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SunnyDayInWiltshire 29th Apr 2012 08:21

Well done for stepping up and taking on the responsibility. It can be difficult to find people who are prepared to "put something back" and get involved in the running of clubs, so you will make a difference - even if you don't get a lot of thanks directly for it.

The advice on this thread has made you aware of the pitfalls, but I know from my own time serving on various (non flying) voluntary committees that you can build up some cameraderie and really make a difference. The Secretary is the anchor of a good club, and I'm sure that coming in with a fresh view and some enthusiasm will help.

Good luck

robin 29th Apr 2012 09:07

but I know from my own time serving on various (non flying) voluntary committees that you can build up some cameraderie and really make a difference. The Secretary is the anchor of a good club, and I'm sure that coming in with a fresh view and some enthusiasm will help.
My experience is somewhat different. Enthusiasm soon wanes as you come up against the inertia, apathy and 'hostile action' of others. Camaraderie breaks down as egos are always involved.

My strong advice is to remember the words of Kipling's 'If' - especially these lines

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;

Cynical? Moi? :ugh:

rateone 29th Apr 2012 11:58


I do know that the Company has it written down that the directors are only
liable to pay £1 if the company were to fold.
The issue isn't the liability in case of bancruptcy, that's what the "Limited" does in the company name.

This is about the personal liability carried by the Directors of a company. Directors can be held joint and severally liable for the actions of the company. In other words you are liable for your own actions and, jointly, those of your fellow directors. So if there is an incident with a club aircraft and someone is injured or worse then there may be a civil case or the crown may decide to prosecute the company. In that situation you may have a great defence case but who will pay the legal bill? That's what the D&O insurance does. It doesn't protect from fraud (obvious) or wilful misconduct (e.g.knowing an a/c was u/s but still allowing it to be flown)- the company is expected to act as a reasonable and prudent operator - but it does provide a safety net for unforseen events.


abgd 29th Apr 2012 22:39

Cynical? Moi? :ugh:
It'll surely depend on the nature of the club. Some will be very rewarding; others will be a complete heartsink. I'm not in a position to comment on where the majority lie.

Grob Queen 30th Apr 2012 21:02

I have now had a chance to go through some of the paperwork. I have not yet read the Articles of association, but reading the Constitution, it would seem that the £1 liability for Directors is a cert but that no other financial implications are obvious.

So, Peter and rateone, are you saying that even if it were not my fault, I would be possibly held to account for negligence on another director's part? I will ask the others about this D&O insurance - they must have come across it.

I'm slowly beginning to realise it is a huge job, but yes, I guess it does depend on ones club, and I think because my club is a friendly one, any disagreements in the committee room (aka our crew room no doubt) will stay inside the committee room and not affect our flying or socials.

I'm sure there'll be some good advice from pprune if you ever need it.
I may just take you up on that abgd! ;)

And as a thread drift to my own thread...my Instructor has said that he thinks i could get my PPL in about 6 months from now.....:eek: :\

robin 30th Apr 2012 21:17

So, Peter and rateone, are you saying that even if it were not my fault, I would be possibly held to account for negligence on another director's part? I will ask the others about this D&O insurance - they must have come across it.
In one of the clubs I was the Treasurer for, I reported that there were issues we needed to address or the club would go under. Instantly half the committee resigned.

The reason?

They were business folk and could not be associated as a director with an organisation that was going bust.

As a Director you are jointly and severally liable for the actions of the other directors. You might be able to prove that you were in the clear and others were liable, but that is not an easy or cheap thing to do,

When you become an officer of the club, you need to watch your back.

peterh337 1st May 2012 03:56

So, Peter and rateone, are you saying that even if it were not my fault, I would be possibly held to account for negligence on another director's part?

It is something to be aware of in GA where there are a lot more crooks and shysters and conmen than in business generally (I've been in business since 1978).

rateone 1st May 2012 08:20

So, Peter and rateone, are you saying that even if it were not my fault, I
would be possibly held to account for negligence on another director's part? I
will ask the others about this D&O insurance - they must have come across
I think Peter and Robin have beaten me to it on this one but in short, yes.

The point here is that, being a Limited Company, your flying club has to abide by the rules that govern all Limited Comanies, large and small. That means that the club officers have full legal responsibility for the business. It wouldn't surprise me if the company does not have D&O as it costs money and most businesses associated with the lighter end of aviation (and some at the heavier end for that matter) are not especially solvent so another cost is not something that would be received with open arms. Also, there are some rogues out there with a reputation for ducking and diving. This might not be the case at your club but you need to be careful as you have legal responsibilities and you could be left carrying the can.

A couple of recent examples - unrelated to flying, but to illustrate a point.

1. Anna Ryder Richardson and her husband have been prosecuted after two people were seriously injured by a falling tree branch on their property

2. Can't find the reference just now but the operator of Warwick Castle recently was fined a lot of money after a visitor fell from a bridge into the moat despite the defence that over 2 million people had visited the site and no one had fallen before.

Unfortunately, this is a symptom of our society. We have to protect against what may be criminal negligence but the consequence is that fewer people will volunteer to become officers of flying clubs, rugby clubs and the like because the personal risk is too great without any legal protection/insurance, which is a great shame.

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