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Whirlybird 26th Apr 2003 18:12

Celebratory mini-bash tonight!
Aerbabe and I are going out for a meal tonight to celebrate my passing my FI test yesterday. If anyone would like to join us, be at the main entrance to the car park on Market Street in Llangollen at 7pm; I will wear my garish Gatbash badge saying "Whirlybird". PM me if you want further details/directions. Apologies for the short notice, and taking up bandwidth with this; it'll be deleted tomorrow.

flower 26th Apr 2003 18:30

Congratulations Whirly :ok: sorry I can't make it i'm working other end of Wales !!!

Flower xxx

Evo 26th Apr 2003 18:35

WELL DONE Whirly :ok: :ok: :ok:

BRL 26th Apr 2003 19:52

Nice one Whirly. Very well done indeed.

Llangollen is such a great place, I have spent lots of time at the chain bridge hotel there in days gone by, also enjoyed the music festivals in the past.

Have a great time tonight, you deserve it. :)

LowNSlow 26th Apr 2003 20:40

Congratulations Whirl. :ok: :ok:

I'd love to join you but I'm currently sunning myself on the North Caspian :uhoh: :uhoh:

pilotwolf 26th Apr 2003 20:59


Shame you couldn't have made it last night!

Have large one for me!


Fly Stimulator 27th Apr 2003 02:31

Excellent news Whirly! :ok: :ok:

I trust the cats will be getting a celebratory meal as well - they like to be included at important moments!

Shaggy Sheep Driver 27th Apr 2003 02:37

I'm drinking a toast to you in Sainsbury's Medoc as I post, Whirls. Well done!

Llangollan, eh? Lovely place. Sometimes run out to there on the bike.



Keef 27th Apr 2003 03:52

Shucks! Got this too late to react.

Congrats, and greetings from Llithfaen! We were within 5 miles of Llangollen earlier, but I wasn't checking PPRuNe at the time.

Saab Dastard 27th Apr 2003 04:13


Well done!

I just happen to be drinking champagne anyway, so I can toast you with bubbly!



LowNSlow 27th Apr 2003 13:43

So how's the head this morning ladies :suspect: :suspect:

knobbygb 27th Apr 2003 16:13

Well done Whirly - I know you've worked hard for this (with just a little bit of playing hard thrown in for good measure, of course).

Now, if I ever have the desire (and cash) to take egg-whisk lessons I promise to look you up...


Kolibear 27th Apr 2003 17:05

Congratulations Whirly, :) :) If anyone deserved it - you did.

Whirlybird 27th Apr 2003 17:52


Now come on - did you REALLY think we'd be up at that hour?

We waited, but unsurprisingly it was just the two of us. We had a meal, then drove home and drank wine and stroked cats and prooned...fairly normal evening really. I woke up this morning and realised I'd had enough rest to go from exhaustion to relief to euphoria....I'M A HELICOPTER INSTRUCTOR!!!! :) :) :)

OK, after that totally untypical outburst I promise to settle down and be quiet and sane and serious, as befits my new status. ;)

LowNSlow 27th Apr 2003 18:33

I'm four hours ahead of you Whirl and having a quite Sunday morning due to having an early (flu induced) night last night :hmm:

Have you ordered the white shirt and gold bars from Transair yet :ok: :ok:

TheKentishFledgling 28th Apr 2003 01:38

Nice one Whirly!


DOC.400 28th Apr 2003 02:55

Hey nice one Whirly!!


Skylark4 28th Apr 2003 06:23

Well done Whirly, congratulations.

Mike W

FlyingForFun 28th Apr 2003 17:15

Congrat Whirly - knew you'd do it!


Circuit Basher 28th Apr 2003 17:58

Whirly Well Done, Whirly!!!

Sorry I didn't make it to the Mini-Bash at LlanGollyWog! I have memories of camping there at a canoeing weekend - there was heavy overnight frost and my trunks were hung on one of the tent guyropes to dry. They were frozen solid, so had to warm them under the armpit to get them flexible enough to put on! I think the screams as they got put on were enough to waken the inhabiitants of Welshpool! ;)

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