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RatherBeFlying 10th Mar 2011 16:54

In Canada I have seen restrictions published on RC and kite flying.

Some Fagin could get his jollies by handing out kites to sprogs in local parks:}

POBJOY 10th Mar 2011 16:58

Airspace Restrictions
Well you could "emigrate" to the west country for a couple of months and not put up with all this nonsense.
Devon and Cornwall is a fantastic place to fly and plenty of "non radio" places still around.
Its just like the "firearms" issue, it stops the law abiding citizens, but does not prevent criminals getting what they want.
Nothing to do with security all to do with huges fees being paid to consultants to come up with something that looks like it is important.
I know someone who flew a very old aircraft through one of the "hottest" areas in the world "protected" by a massive and in its day up to date system, result the first they knew he was there was when he called finals !!
Nothings changed they would be better off using the "bush telegraph" system and the B.....y Spotters to really know what is going on.
What are they going to do about all the white vans driving around !!!
Its all a big excuse of a joke to pretend they have it under control.

Captain Smithy 10th Mar 2011 17:18

From The Horse's Mouth
So, there you are then - it's the Government with their leaden fists again screwing everything up.

If it's security that Dave, Nick, George and the other hateful tossers are so worried about, I'd be more concerned about what retribution a certain cheesed-off Libyan dictator might be planning, as opposed to paralysing the activities of private aviators in the South... :uhoh:


eharding 10th Mar 2011 17:56

Originally Posted by Captain Smithy (Post 6298150)
So, there you are then - it's the Government with their leaden fists again screwing everything up.

If it's security that Dave, Nick, George and the other hateful tossers are so worried about, I'd be more concerned about what retribution a certain cheesed-off Libyan dictator might be planning, as opposed to paralysing the activities of private aviators in the South... :uhoh:


Wake up at the back there.

1) Regulatory body publishes outrageously draconian proposals, conceived in-house on the basis of vague mandate from political management.

2) Affected community goes ballistic. Preparations are made for lawsuits. Community girds loins to apply heat direct to political management.

3) Attention is brought to how regulator inflicted massive damage on another section of the community less than 24 months ago on the basis of an equally unsubstantiated safety case.

4) Regulatory body has collective trouser-accident, wheels out spin-doctor to try and shift the focus of blame elsewhere.

FlyingKiwi_73 10th Mar 2011 18:19

doesn't an aircraft carrier need to be doing X knts to have the wind over the nose for take offs? even with the steam cats?
I'd love to see an aircraft carrier try and do 30kts up the thames :-)!!!

Hope they don't park it of Canvey Island, they'd wake up to a floating metal skeleton after the locals were done :-) :eek:

Captain Smithy 10th Mar 2011 18:19

Think you're forgetting eharding that politicians/Whitehall have been involved, as we all know whenever these serpents get their grubby hands on anything it's bound to get hopelessly buggered beyond comprehension. :hmm:

CAA/NATS were commanded from on high to implement this at the wishes of HMG, I am led to believe.


Miroku 10th Mar 2011 18:31

doesn't an aircraft carrier need to be doing X knts to have the wind over the nose for take offs? even with the steam cats?

Not if they use Harriers!

Oh no, I forgot, we got rid of those as we thought we'd never need themhttp://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...milies/bah.gif.

eharding 10th Mar 2011 18:32

Originally Posted by Captain Smithy (Post 6298280)
Think you're forgetting eharding that politicians/Whitehall have been involved, as we all know whenever these serpents get their grubby hands on anything it's bound to get hopelessly buggered beyond comprehension. :hmm:

CAA/NATS were commanded from on high to implement this at the wishes of HMG, I am led to believe.


Wishes of HMG are that everything goes off without a hitch. Regulator attempts to implement that by effectively grounding everything VFR it possibly can.

I don't see NATS as the villain here - the proposed CAS(T) changes to cope with anticipated extra demand published last month seem perfectly reasonable.

fireflybob 10th Mar 2011 20:42

So surprise, surprise it's the Home Office/Dept of Transport that have come up with this nonsense.

It's shows what the politicians and civil servants really think of general aviation. Remember that research that AOPA did about how much GA pumped into the UK economy and how many people are employed in GA?

The government in the UK still think GA flying is a rich man's sport and this is clearly demonstrated by these draconian restrictions.

I propose a day of (legal) protest of some sort. Any ideas?

IanPZ 10th Mar 2011 20:58

fireflybob. I'm all for protests, but isn't it worth trying to get our representative bodies involved, and do a bit of lobbying? I think I'll write a letter to my MP, email to BMAA, and perhaps make a couple of calls to local flying schools. The more businesses affected that stand up and complain, the more likely something will happen (or at least, that's what I think).

