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BRL 19th Aug 2002 14:30

A day in the life of........You
Hi all. Going on from previous threads that we have had that are all about yourselves, I was wondering what your typical day is like. You can reply telling us all about your normal day-to-day life or a day when you go off flying, or both if you really want to.

Mine is variable as i do shift work but consist usualy of waking up, s,s,s, drive/ride to work. Finish, drive/ride home, eat, pprune, bed. Sometimes I may be lucky and go to the pub too but my general day-to-day is quite boring really. Over to you now to make me jealous of your lifestyle........... :)

distaff_beancounter 19th Aug 2002 14:49

ride to work ........ride home
I do like that idea.
Does your employer provide a stable for your horse, while you are working? :D

foghorn 19th Aug 2002 15:12

BEEP BEEP goes the alarm. Wake up, interrupting the dream about flying a Boeing 737.

Catch cattle-truck train to work (not your company, Big Red L).

Work all morning in boring IT job, pprune in quiet moments. Daydream about flying a Boeing 737.

Go to gym or run (if I feel like it) then eat lunch.

Work all afternoon in boring IT job, pprune in quiet moments. Daydream about flying a Boeing 737.

Catch cattle-truck train to home.

Eat dinner, plan my next steps in getting a flying job.

Once amonth collect the paycheque that pays off my training debts and helps me save for the next battle in the grand campaign of becoming an airline pilot.

Go to bed, where in a dream a letter from an airline comes through the door asking me to start a Boeing 737 type rating tomorrow.... BEEP BEEP


Me, obsessed? Nah. I'm simply just as clear of my goal as I was when I started, despite the tough times at the moment.


Dark Helmet 19th Aug 2002 15:56

Get up at 06:00 blah blah.
Ride (motorbike) to work (1st best part of the day).
Boring IT job...Java, Servlets, Internet blah blah.
Run/Gym at lunch (2nd best part of the day).
More Java......
Ride home (3rd best part of the day).
Dinner cooked by my lovely wife.
Study Air Law etc for my PPL exams!
Wake up and go to bed.
Actually I am on-call until 22:00 and it is the on-call 'overtime' money that is paying for my PPL lessons. So I sometimes sit at home hoping that they will call me so that I can claim even more money!

Cheshire cat EGHH 19th Aug 2002 16:22

My lifestyle..

Depends on day but i will tell of how today will work...

Wake up ...6.30 (no alarm!)
Dress for work-drive to work ...8.45
Work got 3 737's to look after tomorrow and 1 747.
Go home, dress for training...5.30
Training gymnastics/trampolining....7.30
Completely Re-Dress and go to a private place to pratice my lap dancing. ...9-11
Go home and get undressed and go to bed.

sennadog 19th Aug 2002 16:30

Stumble out of bed around 8am. Walk gingerly down the stairs into the office and flick the PC on. Grab hounds and potter round the woods to wake up. Get back and have leisurely breakfast in the downstairs office whilst catching up on PPRuNe. Think about doing some work - do so.

This cycles on and off all day until about 5pm when I pack up and take the mutts out for their main walk of the day. This schedule can vary depending on how nice the weather is and whether the Visa can withstand another hammering - if both are on form, then I usually persuade myself that there is a particular aspect of flying that I need to improve on.:D

Other than that, just listen to Mrs.Sennadog moaning about commuting into the smoke when she gets in whilst I chill out with a nice drop of vino.

Tough life, huh.

Editted coz I forgot to mention that I've had a shower at the start of the day.

Baldie Man 19th Aug 2002 16:31

Wake up, get dressed, go downstairs and trawl through me ATPL notes and then go to bed. This all interspersed with trips to the lav and a generous helping of PPRuNe.
Soon gonna shoot off to USA and get me some hours. Then it's back to the above for some quite considerable amount of time but without the generous helping of PPRuNe unless I get stuck!


