PPRuNe Forums

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-   -   What is the best thing about pprune for you ? (https://www.pprune.org/private-flying/507261-what-best-thing-about-pprune-you.html)

Pace 6th Feb 2013 11:24

What is the best thing about pprune for you ?
Was a thought that went through my mind. I have to say people who I have had contact with through pprune and gone on to meet real world. They have become close friends so worth every negative here.
I wont start on the negatives but feel free? At least they appear to be putting the house in order.

Pilot DAR 6th Feb 2013 13:39

I have met personally more than a dozen PPRuNers, and every one is great. In every case my effort to meet these people was amply rewarded with the opportunity to get to know a fine person. There are a number of PPRuNers whom I hope to meet one day.

I occasionally read the postings of a few PPRuNers, who I do not look forward to meeting, those very few people do not seem to have a spirit of mentoring and good will at the core of their purpose - I don't know what's at their core... Happily, most seem to drift away, probably because they do not fit.....

I participate in PPRuNe to learn, and share my knowledge and experience, to the extent it might help others enjoy aviation safely. I must say that my faith in PPRuNe as a whole too a real hit last September, and to this day I disagree with what happened entirely. For my limited knowledge of the situation an excellent and prominent poster succumbed to another, who has a multi faceted and possibly dubious reputation.

But, dislike aside, there are a number of people who use PPRuNe as a resource to their advancement in aviation. I feel a responsibility to support these people, but for me, that opportunity is now about the best thing about PPRuNe....

FANS 6th Feb 2013 14:09

For me, a lot of flyers are very genuine, down-to-earth (!) people. The thing about flying is that you really have to have a passion for it, as it's a big drain on time and money resources. You come across a few odd balls and those doing it for some perceived status, but that's life.

Pprune reflects that with many people happy to give up time for something they're very interested in. The only downside is those giving advice on something that they don't really know, but I think flying is always a learning game with inherent risks.

Pace 6th Feb 2013 15:03

People do make mistakes on information given out as I do myself there are plenty more knowledgeable than me and I know who they are! Pilot Dar is one I listen too and hope to meet one day ;) There are many others too!
The fact is that even with the mistakes in posting and even with thread drifts we usually get to the truth in the end or if not the truth a different way at looking at something.

There are Ego posters and damaged egos and an element of thrill seekers who take pleasure in causing trouble or humiliation to others and that is not a nice trait. There are also the Trolls.

I do not like the anonymity as other than "known" Posters you do not really know whether you are talking with a 20,000 hr 747 Captain or a 12 year old kid good at googling.

I also do not like selective moderating and the way that free speech is curtailed or encouraged to suit.

But the friends made are great and worth more than anything

thing 6th Feb 2013 17:58

It's a pleasant way to spend half an hour on a miserable day talking about things with like minded individuals. It has the usual forum problems of lack of nuance in speech, lack of body language etc but other than that there are a lot of differently experienced people on here whose comments you can absorb and file away for later use.

There are some numpties here, but you get them on every forum and at every flying club. If you have been around forums for long enough they are easy enough to spot. Having met some of you at Sherburn last March I can attest that at least the ones I've met are top blokes.

I agree with FANS in that to participate in GA you have to be fairly fanatical about aviation due to the cost and time element; I also agree with Pace that you don't know if the guy giving expert advice has 3,000 hrs in GA or on a flight sim. Always a dodgy one that. At least once you've met people who you have seen with your own eyeballs flying an a/c you know that you're getting advice whether good or not from someone who has actually walked the walk so to speak.

I'm about 170 hours into my powered flying experience now after almost two years and can relate more readily to some of the comments and situations described; whereas before it was 'all new and shiney', now when someone describes a situation I can think yeah, done that myself.

The more I fly the less I realise I know....:)

Pilot DAR 6th Feb 2013 18:11

The more I fly the less I realise I know....http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...lies/smile.gif
Yes, Indeed!

Though this very wise approach to being humble begins to falter when you've been flying for 37 years, and therefore applying that rule, should know much less than a new student pilot!;)

A very good attitude, I continue to realize how much I don't know, and enjoy learning and seeing a different perspective from pilots here of quite differing experience....

localflighteast 6th Feb 2013 19:12

I found it a valuable source of advice when I was jittery about soloing. Pretty much the right combo of reasurance and for-gods-sake-woman-get-on-with it!

It was useful when I got in the circuit and just couldn't nail those landings.

otherwise I find it useful in equal amounts to

a) find other people who are at the same flying stage as me
b) waste some time at work
c) laugh at some of the more inane stuff on Jetblast

PPRUNE is a hell of a lot more forgiving to a novice pilot than a certain message board in the land I currently reside ( not naming names but Canucks probably know which one I mean!)