But I'm open to suggestions. Any ideas?

fireflybob 10th Mar 2011 21:15

IanPZ, yes I totally agree that we should protest through the normal channels - a fax is going to my MP - suggest we all do the same.

fireflybob 10th Mar 2011 21:38

Perhaps another point that should be made is that at a time when many businesses are struggling for survival, limiting GA flying for this period of time, especially when the hours of daylight are longer and the weather factor is better, may be enough to tip some FTOs into insolvency.

Surely these FTOs and other GA organisations should get some sort of compensation from the EU funds which UK taxpayers contribute to on a fairly massive basis?

AdmlAckbar 10th Mar 2011 21:49

Two points to add to this debate:

1) I have heard that the normally Class G areas of this zone will apparently be manned by RAF air traffickers rather than civvy (despite EGLF LARS covering most of it).

2) According to the AOPA website, after a meeting in March there was 'loose talk' of AWACS, Typhoons and Apaches being used for any unknown traffic entering the zone. If you were to fly non-squawking and unannounced, as AOPA says, brush up on your interception procedures.

IanPZ 10th Mar 2011 22:11

It may just be me, but has anyone found a hi res version of the proposed zones, so we can get a proper list of all affected airfields and airstrips?

IanPZ 11th Mar 2011 21:43


Did anyone get a copy of the restricted and prohibited areas map? I was going to spend some time this weekend listing out which airfields are hit by it, but when I went to the website just now, it was gone (not just the map, but the whole web site!)


ponshus 12th Mar 2011 09:23

Perhaps the goons have realized that:-
1. closing South East England's airspace for 2 months for a 2 week event is just a little OTT. (I know it wouldn't technically be closed but in my neck of the woods Farnborough would be responsible and they can't really cope now)
2. Forcing the VIPs out of their helicopters and onto the roads is not a good security move

SkyCamMK 12th Mar 2011 12:07

Map 2012
Map is still on BMAA web forum too, here's one they prepared earlier!


IO540 12th Mar 2011 12:18

It sounds like somebody has screwed up their server. It happens. The bigger the organisation, the more likely it is that nobody is in charge of keeping tabs on the hosting :)

The CAA has also stopped dealing with emails. You get the auto-responder reply but no response thereafter.

cladosporangium 13th Mar 2011 13:41

No restriction on IFR traffic........

The aircraft that took-out the twin towers was VFR? :rolleyes:

Piltdown Man 13th Mar 2011 20:56

I detect the edict of person who has their finger fully on the pulse of aviation security. We can all rest easy now because no naughty person with evil intent will be allowed to fly over the Olympic site, because it will be illegal. I'm sure a stiff penalty will persuade the very hottest militant to behave. And if they do go flying, I'm sure they'll be intercepted and shot down by... Errm... Er? How do we actually enforce this?

Forcing the VIPs out of their helicopters and onto the roads is not a good security move.
It's an excellent move. Make the buggers use the Tube like every other poor sod. With any luck, a few will get mugged. And you'll have to excuse me for being a bit anti-Olympic. The whole thing stinks and the sooner its over and done with the better. It's piss poor value for money, incredible disruption, only benefits a few and yet again, I'll be paying for another bloody fiasco.


ShyTorque 13th Mar 2011 21:14

Not all VIPs are moving to and from the Olympics. Some have their normal jobs to go to!

fireflybob 14th Mar 2011 01:30

I would have thought all this attention to security for the Olympic games would be a perfect time for terrorists to launch an attack on one of the other large cities in UK!

mad_jock 14th Mar 2011 11:29

The cynic in me says that the olympics are just an excuse so that the restrictions can be put in place. They may be relaxed but won't be put back to they way things were.

From my limited dealings with SB on the subject of aviation there is quite a large feeling that they want more control or more information about what private flights are up to. They seem not to bothered about IFR airways flights because there is a record of what you have been up to. But they really don't like the fact that a private flight can fire up and dissappear without anyone knowing where they are going or who and what they have onboard and not talk to anyone.

We even had a very excited SB Sgt turn up with instrument plates they had found on a forgien reg private aircraft wanting to know what they were. He was quite shocked to find out you could download them off the web. He wanted to confiscate my Luchars, Conningsby,Valley,Kinloss, Lossie and Marham plates under the anti terrorism act because they were mil fields and air defense bases. He was quite put out when I said it would be fun in court because the RAF sells them to anyone that phones up with a credit card for 16 quid a set if you phone this number. I might add he did phone the number and wasn't very happy with what the lady at the other end said to him.

Sallyann1234 14th Mar 2011 12:09

Yes, the restrictions on GA area going to be a nuisance.
But the disruption to surface traffic, both private and public, is going to be appalling over the whole of central and east London. Plus the risk of terrorist action anywhere in the area.

