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TheKentishFledgling 25th Apr 2003 03:17

Jeppesen 2" binder
Does anyone know a cheap source for 2" Jepp binders?

The Flying Shop do them for 23 odd quid, whihc seems a bit steep to me.

I've looked in staples, but the punched holes on the Jepp plates don't fit any of the folders they have, and I don't want to have to re-punch the lot :(

Any help appreciated.


Keef 25th Apr 2003 04:45

I bought one in a flying bits shop in California for about $20. It's a non-standard hole pattern (deliberate, no doubt).

You might find a 2-ring binder at an office supplies shop that would suit. Not as good as the original, but probably doable for under £3.

TheKentishFledgling 25th Apr 2003 04:54

Yup, it's the non standard holes that are causing problems.

Like I said, I looked in Staples, and Jeppesen have made the holes just so that standard two ring binders don't fit.



rustle 25th Apr 2003 04:58

What happened to the originals? Can you not salvage any bits from them (like the clamp bit) and make something out of cardboard?

Perhaps you could video the construction thereof and send it to Blue Peter ;) ;) :O

TheKentishFledgling 25th Apr 2003 05:03

Not got the originals - I got given the plates, not the binders.

Spose I'll have to fork out the cash for one of the propa ones ........:mad: :mad: ;) ;)


AerBabe 25th Apr 2003 05:07

Use some treasury tags to hold the pages together.
Get a large piece of card and fold round the pages.
Glue or sew the treasury tags into the cardboard.
Write you name on the front in pritt stick and sprinkle glitter on.
Send me a fiver.

rustle 25th Apr 2003 05:07

Woah, easy tiger, you only asked at 19:17 GMT, someone may be able to assist by tomorrow...

I dunno, hmmph, yoof today want everything instantly ;)

AerBabe 25th Apr 2003 05:10

I blame it on computer games.
Leaves them with no imagination.

If two people have spares ... can I have the other? :D

Fly Stimulator 25th Apr 2003 05:55

Sounds like a potential Blue Peter project to me.

I'm sure Val could knock something up with a coathanger, some Copydex and a bit of sticky-backed plastic. The glitter idea is spot on! :ok:

FlyingForFun 25th Apr 2003 16:27


Use some treasury tags... Send me a fiver
Spot the broke student :D :D :D

(I remember when I first turned up at university and disovered the power sockets were all in inconvenient places. Most people went to Argos and bought extension leads. I went to Maplins, bought a plug, a socket and a few metres of cable, and built an extension lead. Not only was it cheaper, but Maplins hadn't sold out of all of the bits which the first-day students were eagerly snapping up! I still use that extension lead today.)


AerBabe 25th Apr 2003 16:35

... whereas I went to the departmental stores, said I needed a multipoint extension lead for some pieces of electronic equipment in the lab, and therefore paid nothing.

FlyingForFun 25th Apr 2003 16:41

And that's why you're the only person to have come up with a workable solution on this thread, AerBabe. :rolleyes:

TheKentishFledgling 25th Apr 2003 16:44

I blame it on computer games. Leaves them with no imagination.
Oi, what you saying? :oh:

It's just with my DIY skills, if I made something, it'd be dead within a few minutes :mad:
Aint gonna stop me trying though :}

Looks like another trip to Staples for some big treasury tags :hmm:


Now, where's the one AerBabe made earlier......

QNH 1013 25th Apr 2003 17:23

Goodness me, why are you all making it so difficult?

I use Aerads which have the same funny 7-hole spacing. I needed another (much thinner) binder to have in the front of the aircraft with me. (The heavy volumes with all the other plates live within reach in the rear of the aircraft in case of diversion).

My solution:

Walk into stationary shop. Buy whatever 2-hole A5 binder takes my fancy. Use my £1 two-hole punch to punch a second hole at the correct spacing in the plates. In other words, line up the punch with hole 2 (counting from either the top or bottom to taste) and operate the punch. Hey-presto... a new hole at the correct spacing to allow fitting to the (cheap) A5 size two-hole ring binder.

Obviously we were even more impoverished in our student days.

Good luck,

QNH 1013

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