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wiggy 16th Sep 2016 08:22

Moderators, please do NOT delete this thread ! It is highly amusing, and part of my morning ritual (much more interesting than the papers). There are bound to be more revelations to come.

Surely someone sometime is going to challenge her at a public event
I wonder if her team ensure she only answers questions/gets involved in Q&As at closed and suitable events ( e.g. schools, universities) where her CV is unlikely to be publically challenged by those in the know. I'm sure her PR people realise she'd quite possibly be torn apart in any Q&A session involving genuine aviators.

Our management are keen on times on having inspirational speakers (e.g Buzz Aldrin) take the floor and answer questions in front of an audience of professional pilots ...perhaps I can get them to invite TCT to an expenses paid nice evening out....I suspect it's going to take something like that to move this story much beyond the realms of forums and back into the national press.

Stanwell 16th Sep 2016 08:54

That comment from airpolice WAS tongue-in-cheek. :ok:

Great care has been taken by the TCT publicity machine to ensure that she isn't put in a position where
she might be faced with an uncomfortable question or two.

The whole thing is, and has been, very carefully stage-managed.
Her PR consultant/minder/taster, Tim Kelly, sees to that.

On the other hand, Boeing's PR hack is stupid enough to be still pumping out the "solo" claim - as recently as just a few weeks ago.
What planet are you living on, Molly?


Mike Flynn 16th Sep 2016 10:06

I am not sure what she has done to qualify on this point.

The Master’s award recognises Tracey Curtis-Taylor’s work in raising awareness of science and technology in general
The above from the email to Daily Mail journalist Dave Jarvis.

Have I missed something?

What has she done to raise awareness of science and technology?

She sat in the back of the Stearman with airline pilot Ewald was up front. Boeing promoted the expedition to the worlds media as a solo flight.

Mr Gritsch admits he was in the forward cockpit for ‘the majority’ of the flights from Cape Town to Goodwood and Farnborough to Sydney. He said: ‘The situation was that it was not a solo flight.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz4KPeRn5BZ
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
In Sydney he hid from the assembled media crew and Tracey made her flamboyant speach suggesting she had flown the entire trip alone.

In my book that is deception and certainly not 'honourable'.

Jonzarno 16th Sep 2016 10:12

The Master’s award recognises Tracey Curtis-Taylor’s work in raising awareness of science and technology in general
The above from the email to Daily Mail journalist Dave Jarvis.

Have I missed something?

What has she done with 'science and technology' ?
You obviously haven't been paying attention!........:cool:

It's for demonstrating the use of a GNS 430 and an iPad as "traditional navigation instruments" whilst being a solo occupant of the back cockpit of a twin crewed aircraft. Do try to keep up! :8

BTW: here's a preview of the award ceremony:

Crash one 16th Sep 2016 10:13

The Masters Medal should be awarded to TCTs PR team for their monumental achievement at screwing the public and every professional body involved including Royalty. And their continued damage limitation exercises.

Stanwell 16th Sep 2016 10:17

"What has she done to raise awareness of science and technology?"

It's interesting that you ask that, JS.
In an interview a while back (a link to which was posted on here), TCT publicly stated that she 'hated' technology.
I'm looking for it now - bear with me.

EDIT: I've been back a number of pages but don't seem to be able to put my finger on it right now.
I clearly recall TCT was talking with a female interviewer. Stay tuned.

Mike Flynn 16th Sep 2016 15:54

In my opinion it is one thing to deceive flying organisations with false claims of solo flying.

However doing it at a service charity dinner is another. No doubt giving them all the false claims without mentioning Ewald Gritsch and his place onboard the Stearman.

I believe the military slang for such a person is a Walt. Abreviation of Walter Mitty.


source https://www.rnrmc.org.uk/Event/china...ty-summer-ball

clunckdriver 16th Sep 2016 17:32

Well, on this side of the pond I doubt if she or the others involved in what is basically a "scam" would be wise to turn up at ANY gathering involving aviation, as for the organisations presenting any form of award to this group, I suggest you all stay away from any public appearance's, at this time of the year we have far too many ripe tomatoes to preserve!

