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Stampe 6th Apr 2002 18:49

Welshpool visiting??
I was planning to to land at Welshpool in the next couple of months to visit relatives who live very near.I,ve heard a rumour that the airfield is to close completely soon due some sort of legal dispute.Is this true or just a "bar rumour".thanks for any info.

Awyrennwr 6th Apr 2002 21:38

Welshpool is currently unlicenced but I am fairly sure it is still open. It is unlicenced due to the current operators 'Pool Aviation' have been forced to relocate due to tenancy problems.
Pool Aviation will be out by the end of the month, to the best of my knowlege the airfield is then being re-licenced and expanded by the owner.
I think you can still contact them on their usual number.
Try www.poolaviation.co.uk for more info.

Daifly 6th Apr 2002 22:29

StampeWelshpool is still well and truly open - a fantastic place for a trip into Wales!

Awyrennwr "Forced" - I think that's a little unfair. I wish all these Welshpool "experts" would read the judgement of the Court of Appeal before using terms like that. It would be most apparent that Pool should have gone a long time ago. If I owned an airfield and the person who was running it didn't have any right to be doing so I think I'd go to court too....

This is not the end of the airport by any stretch of the imagination and the move should be treated as a positive one for GA in the UK.

As well as providing a bit of a navigational test to find - probably not in these days of GPS though, there's a lot to see and do in the area. As well as gently rolling hills (under both downwinds!) there's the local Powis Castle, home of Clive of India - and a place favoured by the Prince of Wales. There's the Steam Train to Llanfair (somewhere to take the kids!) and the canal for a nice ride in a boat. See, planes, trains and boats and most importantly, it's in Wales! Where else could compare...!?!

Stampe 7th Apr 2002 14:17

Excellent news chaps thanks for replying I don,t need the field to be licenced and glad to hear it stilll has a bright future.Last flew into it about 10 years ago seemed a nice field then.We can,t afford to lose any more airfields !!.Thanks again.

Whirlybird 7th Apr 2002 19:12

Welshpool isn't actually hard to find if you're coming from north or south, so that you can see the length of the runway (22/04). It does tend to be invisible from east or west, but it's only a couple of miles from Welshpool town, so the most you should have to do is circle around a bit in order to find it. Not like some airfields with no obvious features for miles - like Sleap, in the middle of the almost featureless Shropshire plain, or Shobdon, in a similar sort of position in Herefordshire.

And as Daifly said, lovely place to visit, definitely to be recommended.

Awyrennwr 8th Apr 2002 22:19

Daifly - Sorry, I have no idea what went on, but so long as it remains an active GA airfield I will be happy. (I was under the impression that Pool had little choice in the matter, hence the use of the word forced). It is a shame however that there will be no fixed wing training happening there, it made a great little training field.

It's not to hard to find, It has NDB, DME and is on the SWB 245r.

Great little place well worth a visit.

Rod1 9th Apr 2002 13:18

Pool aviation have re-located to Tatenhill, my home base, anything I need to know?


bladeslapper 20th Apr 2002 09:34

So what's happening
I have followed the threads about Welshpool, however it has now gone very quiet. As I understand it, the old guard have left, but what of the new ?

Will the airfield take on a new direction as a regional airport (something the WDA always wanted), will it continue much as before or are we in for a big surprise?

Anybody out there with a useful ear to the ground ? :confused:

FFly 20th Apr 2002 10:04

Welshpool may be open, but according to the Flyer site, PPR is required. I have tried phoning the number given several times this week, but there is no reply. The Notam confirms the new phone number, so maybe BJ has not got it together yet. (The Notam also says the radio frequency and NDB are unservicable) I tried phoning the Pool Aviation phone number, but they were unhelpful and said so far as they knew the airfield had been Notam'd closed. Sour grapes on their part perhaps?

The sooner it is re-opened the better. A really nice airfield for evening trips to add to the Sleap, Shobdon and Wolverhampton International circuit for us local flyers.

Maybe Daifly or WWW have some up to date info on PPR arrangements?

Wee Weasley Welshman 20th Apr 2002 13:37

Don't ask me. I'm too depressed that where a year ago there was a buzzing GA airfield there is now a collection of tumbleweeds and a phone ringing to an empty building.