PS: Your lap dancing sounds nice Becxy. ;)

bertiethebadger 19th Aug 2002 16:58

Tomorrow will be something along the lines of:

0645 Get rudely awoke by Ms Badgers alarm clock
0730 Peace again
0815 Get rudely awoke by my alarm clock
0845 Get up
0915 Get to work, late again!
1200 Go home
1330 Goto Blackbushe
1400 Goto Popham & do some short field exercises
1415-1700 Multiple Up-round-down-stops...tea break, try & convince Popham that I should pay less as I'm using less runway. Get told to pay more as I'm doing more landings!
1700 Back to blackbushe
1715 Pin point landing!
1900 Dinner
2200 Try to seduce Ms Badger
2201 Nursing slaped cheek

Keef 19th Aug 2002 17:02

Flying weekdays: get up an hour before EOBT, breakfast etc, drive 10 minutes to EGMC, file flightplan, take cover off G-UTSY, Check-A, fuel, and FLY.

Non-flying weekdays: roll out of bed when the mood takes me. Breakfast. Check e-mail etc.

Check diary - anything I'm supposed to be doing today? If not,

Sit in garden and chat to the wildlife, wife, and any passing humans. Read book/flying mag/astronomy mag/RadCom/theology mag/newspaper.

Lunch. Nice beer or vino with, depending on mood.

Repeat most of above pm.

Dinner: much as lunch but more of it.

PPRuNe. Flyer List.

Bed about 1.30am.


Prepare sermons/services as required.

Sunday: up before I wake up, quick breakfast, car to autopilot, and off to Church(es).

It's a tough life!

Evo7 19th Aug 2002 18:28

My day is remarkably similar to rustle's, except that (a) my son wakes up a bit earlier, (b) my daughter attacks too, and (c) I gave up hope of ever keeping up with the flyer list (a quick check reveals 8976 unread messages :rolleyes: :eek: )

Floppy Link 19th Aug 2002 18:50

wake up
land 767
stumble to hotel
sleep all day
position BA/bus/taxi to home base
sleep all night

long haul ain't all it's cracked up to be, I dream of flying a 737 too...when I'm not dreaming about endless riveting
and flying an RV8


wake up
land 767
stumble to hotel
sleep all day
position BA/bus/taxi to home base
sleep all night

long haul ain't all it's cracked up to be, I dream of flying a 737 too...

maggioneato 19th Aug 2002 19:03

A day in the life of
Non flying days,up 7.30, see hubby out to work, log on to pprune etc till 9 ish, usual bathroom stuff, breakfast, tidy hovel, washing,all the usual boring chores you guys don't have to do, more pprune etc. Lunch out somewhere,more pprune,etc etc. Flying days , out of the house by 7.45, arrive back about twelve hours later ,with a big grin on my face. What a hard life I have.:D No I hav'nt been flying today, so more pprune.:D

AerBabe 19th Aug 2002 20:43

7:00 am - Alarm, hit snooze.
7:05 am - Alarm, hit snooze.
7:10 am - Alarm, think ****, I've got to get up. Hit snooze.
7:15 am - Alarm. Find something bright to look at. Shower. Make lunch while eating breakfast.
8 am - Depart in Babe Mobile.
8:10 am - Arrive at uni.
8:15 am - Put into action work planned previous evening. Random selection from: try to amplify some DNA; make up some artificial sea water; talk to algae; infect algae with virus; avoid supervisor; etc etc.
8:20 am - Start thinking about going home.
10 am - Go for coffee.
10:15 am - More of the random selection above.
1 pm - Lunch!!!
1:30 pm - That random stuff.
3 pm - More coffee. Wonder if I dare leave.
3:15 pm - Random.
5:30 pm - Go home!
6 pm - Watch news.
6:30 pm - Start transcribing tapes to earn flying money.
8 pm - Stop for dinner (noodles? ;) )
10: 30 pm - Stop typing. Into bed to read.
11 pm - Lights out and weird dreams.