Trinity 09L 6th Feb 2013 20:45

Source of information to gain knowledge for experience to use in the future:ok:

CharlieDeltaUK 6th Feb 2013 20:55

There's a particular education available here which isn't readily available elsewhere: often, I have read a post out of curiosity and ended up learning something I would never have otherwise considered. There's some stuff which you learn because you know you need it (basic nav or radio procedure for example). Then you qualify with that minimum knowledge. After that, it's kinda tricky working out the gaps you don't even know you have...until a post on here makes you think.

It almost doesn't matter whether the info here is 100% complete or accurate, just so long as it provokes further thought about things you might one day need.

The negative: every time I use this forum, I leave feeling like I have rather a big slope to climb. Since I feel very responsible for my passengers, it's hard knowing that my experience and knowledge is limited. You end up wondering if flying, say, 30-50 hours a year is ever going to be enough.

The500man 6th Feb 2013 21:06

I agree with much of what's been said above but I would say that the best thing about pprune has got to be the people who contribute and make the site worth visiting and that are prepared to take the time to share their knowledge and experience.

The behind-the-scenes dodgy goings-on is without doubt the worst thing.

A and C 7th Feb 2013 06:41

On the private flying forums the best thing is that low time pilots can ask questions, this gives them opinions that come from outside the flying club that they are using, this results in a more rounded flying education.

The worst bits are found on the professional forums were a few are rude and abusive to people who don't share their point of view, I don't mind disagreement but just because you disagree with someone I see no reason for abuse.

Squadronbrat 7th Feb 2013 10:33

The behind-the-scenes dodgy goings-on is without doubt the worst thing.
Ahh, the mafia... 'Ive been on here since day dot, you will respect my authority'.

Best thing = people helping each other.

Worst thing = It's got too commercial. People are getting subpoenaed for speaking their minds as in the Irish LoCo's thread. Certain people in 'authority' on the forum don't practice what they preach. Look at the GEP thread(s). All closed, no updates, no news. Witch hunts against others can be fair game though...

Happy ppruning.

gemma10 7th Feb 2013 12:54

I dont write a lot on here but I read loads and have been for years. With a plethora of downloads of technical information it helped me through my IMC last year, albeit I failed first time. I fly with three others in our group and cant say I know any of them are pruners allthough I have mentioned it from time to time. Perhaps they dont want to divulge their identity. The most help recently was from Milo in the computer section. I didnt know my laptop had so many bugs! The one thread I wish would add more comments is the ATC Humour thread, some of it rib tickling. Hopefully this year weather prevailing I can surpass the 250 hour mark, the Deadly Zone as Paul Craig writes. Excellent reading material. My thoughts for what they`re worth. Oh and I`ve still only done one greaser in 220 hours. Anyone got more?

Pace 7th Feb 2013 18:14


Also known as the Chairmans Landing ; ) Greaser ??
Airlines are not encouraged to go for greasers but to put it down on the numbers


jecuk 7th Feb 2013 19:21

Best thing on PPrune, the subset of members on European General Aviation

But more seriously the attitude of some on here is truly rude and aggressive. This is a shame as most are good helpful people.

007helicopter 7th Feb 2013 19:34

I quite enjoy the more controversial threads, can be very entertaining although I do not partake that much.

I also follow and read most of the accident threads, and do not think I am a morbid person but really try to understand what went wrong and find it quite compelling to be able to follow these, take the recent helicopter crash in London, it is really interesting (that sounds the wrong word) to here opinions, theories, BS, and speculation.

It is also good to debate with people of different opinions, especially if you personally feel quite strongly about something, it can challenge your beliefs.

thing 7th Feb 2013 21:45

But more seriously the attitude of some on here is truly rude and aggressive.
You ought to try the military subsection....makes this place look like kindergarten..

flyinkiwi 8th Feb 2013 00:39

For me the best thing about PPRUNE is I get to hang out with people who are even more aviation obsessed that I am. There are also several threads floating around here which can only be described as epic. One example is the photo thread created and updated by a commercial helicopter pilot living and working in the Nepalese region of the Himalayas. Its a good way to burn through a few hours just looking at all the incredible photos. :ok::ok::ok:

m.Berger 8th Feb 2013 19:14

Just love a good lynchin';)

PompeyPaul 10th Feb 2013 06:23


Just love a good lynchin'
Quite that's why I actually stopped reading pprune. It can be a good resource but some things turn my stomach:

1. Threads calling dead pilots idiots and saying they deserved to die, before the bodies were cold, was something that always disgusted me about pprune

2. People posting abrasive, unhelpful replies, that they would never say in real life because they would get a punch in the nose, just killed quality.

3. Angry multi page Internet arguing, anything over 4 pages generally has degenerated into some sort of name calling thread.

Were just some of the reasons I practically stopped reading pprune. The other thing is, really you shouldn't be taking advice from an Internet forum, advice is far to easy to misconstrue. An instructor is really who you should talk to and listen to, IMHO.

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