I hope BJ make something great at Welshpool. I just wish they would get on with it.

Check Notams is the only sound advice I can give.

As for Pool Aviation being cool about fielding enquiries for the man who took them to court to evict them from Welshpool - I am not at all suprised.


AC-DC 24th Apr 2002 20:02

Welshpool is open, no landing fees to the end of the month. PPR is a MUST. Tel: 01938-555 560 Fax: 01938-554 998.

Rod 1
Of what I was told yes.


Daifly 25th Apr 2002 17:03

Welshpool PPR
I think that it's only fair that Bob gets chance to get himself together over this don't you!?!

At the beginning of March he was just the owner, two months later and he had himself an airfield - sure you could get people in, but you've got to look at the long term aim and make sure it's the right people. No need to go out of the frying pan and all that.

The local rag, the County Times, had a story about the change of operations there two weeks ago. It was a huge amount of sour grapes from Pool (yes, even I can appreciate that) but Bob was quoted as saying that the airport's development in line with its original aim of encouraging business will continue in 2 to 3 years. I'll dig out my copy and type it in later.

As I keep saying, this is a positive move for Aviation in Mid-Wales. I know none of you have any reason to believe me, but give it a few months and I know I'll be proved right.

Right, must be off.

Oh, Rod-1, just search in the history of PPRuNe for stuff on Welshpool - it should give you a good idea. Also, ask anyone who's been at Tatenhill since before 1991, and ask them about SEAL Aviation....

Whirlybird 25th Apr 2002 18:07

I can back up some of what Daifly's saying. I'm relatively local, I learned to fly (f/w) at Welshpool, and I know both the Pool Aviation people and Bob, the owner. This is a positive move, though I daresay it won't look like it in the short term. There are loads of pilots and ex-Welshpool instructors in the area who agree with me; some of them have been quietly waiting for this to happen for some time. Don't forget Pool's lease was up about two years ago, and the only reason things went to a court case was because they didn't leave. This is hardly a case of them being thrown out. There is a lot to this whole story, and at least two sides; don't jump to rapid conclusions.

bladeslapper 25th Apr 2002 21:52

The future is................
Too much time is often spent dwelling on the past events, who did what, said what etc..... That's all gone and Welshpool is now in the hands of its owner, who has a sincere interest and considerable experience in general aviation.

Work is in hand to improve the airfield facilities and the portable buildings have already been raised above the flood level. I am sure that we will all be very pleased with the end result within a short space of time.

In the meantime the field maybe unlicenced, but there is a friendly welcome awaiting you. Fuel is available and I was told limited catering....coffee, biscuits etc. For those of you, who feel impatient and want Rome built in a day, then fly in and give them a hand for a couple of hours and find out what the real plans are! Otherwise, just fly in anyway and show your support to their efforts.

So WWW let's have a little more positive attitude for the future! (But loved the way you waxed lyrical about tumbleweed)

Wee Weasley Welshman 25th Apr 2002 22:39

I support Welshpool airport to the hilt. I know Bob Jones quite well from the time he took me flying from Welshpool airport over a decade ago when it really was all fields around here. I wish him well and he has ambitious plans.

But you cannot deride what Tony did. He took a tiny new airfield in the middle of nowhere and turned it into one of the top 20 busiest PPL schools. For years there have been 5 aircraft in the circuit at Welshpool on any given weekend afternoon. That was a remarkable achievement.

There is more to both sides of the argument than any one person will ever fully know and I speak as a close long term insider.

I wish Pool aviation the best of luck at Tatenhill. I wish BJ Aviation the best of luck at Welshpool.

The only real shame is that the two parties could not have found some way to work together to keep the school and add the business useage.

I for one will miss the ability this summer to go and readily hire a cheap aircraft at Welshpool. I will also relish the day that I get to fly a Gulfstream V out of there. ;) :)


Daifly 26th Apr 2002 23:56

Shropshire Star Report
Sorry, it was the Shropshire Star, not the County Times:

"15th April 2002.

Airport boss wins dispute. By Karen Evans

A lengthy legal battle over the control of Mid Wales Airport, in Welshpool, has ended in victory in the High Court for its owner.

A new company has now been formed to encourage fresh business investment into the area around the airport, and plans have been announced to extend the runway to accommodate larger aeroplanes within three or four years.