Union Jack 16th Sep 2016 18:17

Let's hope that Jay Sata's near namesake at the China Fleet Club, JayneC, has her attention drawn to this thread before next Friday's summer ball - and that our Tracey turns up properly dressed for the occasion if she wears uniform since she still seems rather confused about what rank she holds in the RNR....:hmm:


Art E. Fischler-Reisen 16th Sep 2016 18:58

With regard to the letter at post #1353, TCT's address is entirely visible through the rather clumsy crossing out; I think that detail really should be treated as "staff in confidence" and certainly not displayed on any public forum.

Having said that, I'm certainly no supporter of TCT's deceitful tactics. Having written to the HCAP some time ago on this very subject I received what seems to be a very similar reply to that posted here and elsewhere. The intention is for the award to remain....

I very much resent the earlier claim that all HCAP members are sycophants. Many of us are just working pilots and have no great aspirations to be anything else. I was invited to become a member of GAPAN as it used to be called, because of my professional background. I agreed and have been a member for some years. I certainly didn't join for reasons of social climbing.

Whatever, I decided quite some time ago not to attend the HCAP Awards Banquet this year because TCT's presence would probably put me off my full enjoyment of the event, especially as the members pay for the guests and awards.

At previous awards ceremonies I felt very much honoured to be in the same room as the likes of Neil Armstrong and Winkle Brown. How this lady can be compared in any way is beyond my thinking.

I've been very seriously considering whether or not I will continue with my HCAP membership. As a mere member I can do no more else than voice my concern, which I have already done. :\

Mike Flynn 16th Sep 2016 19:08


The address was not meant to be visible but is actually the registered address of Birdinabiplane Ltd.

I have edited that letter substantially in my later posts as you will see.

From various discrete private pm's that I have received it appears you are far from being the only member of HCAP not happy with awarding the Masters Medal to TCT.

There appears to be a core of key members inside the organisation determined to make sure TCT gets her award come hell or high water.

When the facts emerged that she was not solo,HCAP moved from the original reasons for granting the MM ,to a newly drafted and completely different citation.

A key point is that the Master who awarded the medal has never played any part in the redrafting of the citation. It appears a small committee was formed to deal with this issue and defending the award.

Once again it is worth post this quote from Barry Tempest.

Your claimed exploits have put the cause of Women in Aviation back 40 years. If you accept the HCAP award in the autumn you should be ashamed.
In many respects ,if the award goes ahead ,it debases the honour bestowed on Tim Peake.

clareprop 16th Sep 2016 20:11

With regard to the letter at post #1353, TCT's address is entirely visible through the rather clumsy crossing out; I think that detail really should be treated as "staff in confidence" and certainly not displayed on any public forum
It's a business address therefore completely public so not necessary to cross out at all:


Interesting link to Robert Marshal in there as well and according to this link:


They both were registered at the same address for the company before it moved to London.

Mike Flynn 16th Sep 2016 20:30

Hence the link to Boeing Aircraft,one of TCT's main sponsors.


Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group delivers its 400th production auxiliary fuel tank for Boeing’s P-8 program and is to increase its production rate

Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group has delivered its 400th production auxiliary fuel tank in support of Boeing’s P-8 maritime patrol aircraft program, has confirmed orders for more tanks through to mid-2018 and is set to increase its production rate.

Since July 2012, every tank has been delivered on time, enabling Marshall to retain its GOLD rating for ‘delivery performance’ under the Boeing Enterprise Supplier Tool (BEST) rating system, which is reviewed on a 12-month cycle.

wiggy 16th Sep 2016 21:00

Originally Posted by Jay Sata (Post 9509877)
In my opinion it is one thing to deceive flying organisations with false claims of solo flying.

However doing it at a service charity dinner is another.

Agreed, and if I was a member or contributor to said charity I'd be asking if the guest speaker was being paid in any way out of the charity fund's for her appearance at the dinner.

suninmyeyes 16th Sep 2016 21:25

Well if there is a medal going begging I think this guy deserves it for achieving a solo flight around the world aged 18.


