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bd01uk 24th Jun 2002 21:50

Done it!
Hello again everyone

Remember me. I was the 17 year old that spoke about my ppl and elstree and everything a couple of weeks ago. Well yesterday i finally passed my test at first attempt. So i'm so happy and want my licence in my hand straight away that Im going to Gatwick to get it.

Anyway now that i have got it, what is the first thing that everyone does with it. Whats the first flight that they do? And where are the best places to visit?
Thanks for the help about everyting and i will try and comment on things more often.


Ben :) :D :cool: ;) :p

Romeo Romeo 24th Jun 2002 22:03

Congratulations Ben

For my first flight, I took my girlfriend out, got lost and made her throw-up and ended up with and instructor coming out in another aeroplane to find me. Why don't you try that? ;)

Currymonster 24th Jun 2002 22:11

Having only recently done mine, I have ventured into the training area with a few mates and am planning to Land away within the next week or so. Test the water first and dont' bite off more than you can chew!! Still view yourself as a Student and hear your instructor in your ear...Maybe I'm mad!!!

Romeo Romeo 24th Jun 2002 22:21

I agree with Currymonster. What you've got is a license which says your good enough to carry on learning by yourself. There's nothing that can make a fool of you better than an aeroplane. Take it slowly and safely and be a coward! If the weather's not looking bang-on, then leave it for another day. Oh, and don't forget to go out with instructors reasonably regularly - there's still lots to learn.

One of the first things I did after getting my license is to start an IMC course. They teach you a huge amount about flying accurately and can save your life (although because I'm a coward I've never had to use mine for that yet!)

Aussie Andy 24th Jun 2002 22:30

Well done bd01uk - good on ya!

Yes, I agree best to start simple - but also important to have a plan and set some goals to get your flying off to a good start.

First up, I'd go out local on my own before taking up any friends / family, and just to enjoy ;) After this, maybe one or two local flights with friends / family - but make it easy on yourself by doing this in EXTERMELY GOOD conditions, and on a route you are familiar with as sometimes recently qualified people can find it an almost overwhelming sense of responsibility to have "innocent victims" aboard - keep your stress load light, and take time and care to brief your passengers properly. I always make sure they know how to get out (if I break my arms, I want someone else to be able to open the hatch!) and I also remind non-flyers that I don't want their feet near the rudders when I take-off/land, nor near the yoke unless I say "you have control". There was another thread on taking pax the first time a while back with lots of other "gotchas" to bear in mind.

Next, I'd find a flying buddy at a simialr stage as yourself to team up with, i.e. someone you get on with and who has also recently attained PPL, say in the last 6 months. You should then set yourselves some reasonably challenging trips to do together so you can both build experience, share cost, and boost each others confidence. I recently wrote more on this on a thread called Advice on X-countries in the UK which you might like to read.

Good luck! Remember, try to fill the cup of experience before you empty the cup of luck!!!

rex 24th Jun 2002 22:42


I had a couple of local flights to start with. Unfortunately the weather was not very good. I survived and learnt some valuable lessons. My third flight post licence issue was in Mallorca.Brilliant.

There is a world of experience and oppurtunity out there and lots of people to meet.

Take care and enjoy yourself.


sennadog 25th Jun 2002 11:54

Congrats Ben - nice one. No advice to give you as I'm still doing my PPL but have fun.

FlyingForFun 25th Jun 2002 12:23

Congrats Ben!

As for what to do, I'd suggest taking it slowly but steadily. You certainly don't want to rush into doing 200 mile cross-country - but on the other hand, you don't want to be stuck in the local practice area for the next 6 months because you're too scared to go out.

So, what I'd suggest is this: for your first flight, stay in the circuit. For your next couple of flights, go to the local area. Then, do a land-away at a field you know. Then, a land-away at a field you don't know. (All subject to weather, of course - if you book a plane for a cross-country but the weather's only good enough to do circuits, you're allowed to change your plan!)

I wouldn't rush to get your license from Gatwick. Do a few flights by yourself first. And, by the time your license arrives, you should be just about comfortable enough to take your first passenger - just out to the local area.

But the most important thing is to have fun! :D


Biker Pilot 25th Jun 2002 13:01

> I wouldn't rush to get your license from Gatwick. Do a few flights by yourself first.

If you do, make sure each flight is signed off by an instructor as a training flight. It is ok to fly without your license, however under article 78 of the ANO an authorised person may ask to see the license of the pilot in command of a flight within a reasonable amount of time and if the CAA have not issued it, this will not be possible. The applies to the instructor instead if they have signed you off.

It is highly unlikely that you will do anything warranting this, but it is better to be safe than sorry...


AerBabe 25th Jun 2002 17:02

Excellent news, well done!
My first flight ended up as a taxi, because the cloud came down. I was intending to do some circuits with another pilot.
The second flight was a local. Had an alternator failure, but again I was with another qualified pilot, who had plenty of experience of the same thing and told me how to fix it! (thanks mate ;) )
After that things went a little more smoothly and I've been able to do a couple of long trips, a landaway at an airfield I know, and the Popham fly-in. I'm completing my Cherokee check out tomorrow morning, and then starting an IMC.
If you're after more ideas, I posted a thread a few months ago... but can't find it :o Called something like 'What to do with new PPL'. I'll have a better look when I get home tonight!

AerBabe 25th Jun 2002 17:45

Found it!
Here you go. :)

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