Of course if at 8:10 am, when I arrive at uni, the weather looks good, I'll spend all day wondering whether to fly. Sometimes I nip off for a 'quick lunchtime jolly', which is 3 hours door to door. :)

EI_Sparks 19th Aug 2002 23:12

AB, you have a Babe Mobile? I thought those were only availble to members of the Powers family? :D

flyboy6876 20th Aug 2002 00:53


Non flying day:

Get up at 05H30
Give the cats some milk, clean the litter trays and then feed them.
Make breakfast for myself and Mrs 'Boy.
See Mrs 'Boy of to work at 06H45 (She's a zoo keeper)
Do my own ablutions and head of to the office at 07H30.
Nice drive up the coast (if I'm going to my office), or it may be a hellish drive through the city to a customers office.
Spend the day working with customers on their processes (whilst ppruning if I'm in our office)
Drive home at 17H00
Feed the birds, and change their water. Feed the fish in the ponds. Chop some firewood in winter.
Kick back with a glass of red on the verandah and enjoy the sunset - summer or winter.
Make some dinner (take turns with Mrs 'Boy for this)
Kick back with some more red.
Watch a movie or cricket if its on, or play a few games of poker dice (I'm currently $35 up:D )
Hit the sack.

Flying day - I fly over weekends when Mrs 'Boy is working
Everything the same up till 07H30
Drive to the airfield
Pre-flight and get in the aircraft by 08H10.
Fly until about 10H00.
Hang around the club until about 11H30
Head of and take Mrs 'Boy for lunch along the river
Drive home at about 13h00
Do all the chores around the house until 16H30
Then the rest is the same - maybe go to the pub every now and then.

Circuit Basher 20th Aug 2002 07:09

Extremely variable, but typically (on weekday):
0600 Alarm / Ablutions
0630 Make tea for self / Mrs CB / feed cats / dog
0645 To work, leaving Mrs CB to improve beauty!
0700 Arrive work - fire up PC and check PPRuNe for insults
0705 Caffeine insertion by oral means
0710 Check and deal with emails
0730 More PPRuNe
0800 Rest of workforce start arriving - look like I'm busy
0800 - 1230 Usual meetings / phone calls / emails / dross
1230 Lunch (maybe some PPRuNe!!)
1245 - 1730 (possibly 2000!) As 0800 - 1230
1745 Home / Dinner
1830 Out to Air Cadets to teach Mummys little treasures about P of F / Airmanship / Aircraft Ops / Map Reading / Radar, etc
2200 Home - have beer to try to forget Mummys little horrors
2300 Follow Mrs CB to bed - kick dog / cats out of bed!
2305 Offer Mrs CB a horrible time
2306 Sleep

Same up to 0645
0645 Drive to gliding field (10 mins)
0700 Get field set up, tow gliders, DI parachutes, etc
0830 Sausage sarnie !!:D ;)
0830 - 1230 Gliding
1230 Lunch
1230 - 1700 Gliding
1700 Supervise washing of gliders / Land Rovers
1800 Home (as per 2200 weekdays)
2000 Fall asleep watching TV
2300 As weekdays
2305 As weekdays - maybe get lucky!
2307 Sleep

