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In Altissimus 10th Jul 2002 08:47

Another cancelled QXC
Third time unlucky...

10/07-16Z 23005KT 9999 FEW025 TEMPO 1016 8000 SHRA PROB30 TEMPO 1116 4000 +SHRA TSRA BKN025CB=

Maybe I really should try Florida?

(Sorry - just had to get that off my chest)

Lawyerboy 10th Jul 2002 09:05

I know how you feel; I've been waiting to do mine for nigh on four months...

Field In Sight 10th Jul 2002 09:13

How flexible is your place of employment? Ask them if you can take a day off at short notice i.e. a day were the weather is quite nice. I am sure there will be an instructor that can sign you off.

Or you could check the weather for the next day in the late afternoon and develop a case of the "sniffles" ;)

In Altissimus 10th Jul 2002 09:27

I think my employer has been quite understanding over the past few months - letting me take 'fair weather options' on holiday on many occasions :) Unfortunately I think they'd notice if I threw a sickie on a flyable day (there are so few of them - especially when you take into account availablilty etc...)

I'm beginning to wonder exactly what the point of the basic PPL is anyway - when would I actually be able to fly with it???

Evo7 10th Jul 2002 10:20

Bloke - you have my sympathy. A very similar TAF has just cancelled my navex for today. :(

Who has control? 10th Jul 2002 10:44

I was hoping to get up to Duxford on friday, but its looking increasingly unlikely.

Whats the METAR decode for 'absolutely pi55ing down'?

In my limited experience, about 30% of all planned flights in summer and 50% in winter get cancelled due to weather. Theres condition where you definitely don't fly and othesr when you must fly. There is also a grey area in between when you think it might just sort of possibly be OKish to go maybe.

Anyway, I hope that you all manage your respective flights soon.

Whirlybird 10th Jul 2002 10:58


This has been an incredibly bad year for flying so far. I'm trying to learn to fly a flexwing microlight, been available every evening, and managed just over two hours so far. I'm thinking of starting a thread on it to cheer you all up - but wasn't going to in case I prove to be as slow at it as I was at learning to fly both f/w and helicopters, but who cares, maybe I'll start it. :D But seriously, while weather is always a problem in the UK, I think it's been exceptionally bad this year.

Aussie Andy 10th Jul 2002 12:11

Every cloud has a silver lining..?
I agree - its dire this summer, and it wasn't great last year in the "rainy" season we had either...

Yet in a funny sort of a way, I can see a positive side to this as well... By learning here in the UK we get much more practice at dealing with the realities of making operational decisions based on the vaguaries of the wx, and so maybe we're in a better position to cope with these conditions than if we'd learned abroad?

I've only had my license about a year, but I've already had to use some of the skills we were taught in the PPL course (a180 on the AI on one occasion, and a "real-life" weather diversion with pax on another). I think this has given me the opportunity to learn how to deal with the realities of VFR in a less-than-benign environment, such as ours.

Just trying to see the bright side! :)

In Altissimus 10th Jul 2002 12:26

Thanks for the sympathy everyone - at least I know I'm not alone.

AussieAndy - the trouble is that I don't think I'd know what to do in CAVOK any more. Imagine: no clouds to 'fix' against, no more 'low level navigation', no CB to divert around, a real horizon!, spotting the home field before I'm overhead... :rolleyes:

G SXTY 10th Jul 2002 14:38

Erm, what’s CAVOK?;) If it’s any consolation, I’ve been waiting to do my QXC for about 6 weeks now. I’m worried that East Anglia will be below sea level by the time I get to visit Norwich . . . :eek:

At least it’s convinced me to get an IMC as soon as I can after the PPL.

Aussie Andy 10th Jul 2002 15:18

... and maybe a float-plane conversion!? ;)

foghorn 10th Jul 2002 15:23

'Erm, what’s CAVOK?'

Occasionalyl happens in winter on one of those clear high pressure days that are gone in the blink of an eye. Other than that, never heard of it ;););)

Evo7 10th Jul 2002 15:49

CAVOK? That's the bit after 18032G45kt, isn't it... :rolleyes: :(

sennadog 10th Jul 2002 15:58

You have my sympathies BlokeInAnArcher. I did mine a couple of weeks ago and I just had to jump at the chance to do it but if you think that's bad I was planning a trip over to California at the end of August for some hours building.

That's looking decidedly unlikely now so I'll probably end up sailing instead but given that I don't think I can complete the last hour of solo and the GFT in time, plus get my licence back from the CAA.

Mrs.Sennadog is relieved though. For some reason she wasn't looking forward to a guided tour of the States with me flying.:rolleyes:

tacpot 10th Jul 2002 16:41

My sympathies to Lawyerboy and BlokeInAnArcher. It's a bummer that the QXC takes so long to fly - it means you need a pretty big window of opportunity to complete it safely.

However I am dead lucky with weather, and as I will be on holiday from 29th July, the weather will be excellent from then on for five days. :D So book some time of then!

Who has control? 11th Jul 2002 07:33

CAVOK = Cloudy, Awful Visibility, (Only Kidding!)

What gets me is that I get up, pull back the curtains and its brillant blue skies, not a cloud to be seen, the trees are vertical - absolutely beautiful flying weather. And you know full well that in few hours it will be a howling gales, horizontal rain and zilch vis.!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

ETOPS773 11th Jul 2002 08:00

Was absolutely beautifal around Shoreham yesterday evening.
What was funny,below 1000 ft it was really gusty,ATC said something like 210/18,but above it,near enough smack on 1000ft,it was lovely and calm..like and on/off switch.

British weather...love it!!! :p

In Altissimus 11th Jul 2002 11:03

Encore un fois
Guess what guys and gals?

Pre-planned at home this morning, got to the school, just finishing planning off and - 'sorry - cloudbase too low now' :mad: :mad: :mad:

Four and counting.

Carlito 11th Jul 2002 11:24

It's not much better in Ireland. I don't think we've had 2 rain-free days in the last couple of months.
It's nowhere near good enough to head off on a long XC.
Like someone said, good experience of shower-dodging though.


Who has control? 11th Jul 2002 11:38


Where are you flying from?? I can see Canary Wharf clearly from Laindon and the cloudbase looks about 2000' But Stansted & Southend are both forecasting rain this afternoon. Shame because its actually not a bad day today.

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