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whisperbrick 9th Jun 2002 14:38

Madonna trying to buy compton abbas!
Noticed in the express today that she is trying to purchase compton abbas for inxs of £800,000, because she cannot stand the noise anymore having purchased land just off the field.

Cheeky cow! I hope the good citizens of that part of the country are mobilising their troops right now....!

Genghis the Engineer 9th Jun 2002 18:56

Having heard some of her music, phrases involving "pot", "kettle" and "black" spring to mind. Having suffered several months of her appauling version of American Pie being plasted out in my local, my sympathies are severely, well non-existent really.


distaff_beancounter 9th Jun 2002 20:03

I have just phoned a friend who reads the Sunday Express. So this is just the highlights, that I hope I have got correct.

Apparantly Julian Bream (the guitarist) who also lives near Compton Abbas, is supporting Madonna's proposed purchase. Madonna claims that there is an aerobatic team, similar to the Red Arrows, based at Compton Abbas!

As I am someone who has lived in the country for most of my life, this reminds me of the typical townie who moves to the country & then trys to alter everything, to accord to their fairytale version of "real countryside"

SO, they complain about cockerels crowing, cows mooing, combine harvesters making dust when working, tractors putting mud on the road, bulls doing what bulls like doing with cows (in full view of the kids), even the dawn chorus of wild birds waking them up.

So .... it is presumably a logical conclusion to close down the local airfield. Presumably Compton Abbas it is not suitable for her executive jet, & she won't care about annoying the neighbours with her helicopter going in & out of her country estate.

Madonna has presumably not even considered those people, of limited financial means (compared to her $XX millions) who enjoy a legal & harmless hobby, flying from Compton Abbas. :(

Lost_luggage34 9th Jun 2002 20:06

Very well put - all the points made with much eloquence and a tad of humour.

bingoboy 9th Jun 2002 20:08

£800k doesn't sound like a lot . Maybe a couple of grand from each Compton member.

Perhaps us aviators should start a National Airfield Trust with the aim of keeping open airfields.

meslag 9th Jun 2002 20:20

Well the reporter pitched up when we were there the other day. Have not seen the artical... were there any photos? as he took a sneaky one and said it was for his "own personal referance".
The aero team there is not jet powered.
I can imagine that if she were successful, that her estate would become even more noisy as it became the new "display centre" for the displaced aircraft.
Couple of thousand from each member? hmm

Keef 9th Jun 2002 20:29

That's agreed, then.

If she buys and closes CA, we meet every Saturday for aerial display over her house?

2Donkeys 9th Jun 2002 20:49

Well that should provide the Express with enough meat to support a follow-up article...

...and not necessarily one that favours the pro-aviation viewpoint, no matter how tongue-in-cheek the intent.


I don't suppose we know whether or not the story of an offer having been made is true do we? Surely a few basic facts would be easy to verify?

AerBabe 9th Jun 2002 20:53

Was thinking along the same lines Keef... Let's have a fly-in to have a look at her pad from the air. Wonder what it looks like at night! :cool:

Wing Commander Fowler 9th Jun 2002 20:58

Indeed Keef - good plan. Would also like to suggest the following:

Compton Abbas and any other field within striking range should instruct all members to avail themselves of the perfectly legal option to fly around and around her house at 501'. At least we can make her life hell for the few months or so that it takes the current owner of Compton Abbas to negotiate the price up to say ten million.

Furthermore all private ex mil jet operators must be requested to overfly at 501' and then go vertical right over her boudoire so maximising the footprint

Finally, we must all have regular meets outside her house (just like cnd did in the 80's at Greenham common) and play our ghetto blasters at full blast - preferably utilising her own shoit music which by now she must surely be fed up with.......

Where does she come from buying a house near an airfield and then complaining?? Oh that's a common practice mind now I come to think of it.

By the way had to laugh when the journalist involved in that article decided to compare the "yackers" to the Arrows..... hehe get a life boy!!!

Wet Power 10th Jun 2002 09:16

Or sell Compton Abbas for as much as you can get for it and then open up Compton Abbas Mk 2 in a field just down the road and continue flying!

