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buzzc152 14th Apr 2003 22:56

bouncy bouncy
Is there a record for the number of times the wheels touch the ground in a single landing ?? If so I think I broke it yesterday at Shoreham.

Changing call sign to capt-kangeroo.

FNG 14th Apr 2003 23:08

Well, that's you 90-day compliant then. My personal record for Tigger-like bouncing is at Popham during last year's microlight fair, with a large audience on hand to acclaim my feats of flying. Still, it could be worse, try landing a Cub short on 11 at Waltham.

Northern Highflyer 15th Apr 2003 00:29

I managed 4 in one go on saturday at Sandtoft but I wasn;t the only one so I am happy to share the record.

At least the return trip and landing was a greaser which made me feel a whole lot better.

Davidt 15th Apr 2003 00:56

Doing touch and goes on Bartons switch back 09N in a Chippie at least 4 on the touch and another 4 on the go !

Do I win ?

poetpilot 15th Apr 2003 02:10

David, just wait till they start using 20 again. That is fun..... a craftily placed hollow and launch pad just at the speed you dont want it. Keep your mouth close or you'll look like this....:}

Whipping Boy's SATCO 15th Apr 2003 02:28

All my bounces are intentional, retrospectively.

witchdoctor 15th Apr 2003 17:29

I remember 2 quite exceptional re-launches on touchdown at Ryan in Arizona (same attempted landing) in a PA-28 with full flap - the second bounce was so good I ended up back around 20' without power at 50kts or so and wisely elected to go around before Mother Earth and I had a more permanent relationship. God only knows what the controllers were thinking!

Wycombe 15th Apr 2003 19:56

reading of these exploits has made me feel a whole lot better :D

flower 15th Apr 2003 20:41


god only knows what the controllers were thinking
well of course apart from our professional concern for your safety etc etc, its usually along the lines of
"can we count all of those as runway movements"

;) :p ;)

jayemm 15th Apr 2003 20:46

Just make sure you only pay one landing fee:p

Andy_R 16th Apr 2003 03:10

You're not alone buzzc152, managed 3 at SHM today, but they were really good and only charged for the one!!!!

New version of the aerial waltz.... touch and float 123 touch and float 123 touch and .... oooh it stayed down !!

At least we can all laugh about it :{

Barney_Gumble 17th Apr 2003 02:38

At my summer home airfield they have a practice of giving landing times over r/t. Last year when I landed there the ATCO didn't give me a landing time, so I asked him over r/t to confirm landing time. After a timely pause he said......

"Which landing time do you want, you have several to choose from?"

Barney x

FlyingForFun 17th Apr 2003 17:17

Guilty as charged. In every aircraft I've ever flown - although the Europa is, without a doubt, the worst. Touch down even slightly early, and you're in for an uncomfortable time.

A few weeks ago, I was having an IMC lesson, at the same time as a new member of my Europa group was getting checked out. Well, the new group member was progressing well, and his instructor decided to send him out for some solo circuits. Shortly after that, I taxied out with my instructor.

We timed it perfectly. Finished our power checks, quick look down final approach - ok, one aircraft turning final, we'll wait for him to land. Hmm, that aircraft looks familiar. Then the radio call from the aircraft on final confirmed it - it was the new group member, about to do his first ever solo Europa landing.

We watched him fly down final. We watched him round out pretty well. Then he got impatient, and balooned, just a very tiny bit, barely even noticeable. "He's messed it up" I said. "What do you mean? That looks perfect!" My instructor has never flown a Europa - her idea of perfect works very well in a PA28, but not in this beast. Seconds later, the main wheel touched down, then immediately launched itself back into the air again. One wing dipped slightly, followed by some yaw, but he was quick on the rudder, and managed to keep it straight through the next four or five bounces, although the wings did rock a little.

My instructor looked at me, and said "Ouch, that was bad." "Oh, that's nothing," I replied. "I've done far worse than that and lived to tell the tale. But it makes the good landings much more satisfying."


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