9 lives 16th Sep 2016 21:52

I've been very seriously considering whether or not I will continue with my HCAP membership.
Though I have no affiliation with the HCAP, I very certainly ended my membership and support (more than just a member) of a Canadian national aviation organization, when their objectivity to their membership became obviously questionable.

Like the the "chain is only as strong as its weakest link" reality, an organization is only as strong as its weakest policy. Continuing to stand behind TCT, or shifting the theme of an award so as to be still able to present it, in the face of all of the information that she is undeserving of an award, is weak.

Stanwell 17th Sep 2016 03:42

Re the RN & RM Charity's Summer Ball...
The Princess Royal, Anne, is patron of that organisation.

That charity has now put her in a somewhat awkward position.
Therefore, it will be most interesting to see whether she turns up to "Applaud a Fraud".
I do, very sincerely, hope she can find some excuse...

Mike Flynn 17th Sep 2016 06:37

I am writing to the RN & RM charity today.

Given her deception, with both 'solo' expeditions,she is a Walt and self publicist who has nothing to offer such an honourable charity.

Their email address is [email protected]

Robert Robson is the chief executive.

If you feel strongly about her involvment then please send them an email.

I also feel she should be stripped of her rank,Honorary Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Naval Reserve.

Can I remind you all TCT is speaking in London on Sunday. Admission is free.

British aviator Tracey Curtis-Taylor will be speaking at the inaugural Beyond Travel Festival by Steppes Travel at The Royal Geographical Society, London, 17-18 September 2016. Her talk takes place in the Education Centre on Sunday 18 September at 4pm.

Tay Cough 17th Sep 2016 12:38

Originally Posted by wiggy (Post 9509491)

I wonder if her team ensure she only answers questions/gets involved in Q&As at closed and suitable events ( e.g. schools, universities) where her CV is unlikely to be publically challenged by those in the know. I'm sure her PR people realise she'd quite possibly be torn apart in any Q&A session involving genuine aviators.

Our management are keen on times on having inspirational speakers (e.g Buzz Aldrin) take the floor and answer questions in front of an audience of professional pilots ...perhaps I can get them to invite TCT to an expenses paid nice evening out....I suspect it's going to take something like that to move this story much beyond the realms of forums and back into the national press.

I missed the Buzz Aldrin talk unfortunately. If TCT comes to the next one, it may be worth a giggle. Not sure she'd dare though. Too many of us in the know.

Mike Flynn 17th Sep 2016 15:34

Tracey Curtis Taylor and HCAP
With the LAA on their way to rescinding TCT's 'navigation award' at their AGM it appears all is not well at The HCAP HQ in London.

Opinion is split with a core of key players determined to give her a Masters Medal even if she is splashed over tabloids for the next month with allegations of having a bloke in her biplane while 'emulating' Lady Mary Heath and Amy Johnson.

Journalist Dave Jarvis,who exposed her flying shenanigans in the Daily Mail,is busy working on some more page leads which currently focus on her having the LAA award rescinded and that organisation extricating itself from TCT and her PR machine.

The LAA AGM will most probably see her stripped of the award four days before the Honourable Company of Air Pilots give her a Masters Medal alongside spaceman Tim Peake.

At the centre of all this is current Master Peter Benn who will have to give her the award, in front of a disapproving audience, having played no part in the circus.

The role of Master of HCAP is normally a ceremonial one similar to that of mayor.

This year has been unlucky for the incumbent.

His annus horribilis has been Curtis Taylor and her Masters Medal.

I hear HCAP Australia were berated for raising concerns over this award, in a most disparaging manner.

Not surprising when you consider they have an 18 year old Queensland youngster who recently became the youngest solo pilot to fly around the world overlooked by someone who lied to the press about solo flying from the UK to Sydney.

I hear the Master now sees it as a matter over which he would resign rather than face the fact that the HCAP court have, in more than one meeting, decided not to back down.

Despite all the publicity there is little chance of common sense raising its head in this.:ok:

Mike Flynn 17th Sep 2016 16:16

The Australian HCAP questioning the TCT medal in a 'disparaging' way is interesting.

I understand the Hong Kong branch have also joined them.