Not really serious - best plan is for all cross countries/aero sessions to fly over her pad at 501' until she gets the message and b*****s off back stateside.

englishal 10th Jun 2002 09:38

Anyone got the Lat / Long of her pad? I want to enter it into my GPS as its just become a new favourite turning point of mine...


dde0apb 10th Jun 2002 10:23

I know some of the postings above were tongue in cheek, but isn't making more noise counterprductive? It only needs Madonna and Julian Trout - or was it bream - to complain even more, and one of the eloquent Sunday papers will pick it up again, and start a campaign against all small airfields.

We shouldn't forget that the anti-airfield lobby is rather better organised than we are....

distaff_beancounter 10th Jun 2002 10:26

In the 18th century, the landed gentry, employed the likes of Lancelot "Capability" Brown, to redesign the land around their country seats, into the "English" or "natural" style of landscape gardening.

This sometimes involved raising the odd villege, if it spoilt thier view. The more responsible gentry, did then built model villages, out of sight of the big house, to accommodate the displaced peasants.

As Madonna seems so keen to espose the life of the English gentry, perhaps she will build a replacement "model" airfield, in order to accommodate the displaced peasants .... sorry!.... I mean the displaced pilots & aircraft.

aerobatics 10th Jun 2002 10:39

Madonna s house is 1 1/2 miles on the final app of RW 26.... not a lot anyone can do about noise on that one. ( The estate is in the ATZ).

Julian Beams house is about 4 miles north of the field in an area where few aircraft fly.

There has been no complaint from the Madonna estate as yet... guess this is Julian Beam trying to get the big guns of Madonna to help him, and of course the Express needing a story.

When the reporter turned up, the official comment was " no comment as it was the first that the field had heard of the noise complaint or of Julian Beam". Most of what was written was just made up ....

distaff_beancounter 10th Jun 2002 11:16

aerobatics From your information, it seems that this is the usual problem, of someone buying a house next to an airfield, & THEN complaining about the aircraft.

If they were not told about the airfield by the vendor, or his agent, then they should sue them, not try to close down the airfield.

If you have the info, could you please tell us all:-
When did flying start at Compton Abbas (I assumed that it was PRE Second World War) ?
When did Julian Bream move to the area?
When did Madonna move to the area?

aerobatics 10th Jun 2002 11:29

Not sure of the date that the club started, but I do know flying has been going on at the field since the 1960s.

Never heard of Mr Julian Bream before , so no details on him... the Express stated he had been there for 30 odd years... but that could be rubbish . ( there is no evidence that he has ever complained before).

Maddona bought the Estate last year some time.

The funny thing is that few aircraft fly over to have a look at the place as the estate is on Finals, difficult to have a look in the windows at 800 foot in landing config.

The Display line that the team uses is to the north of the field, and never over flys her house or that of Julian Breams........ hummmm

Fly Stimulator 10th Jun 2002 11:30

Madonna's house is 1 1/2 miles on the final app of RW 26....
Near the interestingly-named 'Cross Dyke' then?

sharpshot 10th Jun 2002 11:51

:( This all sounds a bit nefarious - especially as it seems based on the speculation of a Sunday paper.

However, not having read it, it is hard to comment.

If there is any element of truth though - will she be putting in a bid for Boscombe too :D :D !

If this is based on Mr. Bream's dislike of aerial noise and he is 4 n.m. north, is he part of a small hamlet that could legitimatley be avoided. Let's face it, there are enough notes in UK AIP for major airfields and Pooley's etc for smaller airfields laying out preferential noise routeings and local restrictions.

However - a singular:mad:character objecting should not be given the time of day.:eek:

P.S. If they are trying to do their damndest, my night rating is very valid. so book me a slot!!

And what about poor old Pershore - that used to have cracking good runways and then they bury foot & mouth carcasses and now a totally unwanted Asylum Hotel is to be built - what a waste of the great British infrastructure.

Nopax,thanx 10th Jun 2002 12:34

I'm with Wet power on this one......let her have the place; the money I'm sure will come in handy to any airfield owner in these trying times; then move the aircraft to somewhere local....I don't have a Pooleys or any suchlike reference handy, but I guess there's a few other airfields in the vicinity that would welcome a few extra residents.

I supported the campaign to keep Compton Abbas open back in the eighties (then it was the local council trying to shut it down) as it was such a brilliant place - very friendly people, and a lovely location - just near Salisbury, where nopax made his entry into this world so many years ago............


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