The long-running fight over the airport finished with a ruling in favour of farmer and pilot Bob Jones, who owns the land, against former management team Pool Aviation.

Ten jobs have been lost as a result of Pool Aviation's departure from the airport.

Mr Jones has now formed Mid Wales Airport Limited to encourage new business - a task the airport was opened for in 1991, when it was built with investment from local electronics giant Control Techniques, the former Montgomeryshire District Council and former Development Board for Rural Wales.

Mr Jones was closing the flying school at the site today and said he has no plans to establish another.

Among the facilities Mr Jones intends to bring to the airport is an aerodrome licence that will allow charter aircraft and helicopter use.

There are also plans to extend the runway to accommodate larger planes in three or four years.

But Pool Aviation's managing director Tony Benyon claimed that the High Court ruling to get them to leave has left ten people without jobs.

He said: "We took the airport on when it was nothing and developed it into a thriving facility for the community. However, our departure means 10 people have been made redundant."

The legal wrangle between Mr Jones and Pool Aviation started when a management agreement ended in December 1998.

Mr Jones said: "We gave Pool Aviation notice to vacate because we had an initial agreement for seven years and we didn't want the firm to stay on for another seven."

A High Court order ruled in August 2000 that Pool Aviation had to move out.

The company appealed in January 2001.

The final hearing was heard earlier this year when three judges at the High Court in London ordered Pool Aviation to quit by today."

- WWW, there's an £82/hr C182 there. Cheaper than your B737 ;)

Whirlybird 27th Apr 2002 00:31

10 jobs? Instructors paid a pittance who can't wait to move to another school or get an airline job? That bit no-one mentioned did they?

Daifly 27th Apr 2002 11:01


Yep, it's one final shot across the bows from TB...

Wee Weasley Welshman 28th Apr 2002 01:22

T, V + Receptionist +CFI +Canteen +2 engineers +1 Groundsman + 5 instructors = 13 staff by my reckoning. Say it goes down to 7 in the winter and the year = 10 jobs.

Speaking as one of the many many instructors who went through Welshpool and went from <hrs to 1,000hrs in a single season I regret the passing Welshpool Flying School.

As for a pittance I earned £10 a day retainer + £10 per Hobbs flying hour in 1999. I averaged 90hrs a month so that makes a more than pittance and more than I could have earned at other schools with my then qualifications.

The cost of living being low in the area means the remuneration at Welshpool was not bad at all.

And I was always paid on time, correctly and I never worried about the place going bust on me.

On the occassional bollock I dropped I was treated fairly and at Christmas TB bought us all a pint in The Oak.

The instructors that I know snipe at TB are of the sniping character one associates with their lack of attainment in their chosen career.

That said TB would never appear on my Christmas Card list!


Daifly 29th Apr 2002 16:44

What's your point tho WWW? ;)

Cost of living for you was especially low...

I've yet to meet a Flying Instructor who didn't want an airline job, so the fact that they couldn't wait to move on is perhaps a bit of a "tabloid" headline for a general fact.

At this point, yep, there have been job losses. That's bad for everyone concerned.

But you have to remember what the aims of the Airport were when it was first built. It was there to enhance Mid-Wales' business capabilities and encourage companies to move in. In this regard I remember two ocassions when the Mid Wales Development chartered a BM Dash-7 to fly from BHX to Welshpool with potential investors - that was an entertaining day, and I still have the White Copy of the Loadsheet saying Welshpool to Birmingham as proof!! These aims were never reached because of the lack of agreement between the owner and the operator. I seem to remember that Pool refused to use the Control Tower after that was built unless they got an additional 7 year contract. Yep, it got that petty.

I don't usually disagree with you, but the comment about sniping was a little bit off. I know who you're thinking about, but the majority of the "commentators" have been entirely justified in their comments.

In the future though, I'd be surprised if this move doesn't yield more jobs for both the airport and, perhaps more importantly in an area of pretty substantial unemployment, more resultant jobs in the local economy.

And that comment about Pool developing the airport into a "thriving facility for the community" is a little bit of poetic licence surely when a vast proportion of the area's PPL holders were driving to Sleap or Shobdon. That's not a great advert is it?!?

Anyway, ho hum, as they say....

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