rubbish like this :mad:

So C-I-M, was it worth it? I guess you've got an insecure internet connection and a JRE so full of holes that even Microsoft patched it... ;) :)

rustle 7th Jun 2003 04:17

Evo - site tested on a dial-up connection no doubt.

In the olden days dial-up users were not on long enough, nor had the bandwidth, for nasties to be sent "upstream"

Today, believe it or not, people have broadband always-on connections and a direct consequence is that firewalls and NAT have become a necessity even for "surfers".

About time some content providers caught up from the days of teletype and secure networks (like AFTN) ;)

FTR, until recently the UK-AIS had the aerodrome plates in a directory that included the path "./ad/"

Looks harmless enough, but most advert blocking software (Norton/Symantec et al) saw "ad" and blocked it because that's where ADvertisements are stored, not AeroDrome data :rolleyes:

You'll notice they have changed the directory structure now, so no longer an issue with UK-AIP AeroDrome plates ;)

rotorcraig 7th Jun 2003 04:40

Erm ... does this site actually do anything at the moment :confused:

I managed to get in and click around, but can find only what appears to be publicity and internal project documentation?

Didn't understand half of the acronyms, and couldn't find anything of immediate use to flight planning.

Am I missing the point, or is the site technically live but absent of any useful content?


drauk 7th Jun 2003 08:43

rustle, whilst I agree with nearly all of what you say (it must have been created by fckuwits - dreadful design, ridiculous requirements etc - who needs Java applets to make an interactive web site?), I think you're mistaken about the firewall stuff. If you can read pprune or any other web site then you are allowing HTTP traffic on port 80 outbound, which is all you need to use this site. You don't need to open port 80 inbound.

Anyway, as for if the site is of any use, hard to say, because right now it is giving a nice friendly Java stacktrace showing an Oracle java server error about too many open files.

bookworm 7th Jun 2003 15:32

About time some content providers caught up from the days of teletype and secure networks (like AFTN)
It's a pity that the user interface for the public service is so poorly thought out. My impression is that, as a project, the EAD has been generally well run and has used appropriate, up-to-date technologies in the underlying architecture.

Cahlibahn 7th Jun 2003 18:12

Frequentis are responsible for this abomination. it really is beyond belief that they could produce such rubbish these days. I finally got into the site after the fourth re-boot but can't find anything apart from a non-functioning menu.

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