keendog 20th Aug 2002 08:21

05:30 Attacked by son
06:00 Son breaks free and attacks again
06:15 Shave (helped by son)
06:20 Shower (Son still trying to help)
06:25 Walk down stairs
06:26 Turn round and attempt to catch son as he shows me how he too can get down the stairs
06:27 Plant son in fron of Cbeebies and make cup of tea for Mrs. Dog
06:28 Say good morning to dogs. Attached by dogs. Give breakfast to dogs. Dogs let me go.
06:40 Leave house
06:41 Son bursts into floods of inconsolable tears until he forgets I exist at 06:42
06:53 Get onto train and wonder if there is going to be any excitement. There are two sorts of excitement (1) New person sitting in somebody else's regular seat (2) New person fails to read 1mm high lettering banning mobile phones in carriage "G", and uses phone. Stares, raised eyebrows and whispered remarks for 5 minutes until someone is courageous enough to ask the conductor (sorry, train manager) to tell offender of his crime.
07:00 Look in bag. Bag contains work and aviation related material. Select aviation related material.
08:00 Pass White Waltham. Look for aeroplanes whilst trying to look as though I am doing something else.
08:07 Pass Heathrow. Ditto
08:30 Get to work. Look at prrune have coffee + cigarette
09:30 Either go to Court, dress up in silly clothes and try to save insurance companies some money, or stay in office and read 18 lever arch files of something or other. Sneaky looks at Pprune and ppl books when I feel I deserve a break.
12:30 lunch. Will it be tuna salad or Mc Donalds? Decide McDonalds OK as long as have fruit salad tomorrow to compensate.
18:00 Leave work. Journey back remarkably similar to journey in.
19:30 Get home. Attacked by son. Persuade him to go to bed.
19:40 Eat with Mrs. Dog. Mrs. Dog watches soaps - I say thats shallow and have work to do - get on pprune.
21:00 Come down to watch news. Have to sit on floor as dogs are on the sofas.
22:00 Put dogs to bed . Put me to bed.

Working at home i.e. book flying lesson and feel fantastic afterwards

englishal 20th Aug 2002 10:49

07:00 - 10:00: Wake up (no alarm) is it a nice day?
Yes: Mrs Englishal makes me coffee in bed ;)
no: stay in bed and go back to sleep (jump to 17:00)
11:00: Pprune and coffee, followed by Soldier of Fortune 2 and Ghost recon deathmatch session with Mrs EA
12:00 - 1300: lunch of some sort and coffee . If its raining, pub possibly.
Is it windy?
Yes: windsurfing and / or cycling
no: wakeboarding and / or cycling
17:00 - 18:00: nice cold beer in beer garden near the harbour
19:00 cook dinner for Mrs Englishal (normally a curry). Nice bottle (or 2 ) of wine
21:00 Either TV / DVD / cinema or pub
00:00 - 03:00 Bed

Add a bit of flying in every now and then ;).......It can't last, have to go back to work soon, after 11 months off....arrrggghhhhh :p


PFLsAgain 20th Aug 2002 12:22

06:25 alarm goes off. Ignore it.
06:30 get kicked out of bed by Mr. PFLs annoyed that I've ignored the alarm again
06:30-07:30 feed cats, fish, myself, get a shower
07:30 head off to work
07:30-09:00 sit on the M6 and curse the follies of commuting
09:00-12:00 search for PhD students who appear to be avoiding me (AerBabe - you're not one of my students are you??), sort their problems out when they can't elude me anymore, curse my RNA preps. for failing yet again.
12:00-13:00 food, PPRuNe, Flyer web site, read papers, mark student essays
13:00-18:00 more failed RNA preps., clear up the radioisotopes I've splashed around the lab, chase more PhD students, kill a few cell lines, wish I'd brought some coffee in with me...
18:00-19:30 gym aaarrgggh! I'm only doing it to keep my class 2!
19:30-20:30 commute home - its easier than the trip in.
20:30 get home - realise that it's much nicer than Birmingham and I don't mind the commute after all. Eat, drink beer, think about flying, read about flying. Fall asleep because of the beer.
23:00 crawl into bed.

And repeat, and repeat, and repeat......

AerBabe 20th Aug 2002 12:36

Oh bugga... spotted :eek:
Better get my @rse out of the computer room and back to the lab. Err... I'm checking my sequencing project and designing primers. Honest!
D'oh... didn't mean to post that :( :D

Wish you were my supervisor though. Certainly wouldn't hide from you, I'd seek you out for hours of discussions on flying :)

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