The air restrictions won't affect me because I'm going to stay well clear of London for the entire period :ok:

IO540 14th Mar 2011 13:36

We even had a very excited SB Sgt turn up with instrument plates they had found on a forgien reg private aircraft wanting to know what they were. He was quite shocked to find out you could download them off the web. He wanted to confiscate my Luchars, Conningsby,Valley,Kinloss, Lossie and Marham plates under the anti terrorism act because they were mil fields and air defense bases. He was quite put out when I said it would be fun in court because the RAF sells them to anyone that phones up with a credit card for 16 quid a set if you phone this number. I might add he did phone the number and wasn't very happy with what the lady at the other end said to him.
Did you get his name or serial number?

Something like that ought to get elevated all the way to the top.

Mind you, most professions are self selecting on the primary personality traits, and the "control other people" professions show this most strongly :)

Torque Tonight 14th Mar 2011 13:46

they really don't like the fact that a private flight can fire up and dissappear without anyone knowing where they are going or who and what they have onboard and not talk to anyone.
and they're going to have to suck it up, because in a free country (which we certainly used to be) this information comes under the 'none of your goddam business' category. I'm sure they'd like 'flight plans' and 'special branch approvals' for yachts, speedboats, private cars, buses, Lambrettas, unicycles, rollerskates etc but the same applies.

mad_jock 14th Mar 2011 14:50

Nah it was sorted.

I am not suprised he was concerned really. You wouldn't really expect to have someone out of the blue to show you plans for the UK's mil QRA bases in a nice little printed book. And if you know jack about aviation......

They should maybe though have a central information point though so that they don't look complete tubes and they have a country wide policy on such matters. From what I can tell each force has its own policy with different levels of involvement and different interpretations of the act.

To be fair our local ones arn't a problem, if anything is suspicious they get informed, they come and have a chat occasionally all quite friendly and the way it should be really. There boss has proberly more experence than most of terrorists, comes across as a hard but fair copper who you would be advised not to take the wee out of. I have no complaints to be honest.

WorkingHard 14th Mar 2011 17:22

Mad Jock you might be amused by one here. Told we would arrive back at our own private strip at "about 1800hrs" I was informed "You must not land until I arrive". So I says 1) how will I know you have arrived? 2) if you are late what happens when I run out of fuel? etc etc. Up steps Sgt. who says to youngster "Go away and when you have learned we are here to serve, you may go outside once more" Well that was the gist of what he said anyway. Job done everyone happy

mad_jock 14th Mar 2011 18:36

Yes it did amuse.

MrAverage 14th Mar 2011 19:29

Mad Jock

Any chance of posting that number? I've been trying to find out how to get info/plates for Benson.

Actually, I'll take my compensation by repositioning the fleet there for the duration please Mr Cameron - FOC of course.

mad_jock 14th Mar 2011 19:47

Don't have the number with me but its No 1 AIDU RAF Northolt.

From a quick surf the general enquires number for Northolt is 020 8845 2300.

MrAverage 14th Mar 2011 22:31

Ta very muchly.

JOE-FBS 14th Mar 2011 22:41

Word about a proposed legal challenge and associated fighting fund here:


mad_jock 14th Mar 2011 22:46

You can't buy them as a one off they make you take the update service through the AIDU.

One of the lads got his off an Aerad subscription but its a bit of pot luck which set has which mil airfields.

They do them as separates.

AERAD Aerodrome Booklet : AERAD - Airplan Flight Equipment

And finally found a link https://www.aidu.mod.uk

BEagle 15th Mar 2011 09:39

See: https://www.aidu.mod.uk/Milflip/prod...launch_aip.htm and look under 'Aerodromes' - all details for Benson, including approach charts, are included.

mad_jock 15th Mar 2011 09:51

Bookmarked that link.

When did they go public again on the Mil AIP Beagle?

It was a bloody stupid and dangerous thing to do restricting it to try and earn some buttons in the grand scale of things

BEagle 15th Mar 2011 12:44

Not sure, m_j and I can't recall who gave me the link.

I think that it went public again after the oh-so secret squirrel low flying stuff was moved elsewhere.

AlanM 15th Mar 2011 17:37

From the BBC website:

"We are obviously very disappointed that the clock has suffered this technical issue," said a spokesman for the Swiss-based Swatch Group.

"The OMEGA London 2012 countdown clock was developed by our experts and fully tested ahead of the launch in Trafalgar Square," he added.
Should have bought British.

MrAverage 16th Mar 2011 20:46

Well done BEAgle, I think you saved me £16. (Except cost of printing 16 pages of Benson stuff)

Genghis the Engineer 22nd Mar 2011 17:01

Originally Posted by FlyingKiwi_73 (Post 6296221)
I'll be working on my black rubberised coating for the PA28 then....

Just a quick poll, what would happen if you entered this zone Squawking 1200 and bimbling along at 2000ft? would they intercept you? monitor your progress. I'm sure i can guess what the CAA would do to you.

VFR conspicuity code in the UK is 7000.

1200 is autonomous fighter operations in the UK (but VFR conspicuity in many other countries).

This has embarrassed the occasional pilot just back from doing their licence in the USA !


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