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Capt BK 29th Jul 2002 19:55

Anyone going to NAC soon?
I leave for two weeks at sunny Naples Air Center on the 14th August, is anyone else planning to be there around the same time?:cool: :cool:

I'm off to do some hour building and a night rating but as well as flying I also plan to drink the odd tipple of alcohol and generally enjoy myself. If anyone fancies getting together please get in touch - it could be a little boring spending two weeks by myself!

Suppose I best find some spending money...


p.s. I'm also quite nervous about doing this by myself and could do with someone to give me some pointers - but that wouldn't be a very macho thread would it:D :D

Cusco 29th Jul 2002 21:03

Only bit of advice I can give is make bl**dy sure you've got a full visa or be very sure you're careful what you say at US immigration.

There was a piece it this weekend' s Telegraph about a 45 year old Brit who was deported straight back to UK from the airport when he mentioned he was going to have flying lessons in his holiday and was found not to have a full visa.

Ring Richard Gentil or Nikki at NAC asap.

If you do get there you'll love NAC tho' what wx will be like in August G*d alone knows. It was fab in feb.

Happy (and legal) flying.

VORTIME 29th Jul 2002 21:11

NAC is a fantastic establishment, I received their CD-ROM today with a PPT presentation and videos etc.

I completed my PPL there and had a great time. I suggest you book into a student apartment, there're about a mile SE of the airport. The accomodation is spacious, about 800ft I'd say, and you'll have upto 3 other students in the same apartment.

The general atmosphere is good and everyone is "positive" about making progress. The town itself is supposed to sleep during the summer (wonder why?) and boom during the winter.

Ah, yeah, the KAPF is a great little airport, make sure to utlise the free coffee/weather in the GA terminal...cool leather seats, AC, you name it!

...and other than one telling off from Richard, both himself and Nikki are upfront, honest people.

Have a great time!!

p.s. going there next summer to do CPL/IR CFI-I-ME

rossco18_uk 30th Jul 2002 22:30

Hi there,
just thought I would say its about 4 weeks till I go to do my PPL Capt BK. I leave on the 01 Sep 02. I am staying in the student apts. i am there for the whole four weeks. Will you still be out there at the same time? I agree with you on the nerves thing. I have to say I am sure on the day I will be quite nervous about heading out myself, but look at the experience. It will be fantastic. I met some people on holiday about 2 weeks ago in italy, and they stay about 30 mins from naples, so will prob meet up with them when i go. Can't wait anyway. Visa should be through the door soon and i have flight tickets. Its all go!!


hugoboss 31st Jul 2002 02:52

I studying Naples for PPL now. It very hot and huumid.

You NO NO want to be in Condo One when you get here in few weeks time as there is wierd French guy who spends all day on internet, can't speek English; a vegitarian Danish guy who can't speek english Either and thinks he's got a gift to women and alcoholic English guy who watch tv all day but pass all exam.

You are warned!!!


but really - it's good fun here, you'll enjoy it.

ShenziRubani 31st Jul 2002 03:17

Going to NAC
Hey Roscoe and Capt BK!

U're not going to war as far as we understand, it is only Naples, Fl. and NAC is not a gulag m8.

Naples is a small boring, clean, little town, especially at this time of the year. summer is low season for tourists and babes here. There's the odd bar or 2 but like all NAC students and instructors you'll end up at Zoe's or Yabba's chatting up 15 year-old or 40 year-olds.
There's nothing to do around Naples (very good envirnment for studying actually) and it is dam' hot at this time.
Weather is moody but it's normal for the season and gives good flying experience.
Naples airport is a nice training spot, not too busy and you can see a good amount of jets coming through, if your the plane-spotter type. NAC is the only major school on the ramp and kindda rule the pattern around the strip.

NAC is a very good school, well-run and management is always there to help and guide you through your training. Most of the instructors were trained at the Air Center and do a good job. The planes are in good nick too. It is a good place to get your licenses.

you won't fell alone, there're lots of students, all doing like you and the atmosphere is nice, open. You won't feel alone a second.

Get a bike on arrival, it's the healthiest and cheapest way to get around.

See U soon at the Air Center.

Capt BK 1st Aug 2002 10:22

Thanks for all replies.

As this is the first time i've done this I have mainly being going off the advice of Justin at NAC and so I haven't got a full training visa because im not doing much actual training and im staying at their discounted hotel instead of the condo.

Im unfortunately only going for two weeks cos thats all of the money i'e got for now - or should I say all my credit cards will allow!

Cant wait!!

Happy flying


ETOPS773 1st Aug 2002 10:28

Guys,what do you mean by full visa..i`m off in october.

What type of visa you need?? is a visa waiver not enough?? my letter to the american embassy hasn`t gotten a reply yet!!! (ps,i`m hour building,got ppl)

rossco18_uk 1st Aug 2002 10:47

Well I got an M1 Visa, which is the one you need, but then I am actually doing my PPL so I am not sure what kind of Visa it is that you need. From what Ihave read, make sure you have the right one. I would hate to be turned back at the airport.
ShenziRubani your post was excellent. I am really looking forward to going out there. I haven't heard a bad comment about the place yet and it sounds fantastic.


Keef 1st Aug 2002 23:22

NAC is indeed a delight. Cusco and I did our FAA IRs there last Feb/March, and I then did an unrestricted PPL to stick the IR onto.

I've been to many flying schools in my many years, and I reckon NAC is the best of them all. Excellent instructors, and good atmosphere.

We didn't need visas then, to train, but you do now. Don't get it wrong, or you'll be in deep trouble with the INS.

Unless things have changed again (ask NAC!) you don't need a visa to hire an aircraft for hours building, but you DO for any kind of training beyond a BFR.

If you don't already have an FAA PPL, you need 60 days right now to get the paperwork done for a reciprocal one.

Naples is Costa Geriatrica - where all the snowbirds fly to in winter. In summer, it's hot, humid and half-deserted.

Please say Hi to Nikki for me.

Capt BK 2nd Aug 2002 17:21

I could be wrong but...

You only need an M1 visa if you are completing more than 7hrs training per week. Under this and a visa waiver will cover you. Unfortunately even though you are legal it is best not to mention flying to immigration as they are still a bit jumpy.

Keef 2nd Aug 2002 17:49

Be careful!

The information from Richard Gentil (on here, not long ago) said that ANY training for grant of a licence or rating by a non-US citizen requires a visa.

I checked the US Embassy website then (can't remember the URL now) and came away with the clear impression that there is no "minimum hours". Training = visa.

The only "exception" is for a BFR, and for hours-building without an instructor.

PS: the Wellesley's fine. Cusco and I stayed there - three restaurants in the "parking lot", although one of them we wouldn't use.

ETOPS773 2nd Aug 2002 20:35

Well,I have written a letter to the US embassy in london for clarification on hour building / visa requirements.

Basically,i`m taking the reply letter I get, with me to the US,as thier customs are (understandably) very edgy / grouchy with foreighn pilots...and i want official backup.

I will let you know what the US embassy in london says,and reasons.

Sorry for hijacking your naples thread :( Hope you have a great time out there Capt BK.


GoneWest 2nd Aug 2002 23:28

ETOPS - believe it or not, no matter what letters you have - and no matter who wrote it/them - the final decision on your entry to the USA is the litttle man behind the desk at the airport of arrival.

Even with a personal letter from the head of Immigration, if the little man doesn't want to let you in - you do not get in (so don't p**s him off with any attitude or argument).

Just turn up with a visa and be straight with him.

Even with a green card - I am still at the mercy of each individual immigration man on the daY I walk through!!

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