It also appears a few Past Masters are also speaking out privately but a core of the Court feel too embarrassed to change anything but the wording of the citation to the Masters Medal.

When in a hole stop digging:ok:

SATCOS WHIPPING BOY 17th Sep 2016 16:30

Q. From the following list;
a) Which name(s) should not be on it?
b) Which name should be on it?

-Amelia Earhart
-Jaqueline Cochran
-Bessie Coleman
-Sally Ride
-Amy Johnson
-Valentina Tereshkova
-Harriet Quimby
-Shiela Scott
-Tracey Curtis Taylor
-Patty Wagstaff

A. a) Tracey Curtis Taylor. b) Lady Mary Heath.

Having TCT in this article 10 outstanding women from aviation history - Features - Pilot
and omitting Lady Mary is an affront to all female aviators.

Planemike 17th Sep 2016 16:49

Add Beryl Markham to the list.............

She flew the North Atlantic the "wrong way", solo.......... absolutely no doubt about it.

Mike Flynn 17th Sep 2016 20:29

I have just written to the New Zealand branch of the Honourable Company Of Air Pilots.

They must be so proud in Auckland having such a heroine as Tracy Curtis Taylor who learnt to fly warbirds and was an instructor at Ardmore.

Tracey migrated to New Zealand and began flying in earnest. She
gained her private pilot’s licence, commercial licence and an instructor rating and, unusual
for a woman, was trained by military pilots to fly World War II aeroplanes with the New
Zealand Warbird Association.

That alone is worthy of an award. 'Unusual for a woman was trained by military pilots'.

One wonders why no other female had ventured in the Ardmore clubhouse before Tracey?

Was it the macho male culture? This was of course the 1990's.

You have to ask why women were isolated from this sort of flying in Auckland New Zealand before Tracey broke down the barriers?

The NZ flying community is very reserved and unassuming.

I doubt they have ever had a female 'Aviatrix' before and she really must have pushed back the boundaries for female pilots in a land where women still make cups of tea,lamington cakes and do the washing up.

When Tracey first arrived at Ardmore it must have been a historic moment.

A woman who wants to fly?

However I feel we should encourage them to support one of their own.

I can visualise the report now on TVNZ as Tracey stands alongside spaceman Tim Peake.

'One small step for a man...one giant leap for womankind'

The old British colonies such as Australia,New Zealand and indeed Hong Kong are still close to our hearts in the UK.

It would help if you emailed them suggesting a citation to Tracey Curtis Taylor to be read out prior her award at the dinner in October.
Maybe something from this story.

The Honourable Company of Air Pilots
New Zealand Region
2 The Glebe
Auckland 2014
New Zealand
E- Mail: [email protected]

Honourable Company of Air Pilots, Australian Region Inc

Postal Address:

PO Box 454
NSW 2081


+61(0)450 438 538
Email general enquiries:

[email protected]

Whirlybird 17th Sep 2016 20:54

Jay, I absolutely can't tell if your last post is serious or not. If by any chance it was, how about Jean Batten https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Batten

Mike Flynn 17th Sep 2016 21:17

Easy life Whirly..

Jean Batten,Lady Mary Heath,Amy Johnson,Amelia Earhart. Who cares?

They never had to cope with a film crew, a logistics manager and a PR crew like Tracey Curtis Taylor.

Life is a lot harder now.

You never know when a camera is taking a bad shot and you have to manage the media.

Then of course there is remembering the script.

Swooping low,fog banks,sandstorms the military escorts and crocodiles in the Timor Sea.

Australia..searing heat with dirt airstrips...driving to pick up jerry cans of fuel from farmers and Aboriginal airstrips.

Meanwhile the PR guys are working on how they get the airline captain out of the front seat in Sydney without the TV and media noticing. Loads of free champagne and food normally does the trick.

There are similarities to Donald Crowhurst http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3319730/.

The movie The Mercy is realeased in the New Year. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/new...n-firth-903904

B Fraser 18th Sep 2016 07:22

I think it's time for a little light satire using some very selective but accurate facts.

Satire mode on.....

