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Pilot.Lyons 25th Oct 2012 21:01

sky demon on iphone 5?
Hey guys

I know there have many threads on sky demon but just thought id ask if anyone has used it on the iPhone?

Is it available on the iphone?

I got sky demon light and am tempted to buy it but like the idea of having my iphone as a back up in case ipad packed up or froze in flight, of course i will have my charts etc but you guys know what i mean.

I have air nav pro on both ipad and iphone so if one packed up i have the other and i kinda got used to knowing that

F4TCT 25th Oct 2012 21:43

No, it doesn't work on the iphone. Theres threads on this on the skydemon forum.

I admit it would be a very good idea as a backup, however i think some major software re-jigging would be needed and its simply not viable for skydemon to do it.

What they need to do (if anything) to make it work on the ipad mini thing remains a mystery, so maybe it may work in a future release.

I use it on the ipad, wow is it good!


stevelup 25th Oct 2012 21:56

iPad Mini won't need any extra work, it will 'just work'

riverrock83 25th Oct 2012 22:01

although since the mini doesn't include a GPS you will definitely need an external one.

stevelup 25th Oct 2012 22:03

The Mini is no different to the existing iPad range. If you get the cellular version, it has GPS... If you don't, it doesn't.

Pilot.Lyons 26th Oct 2012 07:54

sky demon on iphone 5?
Thanks dan

F4TCT 26th Oct 2012 16:27

There seems to be growing frustration on the SD forum in regard to an android version of the software. Something Tim Dawson is being very sketchy about and I suspect, as do many others that he has something in the pipeline.

It would be good then if it were to work on the likes of a galaxy s3 or a note, then it would be perfect as a backup device for me (i use ipad version) and have an S3.

To think the guy said for ages and ages he wasn't going to release an ipad version was bonkers in the opinions of many and so he should be rolling in it now.

I think the ipad version is always going to be the dominant, however there are those who despise apple and want the android version, again adding to skydemon's profits.

The little additions that make this software better and better could be added forever more


stevelup 26th Oct 2012 16:29

I think anyone who 'despises' a company (for absolutely no good reason) needs to get some perspective anyway!

scottish_ppl 26th Oct 2012 21:04

Aware will work fine on your iPhone as well as ipad, 25 quid for one caa half mill, or 60 quid for complete uk caa chart coverage. Hard to beat as a back-up device.

Fly747 28th Oct 2012 04:37

Glonass too
The mini with cellular has gps and glonass. It will be much more convenient in the cockpit.

Pilot.Lyons 28th Oct 2012 07:36

sky demon on iphone 5?
Ill look into that, thanks scottish

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