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Northern Highflyer 4th Apr 2003 20:54

Its looking good for the weekend
I am sure we could start one of these threads every other week but I can't resist.

It's late Friday afternoon and I am already thinking of tomorrow and a leisurely trip taking a friend and his nephew over the North Yorks Moors towards the coast, down towards Hornsea and back inland again, gentle breeze, CAVOK, view for miles around, and a drink back at the ranch when I return...........ahhhhhhhhhh bliss

Well it gets me through another week in a boring job !!

Anyone else having the same thoughts ????


rupetime 4th Apr 2003 20:58

Yes - typing this with fingers crossed that the weather holds out for tomorrow when, if all goes well, my ppl training hours breaks into double figures !!!


Circuit Basher 4th Apr 2003 22:09

Our Club a/c is on annual (awaiting repairs to magnetos), so it'll just have to be down to me mooching around at the gliding school looking useful and hoping someone will take pity on me ;) :p

Genghis the Engineer 5th Apr 2003 00:20

Not quite in line with you, my thoughts are going towards Duxford.


Dusty_B 5th Apr 2003 00:23

And we're flying off to look at a (potential) new steed :) :}

rotorcraig 5th Apr 2003 01:18

I'm hoping to fly over to Peterborough Conington, first land away since my PPL(H). Have cancelled bad wx last two times planned, looking good for tomorrow!


PPPPP 5th Apr 2003 13:49

My third attempt at QXC is scheduled for Sunday. What's the betting the haze reappears down and its cancelled again?

VP8 5th Apr 2003 17:34

Stuck in the office looking after our Antonovs beautiful day here at STN!!!


High Wing Drifter 5th Apr 2003 18:59

My third attempt at QXC is scheduled for Sunday. What's the betting the haze reappears down and its cancelled again?
Seems to be few Cumulus around much of the time indicating some unstable air so I imagine excelent vis all weekend :D

Bottle Fatigue 6th Apr 2003 05:47

Well, I've had a top weekend.

Did some aeros on friday, 'twas clear as a bell above the cloud, bit hazy beneath. Bit of a "character building" approach to land though - wind was varying between 20kt down the strip and 20kt at right angles to it.

To top it all, went gliding today - first time! Where's the f***ing engine?!

Think I might have to go again, that kind of thing is seriously addictive.


Northern Highflyer 7th Apr 2003 17:22

Vis wasn't anywhere near as good as it was on Friday but I still got a trip in. Must have hit the only cloud in the country @ 1500ft but it was a challenge.

Hope all you others got your planned trips in.

Ghengis - how was Duxford ?

PPPP hope you got the QXC done. A friend of mine did his on Saturday and he said it was tough going in some poor viz between east Mids and Humberside.

Gliding sounds like fun but not sure I could relax without that whirly bit on the front :O

Aussie Andy 8th Apr 2003 04:47

Fabulous Saturday Weather
Hi all,

I had a fabulous flight on Saturday morning with some visiting friends over from Australia. We flew from Wycombe via BNN (its near my house for photos you see) then north via Aylesbury to Siverstone for more photos (always lots of "ooohs" and "aahs" if your pax are motor racing fans and have only ever seen it on the tele!), then into Sywell for a quick change of fron seat pax, then back to Wycombe.

I was so glad I managed to book an aircraft for Saturday, and not Sunday as I had originally wanted (nothing was available)! Sunday was a bit of a mess down here.

See for yourself anyway - taken at Silverstone:

Fly Stimulator 8th Apr 2003 06:36

Nice picture Andy. sennadog and I passed over Silverstone at about 10am on Saturday on our way to a private strip (well, paddock really, complete with sheep) west of Northampton before carrying on to the Duxford fly-in. If we'd known you were up there too we'd have given you a wave.

Great day's flying on Sunday too - Denham, Wellesbourne, Oxford, Denham in the left seat of an SR20 :cool:

Aussie Andy 8th Apr 2003 21:27

G'day FS, well according to my log we left Wycombe at 09:25 and arrived at Sywell at 10:25 (local), so must've been pretty close to clocking you ;)


rustle 8th Apr 2003 21:35

Quite a crowd...

mrcross and myself were overhead Silverstone at 0950L Saturday, en-route Coventry then Duxford.

Didja see us :rolleyes:

Aussie Andy 8th Apr 2003 21:58

Must'a missed ya by 10 mins...

Northern Highflyer 11th Apr 2003 21:34

Lets hope this weeks vis is better than last weeks. :}

Aussie Andy 11th Apr 2003 21:39

Don't care: its my first IMC lesson :p

Fly Stimulator 11th Apr 2003 21:43

That settles it - I'm sticking to the east side of London this weekend! ;)

I'm starting the IMC soon too, but I'll be doing it from Lydd - far enough out of the way to give the rest of you a sporting chance, yet close enough to Calais to be able to practice cheap approaches there with a decent lunch thrown in.

Northern Highflyer 11th Apr 2003 21:59

Maybe I should start my IMC

That would guarantee fantastic clear blue skies for weeks :cool:

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