Has everyone forgotten aviatrix and brand ambassador Hanna Reitsch ?

She flew a helicopter indoors, a V-1 bomb and a Me-163 amongst a huge list of warbird types flown. There was never a Lufthansa pilot sitting in a front seat. She was trained by the military and at times flew at 15 feet over the streets of Berlin while running errands for the boss. She also had to deal with film crews, logistics and PR organised by that nice man Mr Goebbels. Her jaunts across the skies of Europe were subject to "everything that could be thrown or fired at a pilot" and I reckon she even carried her own bags.

After the global bout of unpleasantness died down, she opened gliding schools in both India and Ghana. In particular, she "reached out" to women encouraging them to take up aviation.

Eric Winkle Brown (no less) has commended favourably her aviation skills even though in one interview, he stated that she perhaps "reached out for women" rather too often.

Satire mode off.

Genghis the Engineer 18th Sep 2016 08:53

I was sat next to EMwB at a conference dinner in Dresden a few years ago. Generally, if you found yourself sat with him, you kept your conversation minimal, and just nudged him to carry on if he stopped talking.

He started telling an anecdote about Hannah Reitsch.

In surprise, I asked "So you knew Hannah Reitsch ?"

"Oh yes", he said, "very well".

I think that my eyebrows may have risen somewhat at that point as he carried on...

"Not that well, trust me, you wouldn't want to".


9 lives 18th Sep 2016 11:43

For my observation, the people who really make outstanding accomplishments in any endeavor, though particularly aviation, no matter what their gender, are rarely those people who can be heard to say "hey, look at me!". There great accomplishments, whether an instantaneous feat, or lifetime achievement are noticed after the fact, and duly celebrated. So for me, the "what me", "look at what I did" pilots are an afterthought, if thought at all.

I suppose anyone doing anything to promote honourable piloting is helping our pastime and industry, but in the context of what others around them may be quietly accomplishing, they are not worthy of personal celebration.

I have been inspired by pilots of achievement like Hannah Reitsch, because what those pilots accomplished was so self evidently awesome - they did not have to tell me for me to know.

This is not thread drift from the TCT topic, but I just can't raise myself to award her any celebration. In my mind now, the only thing she could do to really redeem herself to aviation and female pilots, would be to decline any awards, quietly drop out of the spotlight, and then without attaching any public reference to herself, offer up some meaningful aviation scholarships.

First_Principal 18th Sep 2016 20:57

Something positive to come out of this?

Originally Posted by Jay Sata (Post 9510862)
At the centre of all this is current Master Peter Benn who will have to give her the award, in front of a disapproving audience, having played no part in the circus.
I hear the Master now sees it as a matter over which he would resign rather than face the fact that the HCAP court have, in more than one meeting, decided not to back down.

I live at a long arm's length from these shenanigans (albeit I too have flown - and worked on - 'warbirds' in New Zealand) so my interest has been somewhat muted compared to some on here.

For this reason perhaps I've been inclined to treat both the fierce criticism of Ms C-T, and her achievements with the gravity it is due, coming as it does from a 'rumour network'. All too aware of the 'Streisand effect' I've wondered a bit about whether all the hot air has really been worth it...

However I have learned a little of the 'HCAP', an organisation I've only become aware of via this august site. While I haven't really had much of an opinion on this group per se I can perhaps understand the consternation that must be apparent in its ranks, given the revelations that appear to have come about with regard to this aviatrix and their - now controversial - proposed award.

That said if what JS says above is true I am heartened to read that there are people within the organisation that genuinely understand the meaning (and sometime exquisite pain) of honour. Whether he ultimately chooses to resign or not, I tip my hat to Mr Benn for at least considering such. A man worthy of his rank in the HCAP I feel, and a real Lt-Cmdr (RNR) to boot.


Checklist Charlie 19th Sep 2016 03:54

I see Madam will be 'speaking" at 4PM, Monday 19th September at St Johns College, Southsea.

Standby to be enthralled.


bruceg 19th Sep 2016 18:34

Tracey was due to speak at the Royal London Yacht Club in Cowes on 13th October 2016. Black tie do. Cost about £35 I believe. I have just been told that she has cancelled her talk and will not be attending. Excuse - I am going to China!


Mike Flynn 19th Sep 2016 19:34

TCT and Royal London Yacht Club
That is interesting.

That means she will not be in the UK for Saturday 22nd October 2016.

The day of the Light Aircraft Association AGM when Barry Tempest's motion to rescind her LAA 'navigation award' will be put to the vote:ok:
With his now legendary quote...

Your claimed exploits have put the cause of Women in Aviation back 40 years"
My thanks to LAA member Chris Martyr.

I feel that it's a little unnecessary now to see photos of a certain green aircraft and who did what , where , when and why , we are past all that. In my opinion , a small amount of people have done a superb job in bringing this all to light and I think that as far as the LAA are concerned , they can consider a good job done [bar the voting].

After the AGM, I think a precedent will have been set and it is highly likely that , due to certain forums having a worldwide following , many will be watching this very closely indeed .

I should reiterate : This is not some rabble-rousing call to arms and there may indeed be members with differing views on this and whichever way the vote goes , I for one will accept it with grace and dignity, afterwhich I intend to revert back to more wholesome activities like flying a traditional little VW powered tailwheeler out of a little grass airstrip in rural Sussex.
It has been suggested to me that she will not attend the Honourable Company of Air Pilots awards dinner less than a week later.

Philip Whiteman at Pilot has assured me the online story below will be edited to replace Tracey Curtis Taylor with Lady Mary Heath.She does not deserve to have her name and reputation exploited posthumously by an attention seeker who could not be bothered to fly a British aircraft of the period in her 'emulation'.
10 outstanding women from aviation history - Features - Pilot


Mike Flynn 19th Sep 2016 22:28

Tracey Curtis Taylor: Removal of Daily Mail story on Wiki
It appears the TCT PR people are not happy with her wiki entry.

A new contributor , Aviation History, has removed the text referring to the Daily Mail for the following reason...

This discussion is part of a discrediting campaign in forums and the tabloid press. It was started by the logistics manager in Africa, after the cooperation with him was terminated ahead of schedule due to serious troubles with his tasks, the flight planning, legal documents and finally the safety of the entire team
However Ewald Gritsch,the airline pilot who restored the Spirit of Artemis, told the Daily Mail...

Gritsch admits he was in the forward cockpit for ‘the majority’ of the flights from Cape Town to Goodwood and Farnborough to Sydney. He said: ‘The situation was that it was not a solo flight.’

Read more: 'Solo' flying poster girl is brought down by claims that she had co-pilot | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Here is Aviation History's edit.

Taylor's logistics manager Sam Rutherford accused her of "embellishing the truth" about her flights. He asserted that the BBC4 documentary The Woman Who Flew Africa: The Aviatrix misleadingly portrayed her flights as being solo, when in fact for all but four of the 36 legs of the trip, she had been accompanied in the plane by Ewald Gritsch, a highly experienced pilot and owner of the plane. In addition, Rutherford criticised the documentary's description of the Cape Town to Goodwood flight as "ten thousand miles with no modern technology, just a joystick and pedals" when in reality the aircraft was equipped with the latest navigational devices and GPS. Curtis-Taylor responded to the claim that she was accompanied during most of her time in the air by stating that she had always been the sole pilot of the Spirit of Artemis.[26] This discussion is part of a discrediting campaign in forums and the tabloid press. It was started by the logistics manager in Africa, after the cooperation with him was terminated ahead of schedule due to serious troubles with his tasks, the flight planning, legal documents and finally the safety of the entire team.

Tabloid press?

What about the UK's number one general aviation magazine?

None of us find much to admire in pretend solo flights with GPS guidance and support aircraft following all the way"
is the verdict of the entire Pilot Magazine editorial crew to quote editor Philip Whiteman.

I get a mention and blame in the new edit history on wiki. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php...action=history

I should point out that I have never met or indeed had any personal contact with Tracey Curtis Taylor,Sam Rutherford or anyone involved with the whole Bird in a Biplane shenanigans.

I started this thread for no other reason than exposing the truth that Tracey Curtis Taylor has blatantly lied about her so called aviatrix exploits.

All my posts have contained pictures and text that prove that Boeing and Artemis have deceived the worlds media.

None of the Bird in a Biplane team,Tracey Curtis Taylor,Boeing Aircraft Corporation , Artemis or Nylon Films have commented or defended themselves in either the Daily Mail,Canada National Post or here on Pprune.

Tracey is the architect of her own undoing.

A senior display pilot at Duxford summed her up to me in a private post.

She leaves a wake of mayhem.
Here in the USA not so long ago she was claiming to have flown solo in Africahttp://s21.postimg.org/9m5vcm67b/image.jpg

Her script of flying solo and swooping low level over herds of Wildebeest is fiction as this picture and others prove. There is no low level flying here. Airline pilot Ewald Gritsch confessed it is him in the front seat.http://s13.postimg.org/ok063w807/image.jpg

If you sit on the back seat of a tandem how the hell can you prove you are pedalling ?

Genghis the Engineer 19th Sep 2016 22:37

Philip Whiteman at Pilot has assured me the online story below will be edited to replace Tracey Curtis Taylor with Lady Mary Heath.She does not deserve to have her name and reputation exploited posthumously by an attention seeker who could not be bothered to fly a British aircraft of the period in her 'emulation'.
10 outstanding women from aviation history - Features - Pilot
Quite right too, even if you believed TCT's exploits were genuinely self driven and solo, she's not even close to the league of the others mentioned in that article.


Sam Rutherford 20th Sep 2016 02:59

Quote: "This discussion is part of a discrediting campaign in forums and the tabloid press. It was started by the logistics manager in Africa, after the cooperation with him was terminated ahead of schedule due to serious troubles with his tasks, the flight planning, legal documents and finally the safety of the entire team."

Bring it on!

1. Not sure it was started by me!
2. Notwithstanding that, I got involved after she started winning awards she did not deserve, depriving those who did deserve them (or even nobody at all would be better!).
3. My contract actually ran longer than expected, and I left at exactly the same time as everyone else on the team - I do like the demonstrably false claims, saves all the 'he said, she said' stuff. :-)

It'll be a great shame if she's not at the HCAP Awards dinner - I know a few people who are planning a robust Q&A.

Stanwell 20th Sep 2016 04:45

Oh, I just love that line...
"This discussion is part of a discrediting campaign .."

"Discredit: verb; .. To cause (someone or something) to seem dishonest or untrue."

Some might remember that classic movie, "Where Eagles Dare".
(Just a little bit of related trivia .. The title of that film comes from a line in Shakespeare's Richard III ..
"The world is grown so bad that wrens make pray where eagles dare not perch.")
I can relate that to the TCT saga.

Anyway, within that movie, at the Schloss Adler, there's an altercation between Major von Hapen and Colonel Kramer.
An extract from that scene:
Major von Hapen .. ".. I am also aware of your attempts to discredit me with my superiors in Berlin."
Colonel Kramer .. "Sir, if there is any discredit - you bring it upon yourself... Good night!"

I think that exchange could also be pertinent to this farce.


maxred 20th Sep 2016 09:47

"This discussion is part of a discrediting campaign .."
The Whistleblower invariably has to undergo a full smear campaign, and generally public bodies are the worst for this. You just have to look at the NHS, where whistleblowers are driven out, demonised, discredited as liars, despite the NHS actually promoting, "safe whistleblowing". Google is your friend here.

The TCT campaign is evidently flawed and wrong. Sam has spoken out. Others have now looked closely, and the facts are there for all to see. Be it photographs, presentations, slide shows. It is now all Sam Rutherford's fault. Sadly, follows a well worn path. Keep it going Sam and Jay. The truth will be dragged out fully in the end.

Capn Bug Smasher 20th Sep 2016 11:34

3. My contract actually ran longer than expected, and I left at exactly the same time as everyone else on the team - I do like the demonstrably false claims
That's libel then, isn't it?

Jonzarno 20th Sep 2016 21:10

Excuse - I am going to China!
Will that be solo? :E:p

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